UUCM Monthly News

January 2023

We are a spiritual fellowship dedicated to building beloved community within and beyond our doors.

A Stable Faith by Rev. Shayna Appel

I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions. But someone introduced me to an idea a few years back and it has become part of my new year’s ritual. I was encouraged to pick a word for the year -- a word that is meaningful and that will, hopefully, help keep me focused on something important that I want to contemplate on or go deeper into.

Read the rest of the message. 

Message from the President's Desk

... (with apologies to John Lennon)

So this is Christmas,

and what have you done?

Another year over

and a new one just begun.

Our church year’s half over;

I hope you had fun

on Zoom or in person,

the old and the young.

And so it’s still COVID,

and what have we done?

Search Committee's searching,

a new future's just begun.

And Stewardship's coming

for me and for you.

The rich and the poor ones

will plan what we’ll do.

Let's lean into our mission 

and make the world right.

Create Social Justice

and stop all the fight.

A very Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year!

Let's make it a good one

without any fear.

Looking forward,

Scott Blanchard (president@uucm.org)

From the UUCM Board

The Board meets at 12:30pm in Emerson Hall, generally on the 3rd Sunday of the month (check the calendar). Zoom is used if attendees cannot attend in person.

  • Minutes of board meetings are posted here.
  • Agenda for the next Board meeting is linked from the Weekly Update the Friday before the meeting. 
  • If you wish to attend, please email board@uucm.org by end of day Saturday to let us know whether you will attend in person or via Zoom. Time will be set aside at the end of the business meeting for visitor comments on the agenda items that were discussed during the meeting.  

Weather Cancellations at UUCM

It’s Snowing – Are Sunday Services/Programming Canceled? If so, you can still participate via Zoom. To find out whether we will be meeting in church:

  • Call the Church at 603-673-1870. If in-person church is canceled, the answering machine will tell you.
  • Check the calendar on the website. The title will say ‘Worship Service (Online Only) due to Snow’
  • Check WMUR-TV (News 9) or http://www.wmur.com/weather/closings and look for “Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Milford” under the letter U.

Note that these closure notices apply to church services and programs only. It is up to group leaders, committee chairs, and renters to notify their people if a meeting is canceled.

Closings on Other Days:

If the office is closed, there will be a message on the answering machine. It is best to call ahead to ensure someone is in the office. For meetings or activities, check with the group leader.

Climate Action at UUCM >> Coming alive!

No thanks to COVID, Climate Action stalled at UUCM. But our success with the Upcycle Crafts table at the Holiday Fair was heart warming. We sold out the bibs, wind chimes, and bee houses, and 1/2 of the hats and scarves. So we are planning on creating more upcycle crafts for the 2023 fair. Some repeats and some new. If you have some interesting upcycle craft ideas, please contact Jane Mika or Dona Eaton, so we can start planning for 2023. We would love to have you work with us on this project!

>> Another way to Recycle: Clothing Swap in February!

As the seasons change, are you finding clothes in your closet you haven’t used in a few years -- still in good shape but just not to your liking? Well, you are not alone! A few years ago some UUCM folks held a successful clothing swap in Barnum. So successful that we will run another swap for clean, still fashionable, gently used clothing, and accessories (hats, scarves, purses, etc.) in Barnum on a Saturday in February. Swap participants may give away and/or swap items from another member’s table free of charge. If you do not have anything to donate, but want to acquire something, just make a cash donation. Cash donations and leftover goods will be donated to SHARE. So, you can clean out those closets, spend time with friends, and donate to a charity all in one afternoon. Details to follow in the February newsletter. Questions? Call Jane Mika

Ministerial Search - We Heard You!

As a result of the December 11 meeting, the Search Committee will be seeking a full-time contract minister to start in the fall of 2023. Your search team members are: Leslie Bennett, David Harris, Marti Kennedy, Josh Koehler, Dax Mattson, and Sandy Frades. 

You can contact them at: search-committee@uucm.org

Community Sing Along

Friday, Jan 13, 7pm in the Fireside Room

All are welcome to a singalong and jam session. Instrumentalists and voices of all sorts are welcome! Songbooks available, but feel free to bring ten copies of your favorite song lyrics (music or chords optional). Contact Amy Conley for details.

Adult Potluck Supper

Saturday, Jan 14, 5pm

Appetizers and wine at 5, followed by a potluck supper. A great chance for long time members to socialize with the newcomers who have been attending worship this year. Bring whatever food/beverage you'd like to share. The variety is always amazing! After dinner, Nancy Baker, docent at the Currier Museum, will offer a slide presentation on Food & Art.

Community Supper

Wednesday, Jan 18, 5:30pm

Since resuming these suppers in the fall, attendance is gradually increasing. The menu changes monthly, and we always offer a vegetarian option. Come join us for supper and take a night off from cooking. Questions? Or want to volunteer to help? Contact Nancy Danzinger.

Did you Know?

Thanks to customers shopping at smile.amazon.com or using the Amazon app with Amazon Smile turned ON, everyday purchases make an impact. So far, Amazon Smile has donated $661.98 to UUCM! This is a great way to support UUCM when you shop Amazon. To learn more, click here. If you still have questions, email Communications Team.

UUCM Services - 10:30 Sunday

In the sanctuary and on Zoom

The services this month will be based on the theme of 'Finding our Center.' Information on upcoming services is posted on the UUCM website and in the Weekly Update.

**On January 1 the church will be closed. Click here to see what the Worship Team is offering!

Sign Up to Help on Sunday

The Membership Committee (of 4) needs your help to A) Provide snacks for coffee hour, B) Do a little cleanup after coffee hour, and C) Pass the collection basket. Click here to Sign Up To Help or sign up on the whiteboard in Barnum.

UUCM Adult Ed: January 2023

Each program is presented twice at different times to accommodate different schedules. Watch for additional details and links in Weekly Updates, and join us!

Member Presentation: 2nd Tuesday (7 pm) and 2nd Wednesday (4 pm): In January, Sallly Sennott (Chair of the Racial Justice Task Force) will speak on Grassroots Indigenous Activism.

Surface of Mystery Winter series: 4th Tuesday (7 pm) and 4th Wednesday (4 pm): Nancy Baker will consider what five conditions we encounter in the world (aperion, innocence, fidelity, darkness and harmony) really mean by looking at explanations in philosophy, theology, mythology, and art history.

What in God's Name

"What in God's Name" is a podcast featuring Rev. Shayna and her good friend and colleague, Rev. Chris Owen. The weekly show runs about 20-25 minutes and explores current events through the lenses of theology and philosophy. Learn more or sign up to be notified about upcoming podcasts at Whatingods.com.

SHARE Continues to Need Your Support

This month, please purchase Toothbrushes & paste, Deodorants, Shampoo & Conditioner, Bar Soap, Feminine Hygiene Products, Diapers, and Wipes for the Food Pantry at SHARE. Leave items in the basket in Barnum Hall, or click to see where to drop off food donations.

To contact UUCM leadership:

  • Jamie, our administrator, has office hours Monday-Thursday from 8am-3pm. You can reach her at 603-673-1870 or at office@uucm.org. It's best to call ahead before coming to the church.
  • Rev. Shayna can be reached at minister@uucm.org or call 603-673-1870 x2. For time sensitive or urgent/emergent situations – text or call 802-579-6066.  
  • The UUCM Board can be reached at board@uucm.org.

For Pastoral Care Assistance in January: Contact Nancy Danzinger or office@uucm.org.

Newsletter deadlines: 

Where to Find:

  • Latest COVID update - Reopening UUCM
  • Directory & Committee Listings - You will find the newest directories here in the Members Resources section of the UUCM website.
  • Get Login or Website Help - commteam@uucm.org

Find it on UUCM.org

The easiest and quickest way to find information on our website is to use the Search feature. Enter a word or two into the search box located at the upper right on any page.

UUCM 603-673-1870 office@uucm.org

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