UUCM Monthly News
January 2025
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We are a spiritual fellowship dedicated to building beloved community
-- within and beyond our doors.
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Minister Musings by Rev. Julie Lombard
Happy New Year! May we warmly welcome our newest worship theme: living love through the Practice of Story. Patrick Rothfuss says about story: “It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.”
Laura Holloway, founder and chief of The Storyteller Agency believes that, “Storytelling is our obligation to the next generation. If all we are doing is marketing, we are doing a disservice, and not only to our profession, but to our children, and their children. Give something of meaning to your audience by inspiring, engaging, and educating them with story. Stop marketing. Start storytelling.” Yet the fantasy and science fiction writer, Brandon Sanderson, believes this about story: “The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.”
What is most incredible to me is the story of this church and those who gather here. Recently, all churches, including this one, were held in the controlling grip of a pandemic. It changed everything we did and it changed us in many ways. Over time, that story ended, the previous minister retired, tired by the entire ordeal, and I arrived as your minister.
I arrived, and this shared ministry was awakening to new realities. Not everyone returned and new folks were arriving. We learned about one another and about the stories that made us who we are and why we wanted to return.
In the month ahead, you will hear stories during worship. It brings me great hope that you will all want in on this as another sacred practice to explore all that is holy. On January 5th, we will hear from our newest member, Bob Thompson; on the 12th there’s wisdom from our Worship Team; on the 19th we have guest speakers lined up by our new Social Justice Team to honor MLK Day; and on the 26th we’ll hear from the Romeri family with a story we’ve been waiting to share. Please join us in January for all of these stories. Here, we make stories sacred as we build this beloved community.
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From the President's Desk
Dear fellow congregants,
Thanks to each of you for all you bring to our congregation. As I reflect on this year, almost passed, I am struck by how much I have learned about UU congregations and about service.
I used to think that to serve really meant more than “to take orders” as a servant might; that also serving might mean divining the intent of things, understanding more deeply the process and nature of things so that I could better help them thrive.
Now, after having been the president of our congregation for half a year, I think I am finding myself agreeing with the initial definition -- that I am doing my best to take orders as a servant should. The orders I take are from you, from our board, from our minister. They involve requiring me to think about how best to bring our congregation together, to identify more clearly the common ground to which we agreed when we signed our covenant in November, to seek opportunities -- meetings, services, events -- that would help all of us to discern a path through the various challenges we face. These challenges are not small: leaner budgets, increased appetite for social justice, sincere desires to create services that uplift us all, and the inevitable disagreements that accompany hard decisions. If these were easy decisions, we would have already decided them.
In the upcoming year, we will have several congregational meetings: to approve funds for improving our physical plant and keep us safe within it, to consider the service Rev. Julie has given us, and to figure out the best way forward with our current and future financial resources. I sincerely hope we can maintain our commitment to each other and to the beloved community that we, each of us, serve.
Michael Conley, UUCM President
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January's Worship Theme: The Practice of Story
It’s dangerous to tell yourself stories are tame. To treat them as something that lives only between the covers of a book. As something that can be easily kept on a shelf, taken down and put back up as we see fit. Stories are wilder than that. And more powerful. This month is all about remembering that power. Read more.
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January Worship Services
Sunday Services at 10:30 a.m. (in person and on Zoom). Details at uucm.org.
January 5 -- Observation
Rev. Julie Lombard and Bob Thompson
Patrick Rothfuss says about story: “It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.” Today we will look at story from three perspectives, first from our newest member, Bob Thompson, as he shares his unique perspective. Then we will turn to one another to tell our stories and practice listening, learning, and reflecting what we hear. And finally, you’ll hear a brief reflection from your minister about the sacred act of storytelling with each other. Join us to sing out praises for this journey together.
January 12 – Stories of Addiction and Recovery
John Bigl, the Worship Team, and Special Guests
Members of the Addiction Recovery Coalition of NH here in Milford will join us as we explore some stories of addiction and recovery in our community and the wider world. Addiction can and does touch many of our lives, and yet there is still a stigma around these disorders. We will explore how working to end the stigma of addiction is a practice in keeping with our Unitarian Universalist principles.
January 19 -- A Story of Equity & Justice
Rev. Julie Lombard, the Social Justice Team, & Friends
We know justice matters and we are grateful to celebrate this Martin Luther King Day holiday with you. UUCM's Social Justice team welcomes guest speakers Anthony Poore and Claire Holston to our pulpit to share their perspectives on the equity and justice work being done in NH. Hear their story and a special story for all ages told by Amy Conley featuring Amanda Gorman's children’s book titled Change Sings. Join us for worship meant to inspire us to live our values throughout the year.
January 26 -- Tikkun Olam, Romeri Style (Family Sunday)
Rev. Julie Lombard and the Romeri Family
Tikkun Olam is a Jewish concept referring to forms of action intended to improve the world. Today we have a mighty story about protecting transgender children. Niko Romeri believes it’s vital to represent the people who can’t voice their identity fully. This motivated his work in the ruling that helped trans students get the protection needed to come out to their families when they are ready (Doe v. Manchester School District, 2024 N.H.). His work was in response to the story of a mother who had inadvertently learned from their child’s teacher that their child used a different name and pronouns at school. Niko and his family are living out the values of Tikkun Olam. Join us as we hear Nico and Heather’s testimony about transformative acts of justice.
Help with Sunday Services
On Sundays, you are encouraged to participate in or help with various aspects of the service that we all enjoy. Sign up to be a Worship Reader, Garden Door greeter, bring Sunday snacks, help with Coffee Hour setup/cleanup, or pass the Collection Plate. Sign up here.
Candlelight Vespers & Soup
6pm on Wednesdays thru 3/5/2025
Join us to soothe your soul as we move into the darkness of the coming season with music, poetry, and prayer in our candlelit sanctuary at 6pm on Wednesday evenings followed by a simple meal of bread and soup (except on Community Supper nights). Rekindle your flame with a little help from your friends at UUCM during this darkest time of the year. Rev. Julie Lombard will lead this brief half-hour alternative worship series. Dinner will be waiting on the stovetop at 6:30pm, so please join us!
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Children and Youth Committee (CYC) News
Co-chairs Marti Kennedy & Julie Adl-Zarabi
There will be Children’s Circles on January 5, 12, and 26. January’s Family Sunday is January 19. We look forward to seeing you!
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January Adult Ed
What's New, with Nancy Baker
2nd Weds., Jan. 8 @ 4pm on Zoom
There’s a first time for everything. Some new ideas, inventions, songs, stories, or diet plans appear every year, and January is the time to celebrate our passion for improvement, resolve, and a fresh way of thinking about our sense of self in the world. Let’s adopt a “why not?” attitude as we look at the history of newness in cultural terms. Join us to explore how the new has always challenged us and made us grow and change as individuals and as participants in a culture. Questions? Contact Nancy Baker.
Join Zoom Meeting here. Meeting ID: 501 980 5748. Passcode: 257737
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The Surface of Mystery: The Alpha & the Omega: A Comparative Look at How Religious Traditions View Creation and the End of Human Time -- This month: Islam
3rd Weds., Jan. 22 @ 4pm on Zoom (and recorded)
In the 2nd program each month, Nancy Baker will look at one religious or spiritual tradition and explore its ideas about how the world began and how it will end through the lens of theology, philosophy, mythology, art, and literature. The work of Huston Smith will anchor the comparative theology. The traditions included will be: Primal religions, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Taoism, and Native American perspectives in that order. Sessions will be recorded (except for the chit-chat before and discussion after the presentation). Questions? Contact Nancy Baker.
Join Zoom Meeting here. Meeting ID: 501 980 5748. Passcode: 257737
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Lectio Divina at The Elms Center Dining Room
Tuesday, January 21, 2-3pm with Rev. Julie Lombard
This outreach Adult Education Program is a shared ministry in partnership with The Elms Center, 71 Elm St., Milford, NH. It is open to all who would like to learn with their beloved community and Rev. Julie.
Lectio Divina (Latin for "divine reading") is a traditional Benedictine practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with all that is holy and to increase the knowledge of a text. It does not treat these words as texts to be studied, but as the Living Spirit to live by. Any text may be considered sacred when it shares the values we are being asked to embody. Therefore, they may come from any divine source composed by humankind practicing the various world religions -- the Bible, the Koran, the Veda, poetry, or hymns/song.
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Women's Memoir Group Accepting New Members
The group has been on hiatus since June, and will resume in January. We meet at 4 PM on the first and third Sunday each month via Zoom to share our writings in a confidential, non-judgmental setting. We can write about anything that moves us, but a topic is always provided for inspiration. Because of the intimacy of the group, it will close to new members in February. For more information, please email Kristin Rounds.
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Leadership Circle
Sunday, January 5, 12-2pm in Emerson Hall
This winter’s Leadership Circle session will focus on Budgeting for Our Future. UUCM’s President, Treasurer, and minister will lead the circle through the process of submitting budgets for committee work, explain the budget planning process, give a stewardship update, and listen to what the various parts of our shared ministries are doing at this time of year. We hope that all committee chairs (or a representative) and Board members will attend. Please bring a brown bag lunch and your own beverage.
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Social Justice Meeting
Monday, Jan 20, 5:30-7pm in Emerson
The Social Justice Committee will meet Monday 1/20 from 5:30-7 pm. Meeting topics will include a discussion of the equity and justice work raised during the January 19th service being put on by SJC (please attend the service and the discussion being held right after) and how SJC can be involved, the Board's decision about UUCM taking on the Prom Store, progress on the April 5th Sustainability Fair, planning for Pride month, and beginning preparations for Juneteenth.
Anyone interested in being involved in social justice through UUCM is welcome and encouraged to attend. There will be a potluck for those attending in person. Please bring food to share as you are able. Please contact Lynn Lippitt if you plan to join us so we can plan for food and space. If you can't attend in person Join Zoom Meeting here. Meeting ID: 501 980 5748 Passcode: 257737
Thanks to UUCM's Tech Team for the conference phone that makes a hybrid meeting work! Future meetings will be held on the 3rd Monday of each month.
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UUCM Free Community Supper
Weds., Jan 15, 5:30-6:30pm
Connect with church friends and members of the community for supper! Tasty, healthy meals with a veggie option are being served. Questions? Or want to volunteer to help? Contact Nancy Danzinger.
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Thanks to All the Helpers!
We are thankful for all of you:
- Adult Programs – Tidbits & SGMs start back up.
- Board - for graciously hosting the monthly Coffee Talk.
- Pastoral Care Team - for supporting many members & friends.
- Choir - for working with & warmly welcoming our Music Director, Amy Conley.
- CDC - for the ongoing search for leaders.
- CYC - for planning a multigenerational Service on 12/22
- Community Supper volunteers - for feeding the hungry & offering needed fellowship.
- Crafters - for making this creative fellowship happen weekly.
- Holiday Fair - Thanks to Leslie & Crista for their leadership and working so well with fair volunteers.
- Justice - Thanks to Lynn Lippitt for stepping up to Chair.
- Staff - for all the support of one another in this shared ministry.
- Table Tennis - for bringing fun & fellowship every Monday & welcoming new faces.
- UUCM - Your continual love & care does not go unnoticed.
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SHARE Needs Your Support
Please help stock the Food Pantry at SHARE with condiments, cooking sauces & seasonings, cooking oil, pasta sauce, tomato sauce, tomato paste, canned diced tomatoes. Leave donations under the sign in Barnum Hall or click to see where to drop off food donations.
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Pastoral Care Assistance
A Pastoral Care request can be made by clicking on one of these highlighted links: Rev. Julie Lombard, Jamie (Congregational Administrator), or Nancy Danzinger (Pastoral Care Chairperson).
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Members - Get the Latest UUCM Directories
UUCM members: Click here for these directories:
Leadership Directory lists members of leadership and committees with contact information.
Church Directory lists all UUCM members & friends. An asterisk indicates those who have signed the Membership book.
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Contact Info for UUCM Personnel and Leadership:
Jamie, our administrator, has open office hours from 10am-2pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. To schedule an appointment, please call 603-673-1870 x1 or email office@uucm.org. On Wednesday and Friday, she works remotely and can be reached by email.
Rev. Julie is available by phone or by appointment Sun-Wed, and Thurs in emergencies. Call or text her at 603-724-0978. Email is the slowest way to connect with her, so do not use email to relay emergency info.
The UUCM Board can be reached at board@uucm.org.
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Where to Find:
Directory & Committee Listings - You will find the newest directories here under the Member Resources tab on the UUCM website.
Get login or website help - Send email to commteam@uucm.org.
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Find it on UUCM.org
The easiest and quickest way to find information on our website is to use the Search feature. Enter a word or two into the search box located at the upper right on any page.
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