UUCM Monthly News
June 2022
A Stable Faith
The annual General Assembly (GA) of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is held in a different city every year. This year it is scheduled for June 26 in Portland, OR. Thousands of UUs from around the world gather at GA to meet and greet one another, to study together, and to do the business of our denomination. Even though our regular church season will have given way to summer programming, we will stream the GA Sunday service starting at 12:30pm EDT on June 26, and have a discussion afterwards.
Read here to learn more about key votes to be taken.
In Faith,
Rev. Shayna
From the President
The last year has been highly challenging for our church leaders, our minister and our staff members. There have been many overwhelming moments when it wasn't clear how to move forward in a mindful, healthy, covenantal way together. There have been moments of sadness, shared and personal. There have been moments of sheer, unbridled joy and gratitude.
This year we finally felt safe enough to gather together in person in the Sanctuary, while we continued to improve upon our multi-platform worship services. Seeing the need for us all to have the chance to get acquainted with our new minister, the Board extended Rev. Shayna's contract for one more year. I hope every one of you takes advantage of this opportunity to get to know Rev. Shayna better, as well as getting reacquainted with each other and our rituals of community at UUCM. We can't wait to see you ALL in person. The Board and Rev. Shayna spent significant time discussing our updated Mission Statement, and ways to lead the congregation into stronger, purposeful action toward building beloved community within and beyond our doors.
June is a time of transitions. Spring turns to summer, the school year yields to summer vacation, and the end of the church year brings UUCM's Annual Meeting, where we gather as a congregation to vote on our budget and slate of leaders for the coming year. The Board will be transitioning, too. I will be stepping down from the Board, as will three at-large members. Your new leaders will need your patience, support, and energy as we all do the important work of finding the way to UUCM's future. The future of UUCM will not look like its past, and it shouldn't. The world has changed, and so we must adapt if we want UUCM to remain relevant in our wider community.
It has been a humbling, extraordinary privilege to serve as UUCM President during these unprecedented times, and the experience has changed my life. I will always be grateful for the trust you placed in me, and the wisdom you shared with me. I look forward to helping advance the work of the congregation in new, inspiring ways.
Blessed Be,
Marti Kennedy
From the UUCM Board
Minutes of the May 22nd board meeting here.
Join Sunday Worship in June
Our Soul Matters theme for the month of June is ‘Celebrating Blessings' -- and how appropriate is that as we prepare to celebrate another church year together! Read more about the theme.
June 5, Celebrating Blessings - An abbreviated service (about 30 minutes), followed immediately by our congregation’s Annual Meeting.
June 12, Sabbath Blessings - We’ll explore some of the many blessings a summer sabbath (a time of rest) can bring. Following the service, we'll have our annual picnic in the Shelley garden.
June 19 (9:30am), 2021-22 Worship Team Services in Review - We'll look back over the year at the best of the elements in the Worship Team services -- the ideas and themes that you liked, the music and visuals that gave services that extra zest.
June 26 (12:30pm), Sunday Morning Worship at GA – We will stream the service and have a discussion afterwards.
Attend in person at UUCM or on Zoom
Summer Services 2022
Worship will continue over the summer, keeping us fed spiritually and connected socially. You can join from wherever you are since these services will be on Zoom. Worship will be shorter and more participatory. It will be a mix of summer themes, discussion, and reflection. We anticipate some live-streamed Lyceum programs with discussion to follow, some Ted Talks, and some summer reflections about nature and the way we refresh ourselves over the summer break. There will again be four Vespers services in the evenings. Come be together, listen, chat, and enjoy the slower pace and deeper sense of being part of UUCM. Details to come in the July newsletter. Questions: Nancy Baker and Sandy Frades
Picnic in the Garden - June 12
In June each year, we celebrate with a picnic in the Shelley garden, next door. Weather permitting, we'll set up a potluck lunch under the trees right after the worship service. You are invited to bring ready-to-eat fare to share -- appetizers, salads, sandwiches, fruit, dessert. Beverages will be provided. Bring one of your collapsible chairs, too! For more information, contact Dona Eaton
"Rise Up Singing" Song Circle
Friday, June 10, 7-9pm
People who love to sing and/or play acoustic instruments for fun will meet outside, weather permitting, or in Barnum Hall. More information in the calendar.
Finance Committee News
URGENT! We need your pledge for next year in order to plan. Please send it to treasurer@uucm.org. Thank you!
Many thanks to all who led, helped with, or participated in our fundraisers this year!
- Many thanks to all who pledged this year!
- Many thanks to all who donated to our plate, the UUA Appeal, and other fundraisers!
We took more funds from the endowment than planned this year as part of the 6-Year Investment Plan. However, this plan will end when we close the books this year and we will not have spent the full $108,000 we voted on in 2018. We do not expect to take any more money from the endowment this year. Due to the success of this year’s fundraisers, we are in a better financial situation than expected.
This year, our expenses are less than planned and will continue to be so as long as we are partially shut down due to COVID-19. We expect to end the year with a surplus that can be used next year.
Finance Committee Happenings
- We welcomed new members Debbie Maloney and David Harris to the Finance Team. Jewel Griffin joined the committee during our budgeting process this year.
- Prepared a preliminary budget based on pledges completed plus a few recommended cuts.
- Continuing to monitor this year’s budget, including generating estimates to complete the year.
Rummage & Craft Sale Nets $3K for UUCM
More than 50 volunteers lent a hand one way or another with the sale – before, during, and after -- truly amazing for a congregation of our size. It took a village and we feel blessed! We are grateful and thank all who helped out, including:
- Holly Hornor & Linda Pellerin – Rummage sale leads
- Lisa Rothman & Sandy Frades – Craft sale leads
- Nancy Danzinger, Sharon Verrill, and Barbara Smith - Coordinators
Donate Food to SHARE in June
Please purchase and deliver Toothbrushes & paste, Deodorants, Shampoo & Conditioner, Bar Soap, Feminine Hygiene Products, Diapers, Wipes to SHARE this month. Click to see where to drop off donations.
To contact UUCM leadership:
Jamie, our administrator, is in the office Monday-Thursday from 8:30am-2:30pm. You can reach her at 603-673-1870 or at office@uucm.org.
Rev. Shayna can be reached at minister@uucm.org or call 603-673-1870 x2 For time sensitive or urgent/emergent situations – text or call 802-579-6066
The UUCM Board can be reached at board@uucm.org.
For Pastoral Care Assistance in June: Contact Nancy Danzinger or office@uucm.org
What in God's Name Podcast
Tune in each Thursday for this podcast with Rev. Shayna and Rev. Chris Owen that pushes back against the binaries of politics and economics to uncover the pearls found in theological and philosophical exploration of today's current events. Says Shayna, "We don't break the news. We break it down!" Each show runs about 20-25 minutes. To listen to previously released podcasts or to sign up to receive notices for new podcasts, click here.
Newsletter Schedule during the Summer
There will be two monthly newsletters.
- Late June - deadline is June 20th.
- Late August - deadline is August 20th.
- Submit to news@uucm.org
Weekly newsletters
UUCM 603-673-1870 office@uucm.org