Message from the President's Desk
NOTE: Guest contributor Amy Blanchard is ably filling in for Scott this month.
“If it’s not fun, don’t do it.” That’s what Rev. Shayna advised us at Ferry Beach last September. It’s what Scott touched upon in his first President’s letter of this church year. And it’s what we try to remind ourselves of everyday.
And now I’m reminding you.
Have you ever seen the 2021 movie “Yes Day”? In it, a frazzled mom and dad, who usually say “No” to their three kids, decide to take a day and just say “Yes!” to whatever they want (within ground rules). Whatever the kids want to do -- Yes! Whatever they want to wear (or have their parents wear) -- Yes! A day of adventure - Yes!
What a concept, right? Just going ahead and saying yes to everything. Turning away from your usual daily activities, going out, and living large. Or, not… I mean, the older we get, the less we tend to want to live a wild and crazy lifestyle. I know Scott would be thrilled to say Yes to a nice hike in the woods followed by a cold beer and a nap. And I’d say Yes to a day of crosswords, a good book, and tea. Just sayin’... But I digress…
What about you? What have you said No to lately? What if you said Yes instead? What would happen? And remember - if it’s not fun, don’t do it.
In this Stewardship season at UUCM, how can you say Yes and have fun in the process? Have you been asked to join a committee? Have you been asked to increase your donation? Have you been asked to step up in another way? Have you said, or at least thought to yourself, “No. Sorry. I just don’t have the time or resources. Surely someone else will do it instead. Maybe next time.”
And what about not only saying Yes, but deciding that you’re going to make it fun while you’re at it? As author Kimberly Debus said in the February 17 “Hold My Chalice” article found in the Weekly Update, parents don’t babysit their kids. Parents take care of their kids -- fun stuff or not -- because they’re their kids. And I think most parents would say their kids are not a burden to them, but a blessing. And a fun blessing at that. Despite all the work and cost, stress and obligations of parenthood, raising kids is fun! In the end, your kids are an extension of you. You want to show them that anything is possible. And it is. You just have to find a way to it that is interesting, fun, and that motivates you on toward success.
Likewise, UUCM isn’t your church. UUCM is you! Really, without you, the building at 20 Elm St. is just that -- a beautiful old building. It’s the people inside that make it what it is. Make it hum. Make it work. A real blessing and a happy place to be.
We are all full of possibility. We all need each other. We all want to show ourselves and the community that UUCM cares and is working toward a better world. How can we do that? Step up. Say “Yes!” Do things how you want to do them to make them fun and worthwhile for you. Shine your light. Make it your own. Be you. Be proud. Be UUCM.
Scott Blanchard (