UUCM Monthly News
May 2022
A Stable Faith
Moving forward together, helping others to succeed and working together absolutely requires some sacrifice, but as Michael Jordan points out, “Individual talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” And I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking the championship goal trumps the game goal every time! Recently, we’ve had a few up close and personal experiences of efforts that were cooperative, collaborative, and the results were nothing shy of miraculous! Read all of Rev. Shayna's May message here.

In Faith,
Rev. Shayna 
A Mission Statement to Affirm
Over the course of the last year the UUCM Board has been undertaking a deep dive into our congregation’s Mission Statement, and we have updated it to read as follows:

We are a spiritual fellowship committed to building beloved community within and beyond our doors.
At this year’s annual meeting on June 5th, the congregation will be asked to affirm it.

Some of you will no doubt wonder why the wider congregation was not asked for input in the creation of this Mission Statement. There are a number of reasons. 

For starters, the process of creating a Mission Statement by congregation is laborious, time consuming, and most often produces a statement that people become overly attached to, not because it’s a great Mission Statement, but because so much time and energy went into creating it! And, to be clear, Mission Statements should be refreshed every few years.

Another difficulty in having the congregation create a Mission Statement relates to confused agendas, and having people who do not currently serve on a committee fully understand what is needed now to guide the work.

But perhaps the most important reason for the Board to create the Mission Statement is because that statement is the Board’s primary navigation tool. Of course, the many committees here at UUCM should also be navigating their course based on the organization’s Mission Statement, but the primary function of a Board in any nonprofit is to prevent “mission drift.” In other words, the Board’s primary function is to keep us all on track. So, they will work most closely with the Mission Statement.

It is probably worth noting here that you have done this before. The current Mission Statement is one that was affirmed by the congregation at an annual meeting some time ago.

So, we’ll see you at the annual meeting after church on June 5th!

Rev. Shayna for the UUCM Board
A Message from Marti Kennedy, UUCM President
Spring has sprung at UUCM -- full of hope, promise, and renewed energy for building Beloved Community!
I am full of gratitude for the service of the Property Committee, the Stewardship Team, and all the volunteers.
Our Spring Clean Up -- the first in two years! -- was a day of reunion, joy, and shared love of our worship spaces, both inside and out. Many thanks go to Bethany Poulin and Barbara Smith for their organization and snacks, and to all who pitched in. We were so fortunate to have live(!) music and singing (with masks) provided by Amy Conley and Elise DeMichael as our soundtrack for this happy, happy day.
The following day was Stewardship Sunday, and we were thoroughly entertained by Stewardship Team members Jackie Davis, Jewel Griffin, and Rev. Shayna Appel, as they encouraged us with their sketch, "Let's Make It Real!" Thank you, as well, to Candy and Alan Shirey for their cinematography and narration skills! A special Thank You goes to Jamie Ferrier, our church administrator, who supported Rev. Shayna in creating the Stewardship Brochure you all received, and to Rev. Shayna for going above and beyond to make sure the brochures were sent out on time. Lastly, thank you to Michael Conley for hosting the virtual cottage meetings and encouraging us to share our vision and understanding of Beloved Community.
Of course, the day would not have been complete without our first potluck in two years! As usual, UUCM's many good cooks did not disappoint, and there were plenty of delicious offerings to choose from. It was so uplifting to sit with friends and share a meal and conversation, and the energy that flowed through the building was truly inspiring. It was boisterous. It was healing, and full of talk of what comes NEXT.
Finally, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who cleaned up the kitchen after all of this! Let's all get back into the good practice of helping out in the kitchen now and then.
Those of you who were not here, we missed you! Please keep up with all the happenings by reading the Weekly Update and monthly newsletters. We hope to see you soon at UUCM.
From the UUCM Board
Minutes of the April 24th board meeting here. Quarterly reports of UUCM committees provide a formal method of communication with the Board, and may be viewed here.
News from our Partner Church in Romania
Romania shares a 380-mile border with Ukraine, so as attacks on Ukraine unfolded and citizens were fleeing, there were concerns in Milford about whether there might be any impact on our friends. Fortunately, they are inland, far away from borders and fighting. For reference, they are 600 miles from Kyiv and 950 miles from Mariupol.
A note from Rev. Tamas Tofalvi, minister in Szentmihaly (Mihăileni in Romanian)
"As a European, I thought that we have learnt the lesson during the two world wars, but it seems we still haven’t. A cruel destruction is happening in our neighbourhood, but if I may say so, thank goodness it hasn’t reached us yet. And we really hope it never will. Here, where we live, in the inside areas of Romania, there are no refugees (we saw only some cars with Ukrainian license plates, probably passing through), but there are many refugees in the regions next to the border. It’s really difficult to accept the situation because it’s happening so close to us. And there is a natural fear in people. The biggest fear is mostly because of the livelihood. The prices went up because of the war, because of the price of the fuel (1 Liter is almost 2 dollars). We hope that not only we won’t get involved in it, but also the whole conflict will soon end in the near future."

UUA Update
On March 27th, the UUA hosted a zoom meeting for partnered churches, with about 35 attendees across the US. Rev. Shayna and Peggy Stokes attended for UUCM. At the time of that call, an estimated 300,000 Ukrainian refugees had entered Romania. (By April 10, NPR estimated 600,000.) Refugees are being met at the trains with food, blankets, and diapers. Refugee children tend to speak English, but the parents do not. At the time of the call, the church in Kolozsvár was housing 38 refugees in dorms at their theological university. Ukrainian refugees with Hungarian ties are more likely to head to Hungary rather than Transylvania or Romania.

Read more about the partner church, or contact Peggy Stokes.
Join Sunday Worship at 10:30am
Our Soul Matters Worship Theme for the month of May is ‘Nurturing Beauty.’ But not just any
beauty! This month we will be called to find the beauty that does more than decorate -- beauty
that demands, calls, sings and inspires! What is beauty saying to you?
Read more about Nurturing Beauty.
May 1 - Beauty in Nature
May 8 - ‘Ordinary’ Beauty
May 15 - The Beautiful Thing You Carry
May 22 - The Most Beautiful Thing
May 29 - Beauty in Music (Music Sunday)

Attend in person at UUCM or on Zoom
Coffee Hour Treats after Worship
Each Sunday following the service, we serve coffee, tea, and hot chocolate with tasty treats. Thanks to Linda Higgs, Carole Treen, Sue Durham, Linda Pellerin, Jane Mika, and Dona Eaton for their delicious offerings in April. Please contact Dona Eaton and offer to bring finger food during May and June.
Children & Youth Ice Cream Social!
Sunday, May 1
Come one, come all! We have missed you and are looking forward to seeing new and familiar faces. Join us for a May Day activity followed by an ice cream social! We’ll begin in the sanctuary for the first part of the service.
"Rise Up Singing" Song Circle
Friday, May 13, 7-9pm
People who love to sing and/or play acoustic instruments for fun will meet outside, weather permitting, or in Barnum Hall. More information in the calendar.
Rummage and Craft Sale
Saturday, May 14, 8:30am – 2pm
This fundraiser will be held indoors in Emerson Hall and the Fireside Room and outside in tents in front of the church. There will be many items donated by UUCM members and friends as well as handmade crafts. Contact Nancy Danzinger, Sharon Verrill, or Barbara Smith to offer help.
Memorial Service for Jan Woodman
Saturday, May 21 at 10am
A memorial service for Jan Woodman, our dear friend and UUCM member who died in January, will be held on Saturday, May 21, at UUCM. Interment at the cemetery will be held immediately following the service, and will be private.
Auction Update
The first ever UUCM online auction earned a whopping $8316. This will help the church finances greatly. Thanks to all who bid and bought during the last five days.
Finance Committee News
We took more money out of the endowment than planned this year as part of the 6-Year Investment Plan. However, this plan will end when we close the books this year and we will not have spent the full $108,000 we voted on in 2018.
This year, our expenses are less than planned and will continue to be so as long as we are partially shut down due to COVID-19 – but not enough to offset our losses in income (from both pledges and fundraising).
Finance Committee Happenings
  • Congregational financial discussions planned (May 15 & May 17).
  • Preliminary budget based on pledges is in process.
  • Continuing to monitor this year’s budget, including generating estimates to complete the year.
Congregational Gatherings to Review Next Year’s Budget
May 15 @ 12:30pm and May 17 @ 7:00pm
There will be two opportunities to review next year’s budget before the Annual Meeting. Based on the current results of the Stewardship Campaign, we need your help to set some priorities concerning where we spend our resources. Links to the meetings will be in the Weekly News closer to the event and in the online UUCM calendar. If you cannot attend either meeting, send an email to finance@uucm.org with any input you may have.
Adult Education in May
Topic: It's a Wipe
Wednesday, May 11 at 4pm
You probably use one every day and are glad you have it on your lap at the ready during meals. But the table napkin has had an intriguing history as both a communal and a personal accessory. In this session we’ll look at the face towelette or serviette and learn where it began, how it evolved, ways you can fold it, and why it has an impact on climate change these days. Bring a favorite napkin from your home accessories to share your own history with the table napkin.
The Surface of Mystery: an Adult Education series    
Topic: Eschatology: what happens at the end of time?
Tuesday, May 24th at 7pm /or/ Wednesday, May 25th at 4pm
Are we headed for the Big Crunch or the Big Freeze? Is the Apocalypse just around the corner? For centuries humans have been learning about the universe as they know it but wondering about how it is all going to end. This month we’ll look at a few scientific ideas and explore the various potential scenarios in linear religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and cyclic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism). We’ll look at the issue through philosophy, theology, mythology and art. If you are not currently signed up for this series but would like to attend this session, you are very welcome. The handout for discussion will be in the Weekly Update the week before the session along with the Zoom link. This is the final discussion in this winter/spring series. 
Golden Retirement Opportunity Workshops (GROW)
Thursday evenings at 7:30PM on ZOOM!
  • Come join our fun, friendly and free evening "how to" workshops hosted by UUCM member, hedge fund risk officer, private wealth coach, longevity researcher and enthusiastic health nut, Gordon Phillips.
  • All workshops will start promptly on time, so come early and get a good "seat."
  • Not just for UUCM members, so invite a friend!
The topic for May 12 is Inflation Nation: How to Defend Your Wallet, Your Budget and Your Life Savings Against Skyrocketing Inflation! Information about upcoming workshops here.
Donate Food to SHARE in May
Please purchase and deliver Toothbrushes & paste, Deodorants, Shampoo & Conditioner, Bar Soap, Feminine Hygiene Products, Diapers, Wipes to SHARE this month. Click to see where to drop off donations.
To contact UUCM leadership:
  • Jamie, our administrator, is in the office Monday-Thursday from 8:30am-2:30pm. You can reach her at 603-673-1870 or at office@uucm.org. Jamie is on vacation from May 12-19.
  • Rev. Shayna can be reached at minister@uucm.org or call 603-673-1870 x2 For time sensitive or urgent/emergent situations – text or call 802-579-6066  
  • The UUCM Board can be reached at board@uucm.org.
For Pastoral Care Assistance in May: Contact Karen Walsh or office@uucm.org
What in God's Name Podcast
Tune in each Thursday for this podcast with Rev. Shayna and Rev. Chris Owen that pushes back against the binaries of politics and economics to uncover the pearls found in theological and philosophical exploration of today's current events. Says Shayna, "We don't break the news. We break it down!" Each show runs about 20-25 minutes. To listen to previously released podcasts or to sign up to receive notices for new podcasts, click here.
Newsletter deadlines: 
Where to Find:
  • Latest COVID update - Reopening UUCM
  • Directory & Committee Listings - You will the find the newest directories here in the Members section of the UUCM website.
  • Can't Find It? - The easiest way to find something on the uucm.org website is to use the SEARCH feature.
  • Get Login or Website Help commteam@uucm.org