UUCM Monthly News
November 2020
November 2020 -- A Stable Faith

UU Ministers know that we need one another, and so we talk to one another…a lot! We have our professional association (UUMA), Facebook pages, identity sub-groups, professional gatherings and conferences. We know we need one another in the best of times and all the more so in the less-than-best of times, and so we talk.
Read Rev. Shayna's entire message.
Virtual Worship - Sundays at 10:30am
Read about November's theme - Healing
Description of services will be in the Weekly Update, posted online, and in the calendar.
UUCM Holiday Fair is ONLINE This Year!
The Holiday Fair is all online this year. We will be selling crafts, jewelry, clothing, household goods, things for youth/children, fresh wreaths and Christmas items. There are new items as well as familiar favorites. We will also be selling some of your favorite Holiday Fair foods (baked goods, candy, preserves, and soup). The sale starts on November 1st. Be on the lookout for a special email on November 1st with all the details for this important fundraiser.
A Message From the Board
It has been wonderful to see you all continuing to attend our virtual worship services! Many also attend other virtual gatherings during the week. As we enter the darker, colder time of year, it's even more important to stay connected with each other to offer companionship and support. PLEASE READ your Weekly and Monthly Newsletters, perhaps with your calendar nearby so you can note any gatherings you'd like to attend. You can also find out what's happening by clicking on the UUCM calendar.

It's official: the Northern New England District is dissolving, and becoming part of the New England Region of the UUA, as voted on by a majority of delegates at the virtual District meeting in September. You can subscribe to the New England Region monthly newsletter, which is chock full of news, information, and encouragement during these unprecedented times.

Thanks to all of you, for whether you know it or not, you fuel my resolve and inspire me to persist as we continue with our social distancing to keep each other safe and well. Blessed Be!

In Service,
Marti Kennedy, Board President
Update from Reopening Taskforce!
Upon recommendation of the Reopening taskforce and approval of the Board, UUCM is opening for meetings and rentals. We will be following a set of guidelines which assure that we provide a safe place for those who meet in our building. Read about Phase 3 of the Reopening plan.
Proposal from the Racial Justice Task Force
The Racial Justice Task Force (RJTF) proposes that UUCM fly a Black Lives Matter flag (in addition to the Rainbow flag). Cathy Goldwater presented the proposal to the Board and Rev. Shayna on Oct. 25. After some discussion, the Board unanimously approved the proposal. The next step is to present the proposal to UUCM members and friends during several online discussions. The first discussion will be immediately following the Sunday Service on November 15. For more information, contact Cathy Goldwater.
Finance Committee News
If we live to our plan, we will take less than permitted as part of our Endowment Standard Withdrawal. We may not need to take any of the Endowment Investment in Our Future monies (part of the 5-year plan to take $108,000 from our Endowment). Pledges are coming in ahead of schedule. At this time, we are in a good financial position to respond to whatever COVID-19 brings our way.
Finance Committee Happenings
·      Closing the books on 2019-20 is slow due to recutting some checks that were lost.· 
Stay connected! All meetings are being held on Zoom. Check the online calendar or Weekly Update for additional event details and Zoom links.
Monthly Events - Check the online calendar for Zoom links.
Reading for Change
Thursday, Nov 19 @ 7pm
“Why We’re Ready for Radical Change”, the Ware lecture given by Naomi Klein at the UUA 2020 General Assembly, will stimulate vital discussion relevant to our extraordinary times. Read the article online on in your copy of UU World (Fall 2020) Contact Cathy Goldwater for information. 
Weekly Events - Check the online calendar for Zoom links.
Virtual Coffee with Rev Shayna & UUCM Friends
Tuesdays @ 10:30am
What in God's Name
"What in God's Name" is a podcast featuring Rev. Shayna and her good friend and colleague, Rev. Chris Owen. The show runs about 20-25 minutes and explores current events through the lenses of theology and philosophy. There is a new show each Thursday. You can subscribe to get an email link to the latest show each week and you can listen to any show in the archive at their website: Whatingods.com.
Racial Justice Task Force
Thursdays @ 4-5pm
Discuss issues around racism/racial justice, share resources, and plan actions! Contact Cathy Goldwater for more information
For Pastoral Care Assistance in November: Contact Karen Walsh
Donate Food to SHARE
Please purchase and deliver Canned Fruit, Flour, Sugar, Boxed cake Mixes & Baking Supplies, Coffee & Tea, Juice, Granola to SHARE this month. Click to see where to drop off food.
Newsletter deadlines: 
Where to Find:
  • Latest COVID update - Reopening UUCM
  • Directory & Committee Listings - You will the find the newest directories here, in the Members section of the UUCM website.
  • Can't Find It? - The easiest way to find something on the uucm.org website is to use the SEARCH feature.
  • Get Login or Website Help commteam@uucm.org