UUCM Monthly News
October 2020
October 2020 -- A Stable Faith

With so much happening, (the election, the confrontation of racial injustice, a worldwide pandemic), it would be easy to miss the subtle transition we are in. But with the busy-ness of summer behind us, and despite all the craziness, a different pace is taking hold.

Read Rev. Shayna's entire message.
Virtual Worship - Sundays at 10:30am
Read about October's theme - DEEP LISTENING.
Children and youth can explore our October theme of Deep Listening by playing this game.
Description of services will be in the Weekly Update, posted online, and in the calendar.
A Pre-Halloween Party!
Saturday, October 24th 4-6pm
Come to Trombly's Farm in Milford (150 North River Road) for the corn maze, for the ice cream, for the farm animals, and most importantly, for a time to gather together safely! We'll be outdoors and able to keep a safe distance. There's plenty of room for the kids to run around and plenty of room for those of us less inclined to run around to sit and chat. Bring a chair, BRING YOURSELF! There will be precious few chances for us to gather once the weather changes so COME ONE, COME ALL!
CROP Hunger Walk
This year’s CROP Hunger Walk for Greater Nashua will take place during the entire month of October. 
  • Walk approximately 3.2 miles with your family group, a socially distanced group, or on your own. To register as a walker, click here. Contact Susan Deschenes to join team UUCM. 
  • Raise money by email and phone calls. To donate to support Susan, click here.
  • All walkers will receive a CROP Hunger Walk facemask. 
Please remember that local agencies, including SHARE, receive 25% of the funds raised in the walk. The need is bigger than ever, so let’s all walk to end hunger. 
A New Way to Help SHARE
Pre-pandemic, we used to drop our food donations for SHARE at the church -- but now their Food Pantry shelves are running low. We can help restock! When you are shopping, buy something from THIS LIST (Canned Ham, Canned Meats, Side Dishes (seasoned pasta mix, hamburger helper, etc.), Ravioli & Beefaroni).  Then contact Dona Eaton, who will collect your donation from your front porch (or wherever), and take UUCM donations to the SHARE office.
Small Group Ministry (SGM) - Deepen Your Connection to Other UUCMers
Small Groups typically consist of 8-12 people who meet for 2 hours twice a month to share what’s happening in their lives and reflect on a chosen topic for the meeting. Small groups are a great way to deepen your connection with others in the church. UUCM currently has three active groups – in Hollis, Milford, and Mont Vernon. Group members commit to meet for a period of time – usually for the church year. They often break for the summer, but this year, all three groups chose to keep their connections alive. If you are interested in joining a SGM, contact Rev. Shayna (minister@uucm.org). 
A Message From the Board
  • The Board meets every 4th Sunday of the month at 12:30 pm on Zoom. (Meetings are open to all unless we need to discuss certain topics.)
  • The Executive Board meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:30 pm on Zoom. (Meetings are closed.) 
  • If you have something to bring to the Board's attention, or if you want to attend a Board meeting, contact the Board at board@uucm.org or one of the Board members. (See the Leadership Directory on the website.)
The best way to know about everything that is happening in our UUCM community is to read the UUCM Weekly Updates and Monthly Newsletters for news, updates to the Reopening Plan, and opportunities to join online groups to stay connected. (Also check the calendar on the UUCM website.) 
Update from Reopening Taskforce!
Thanks to the 77 people who answered the survey! Many expressed cautious optimism and interest in opening UUCM for meetings and rentals, assuming precautions are strictly enforced. This is step 3 of our plan, which allows for small in-person gathering in the building and is in the process of being presented to the Board for their approval. We will have an update for you shortly. Read about steps 1 and 2.
Finance Committee News
If we live to our plan, we will take less than we are permitted as part of our Endowment Standard Withdrawal. The good news is that we may not need to take any of the Endowment Investment in Our Future monies (part of the 5-year plan to take $108,000 from our Endowment). Pledges are coming in ahead of schedule. At this time, we are in a good financial position to respond to whatever COVID-19 brings our way.
Work on the UUCM Virtual Holiday Fair has Started!
There will be a smaller Holiday Fair selling crafts, jewelry, wreaths, and food online. The sale will start on November 1st and last for a month, with pickup December 5/6. We have solicited specific donations and assistance, and are pleased with the positive response we have received. The main volunteer effort will be December 3-6 when teams of 2 in Barnum Hall (masked, physically distant, and for short shifts) will set up for customer pickup, and deliver purchases to customers who drive up and do not get out of their car. For more information, contact Dona Eaton or Sandy Frades.
Stay connected! All meetings are being held on Zoom. Check the online calendar or Weekly Update for additional event details and Zoom links.
Monthly Events - Check the online calendar for Zoom links.
Reading for Change
Thursday, Oct 22 @ 7pm
For October, we will be reading and talking about Trans Like Me by C N Lester. Lester tells their story in a way that's both fresh and captivating. The book includes a wealth of historical information about trans people through the history of the world. What does it mean to be trans in a world that was built for cis people? Contact: Cathy Goldwater
Also visit UUCM's interactive Reading for Change Facebook Group.
Weekly Events - Check the online calendar for Zoom links.
Virtual Coffee with Rev Shayna & UUCM Friends
Tuesdays @ 10:30am
What in God's Name
"What in God's Name" is a podcast featuring Rev. Shayna and her good friend and colleague, Rev. Chris Owen. The show runs about 20-25 minutes and explores current events through the lenses of theology and philosophy. There is a new show each Thursday. You can subscribe to get an email link to the latest show each week and you can listen to any show in the archive at their website: Whatingods.com.
Racial Justice Task Force
Thursdays @ 4-5pm
Discuss issues around racism/racial justice, share resources, and plan actions! Contact Cathy Goldwater for more information
For Pastoral Care Assistance: Contact Linda Higgs
Newsletter deadlines: 
Where to Find:
  • Latest COVID update - Reopening UUCM
  • Directory & Committee Listings - You will the find the newest directories here, in the Members section of the UUCM website.
  • Can't Find It? - The easiest way to find something on the uucm.org website is to use the SEARCH feature.
  • Get Login or Website Help commteam@uucm.org