UUCM Monthly News
September 2022
We are a spiritual fellowship dedicated to building beloved community within and beyond our doors.
Message from the President's Desk
Since joining UUCM when Ella was just starting kindergarten (and is now off at college!), we have looked forward to the tradition of starting our church year at Ferry Beach. It's been a vitally important place for us Blanchards, where we can unwind, exhale, and fully relax while the kids roam free. Safe, together. Saturdays there are one of my favorite days of the year. A sunrise walk (or run) on the beach, then worship in the grove. Team trivia after lunch, and a celebratory cocktail hour and talent show in the evening. All our meals together, and lots of games and conversation in between. Perfect.

Last year at Ferry Beach was the first time Rev. Shayna was able to lead in-person worship as our minister since joining us in the early days of the pandemic. For those in attendance, she finally had he opportunity to meet us, as individuals and as a whole, in a relaxed and beautiful setting. We all could begin to sense a return to what could be, what can be, what will be. We also sang around the campfire, ate s'mores, and drank plenty of coffee. It was lovely -- all of it.

But it’s not Ferry Beach itself that makes the time so special… It’s all of us, reconnecting after a summer away. Remembering what it is that brought us all together in the first place. Who we are, together, and what we are capable of accomplishing when we put our hearts, minds, and values to work. As one of the many parents among us, I know we’ve raised some great kids in our midst, and done a great many things to make the world a better place for them. And as the summer transitions into fall, a whole new world of opportunities opens up for all the kids, parents, and everyone. New possibilities, new adventures, motivations, and expectations to try new things. To try to do a little bit better than before. 

It’s time for homecoming. It’s time to reconnect -- with ourselves, with each other, and with the principles that brought us to UUCM in the first place. 

Please join me in restoring some vitality to our church and our community. Whether you start your church year at Ferry Beach, in Milford the following weekend, or online, I can’t wait to see you again. I can’t wait to see what we can all accomplish together.

Scott Blanchard (president@uucm.org)

UUCM Services - Time of Transition

9:30 Summer Services on Zoom only through Sept 11

Sept 4 - What’s in it for Me?

Sandy Frades & Nancy Baker

Our time is valuable. But how do we measure the value? Do we calculate it in the contents of a paycheck or in what we receive emotionally and spiritually as a return on time we’ve given to others?

This service will offer some insights on how we value what we have to give, and what makes for a rich life experience. Many of us offer time to UUCM. What do we recognize as the value to both ourselves and our community from giving rather than receiving? Let’s talk about it.

Sept 11 - Eucatastrophe: The Worst turns into the Better than Expected

Nancy Baker

In life as in literature we sometimes find ourselves in a situation that can only turn out badly. We begin to lose hope when, unexpectedly, things take a turn for the better that we perhaps don’t deserve. Life hands us a gift. It happens all the time in fairy tales, but in real life we call it being blessed with another chance. What happens to us after grace finds us?

10:30 Services Start September 18 - In person & on Zoom

Read about September's theme at Belonging.

Sept 18 - Our Traditional Ingathering Water Communion

Rev. Shayna Appel

Water is a precious resource. Water is sacred. Water is life. Bring a little water from a place that has special meaning for you (which can even be your home) as a symbol of that which makes all life possible, connecting us to each other and to all that is. We gather to co-mingle our waters and the gifts we each bring to celebrate the source of life and the sources of strength in the community we share.

Sept 25 - Who knows? Let yourself be surprised...

Rev. Shayna Appel

Two Events Not to Be Missed After the Sept 18 Service

Potluck Brunch

Immediately following the service, we'll reconnect with each other with a potluck brunch. Weather permitting, we'll be next door in the Shelley garden. Bring something delicious to share and your outdoor chair. Beverages provided. Sponsored by the Membership Committee. Contact Dona Eaton with any questions.

After Dessert: Taking the Pulse of the Congregation

The Committee on Ministry, whose job is to help us listen to ourselves well and respectfully, will host a congregational conversation after dessert. The idea is to give us a chance to get reacquainted after the pandemic and provide an opportunity to start thinking about where we are and what we want our congregation to look like over the next few years. We have a lot of planning to do as a church community, and this is a way to reconnect, renew our connection to each other, and begin to reassess our hopes as a congregation. It won’t be a long conversation, but it will be a meaningful one -- so please plan to join us!

We’ll also offer opportunities for conversation over Zoom and in the evening for those who can’t be at this first one. Watch the Weekly Update for dates and times for those. It’s time to gather up our sense of self and be a congregation that looks to our future while we celebrate being together again more in the manner we used to enjoy.

Reopening Taskforce Update
  • In-person worship is ‘mask optional’.
  • Masks are required for singing.
  • It is safe to resume activities such as coffee hour after worship, community suppers, committee meetings, etc. using the same guidelines as above.
UUCM Community Suppers Starting Again!
Once again UUCM will be hosting free Community Suppers on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, starting on Sept. 21. Dinner is served from 5-6:30. All are welcome. including YOU. Take a break from cooking and join us in building beloved community and getting reacquainted with friends and neighbors.

You are invited to join the pool of volunteers who help prepare and serve nutritious meals to the delight of our guests. Please contact Nancy Danzinger, UUCM Community Supper Coordinator, to learn more or join the pool.
Pumpkin Festival - 1st Fundraiser of the Year!
Building on last year's success, UUCM will again be selling Apple Crisp during the Pumpkin Festival (Oct 8/9) in our booth on the Community House Lawn (corner of Elm and Union Streets). We need your help to make this a success:
  • Bake a 9x12 apple crisp. Or bake more than one! A delicious recipe will be provided! We sold out last year and made $1013 for UUCM.
  • Offer to staff the booth for an hour or two.
Please contact Jane Mika or Dona Eaton to offer your help!

LAST CHANCE to Register for Ferry Beach (Sept 9-11)

Registration ends August 28th.

Click here for Ferry Beach information and registration.

Second Friday Song Circle - Sept 9

Or, as we call it on our Facebook page: Milford NH Rise Up Singing! 

https://www.facebook.com/MilfordRUS Sing with us in the Shelley Garden at church. Bring a chair, or grab one from inside the church basement hall. If it is rainy or too windy, we'll sing inside. We sing for a few hours. A water bottle is helpful. We have extra Rise Again Songbooks for you. Acoustic instruments welcome! Contact Amy for more info. Sandy LaFleur will be leading on Sept. 9.

Small Group Ministry (SGM) to Start New Sessions in October

Small Group Ministry (sometimes called Covenant Groups) is a lay-led group of about 8-10 people who typically meet twice monthly for 2 hours to share their lives and discuss meaningful topics with the opportunity for deeper spiritual exploration and search for meaning. SGM is a wonderful way to forge a deeper connection with members of the congregation. Every fall, people have the opportunity to sign up for a new group or recommit to the next year with their current group. The following groups currently welcome new members. Contact a group leader if you are interested. 

  • Linda Higgs & Linda Pellerin – Milford – 1st & 3rd Tues., 2-4pm
  • Nancy Baker – via Zoom – 1st & 3rd Tues., 4-6pm (Time negotiable)
  • David Harris – TBD (Maybe Mont Vernon, Zoom, or 50/50?) – 2nd & 4th Weds. eves 

What in God's Name

"What in God's Name" is a podcast featuring Rev. Shayna and her good friend and colleague, Rev. Chris Owen. The show runs about 20-25 minutes and explores current events through the lenses of theology and philosophy. Although they are taking a break, you can still access the podcasts at Whatingods.com.

To contact UUCM leadership:

  • Starting the week of September 12, Jamie, our administrator, will be in the office Monday-Thursday from 8am-3pm. You can reach her at 603-673-1870 or at office@uucm.org.
  • Rev. Shayna can be reached at minister@uucm.org or call 603-673-1870 x2. For time sensitive or urgent/emergent situations – text or call 802-579-6066.  
  • The UUCM Board can be reached at board@uucm.org.

For Pastoral Care Assistance in September: Contact Linda Higgs or office@uucm.org.

Donate Food to SHARE in September

Please purchase and deliver Pancake Mix & Syrup, Condiments, Cooking sauces & Seasonings, Cooking Oil, Jelly, Cold Cereal to SHARE this month. Click to see where to drop off donations.

Newsletter deadlines: 

Where to Find:

Find it on UUCM.org

The easiest and quickest way to find information on our website is to use the Search feature. Enter a word or two into the search box located on the upper right.

UUCM 603-673-1870 office@uucm.org
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