Unitarian Universalist

Church of the

North Hills

Nourish your spirit. Celebrate life. Cherish the connectedness of all things.
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Friday, February 9, 2024


Sunday - February 11, 2024

10:30 am (EDT)

The Promise & Practice

Rev. Lee Anne

As part of her commitment to ending racism and dismantling systems of oppression, Rev. Lee Anne offers an annual worship service in February that centers on the voices and the experiences of black Unitarian Universalists. Consider these questions: What truths might we hear, however difficult? What might we learn? How might these black UU leaders teach us to be better allies, better siblings in faith, and even better citizens in our community? Join us on Sunday to find out! There will be a short sharing opportunity as part of the service.

The Share the Plate recipient for February will be UU Justice PA (UUJPA). The mission of UUJPA is to pursue justice by voting, advocating, and making just public policies. Its vision is one where Unitarian Universalists in PA are aware of justice issues and are called to speak and take action. Our Systemic Change Team members attend the various Justice Teams including Gun Violence, Environmental Justice, Good Government, Criminal Justice Reform, Reproductive Justice, and Economic Justice. For more information.


Rev. Joan Sabatino from UUJusticePA will be featured in the service on February 18th. Come and learn how UUs across Pennsylvania can help preserve democracy in this important election year.

How to Donate to Share the Plate


Join us on Saturday, February 10 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm for UUCNH’s monthly Coffeehouse! 


In the past, we have had a wide assortment of singers, instrumentalists, songwriters, poets, improv comedians, storytellers, and more. We have a full karaoke setup for those who appreciate electronic assistance. 


The format is open-mic and if you have a talent you are willing to share, great! If not, we also really need and appreciate audience members! It's a great way to have some fun & and entertainment in a friendly room!


We hope to see you there!


Zoom with UUCNH Friends

This drop-in connection will be held every Tuesday at 3:30 - 4:30 pm and will be led by Michael Horwitz. Click the link above to join the Zoom meeting. Login is the same each week.


Vespers - with Reverend John Ballance

Join us for a Vespers service each Wednesday starting at 7:00 pm. The formal part of Vespers will end at 7:30, but the Zoom link will remain open until 8:00 so that participants who wish to remain longer can converse informally about what’s going on in their lives. Please join us (and invite others to join us as well) as we continue to nurture our bonds with one another.



Open for Registration through Sunday, February 25th

Would you like to deepen connections and strengthen relationships with fellow members of our congregation?  Please consider joining our UUCNH Covenant Groups.  

Sign-up form is also available on our website. The 2nd season of sessions will begin in March 2024.

If you are interested in being a Covenant Group Facilitator, please contact Kip Ruefle.


The Board of Trustees is currently seeking folks interested in helping our church community by getting our facilities rental program back up and running. This short-term task force will consult with UUA resources and other PA congregations to update our rental policies and make recommendations for resources needed. There is an increasing demand to rent our beautiful space, and we want to be able to offer this resource to our members and potentially to the community to provide additional income for the Church.  For more information, please send an email to the Board or reach out to any Board member.


Dear Ones,

At the congregation’s mid-year meeting, I asked you to name seven people that you trust to advise me in the continued formation of my ministry at UUCNH. A total of 70 people were named by the members present. Sixty percent were named three or more times and 15 percent were named more than 10 times. 

What this tells me is that you know each other well and that you trust each other. Your trust is not limited to just a few people within the congregation – it is broadly spread throughout. So, I hope that you will freely share your thoughts, impressions, observations, and advice with me as we continue to co-create the beloved community at UUCNH. 

Though I asked for the names of seven people, a natural break occurred after the top nine names. In alphabetical order, they are: 

Chuck Berry

Chris Hill

Michael Horwitz

Mary Ellen Johnson

Julie Kant

Kathy Ke

Susan Powers

Lynn Richards

Beth Zak

After consulting with the group to find out which among them were available to serve, I have appointed the following three people to the inaugural Minister’s Advisory Team: Mary Ellen Johnson, Julie Kant, and Susan Powers. 

I look forward to working with them and I am grateful for their willingness to serve. I thank all of you for participating in this nomination process. 


Rev. Lee Anne

P.S. You can access the current description of the Ministerial Advisory Team here.


New Name to reflect the many uses of our "Memorial" Garden


Going forward, we will refer to the area behind the church, uphill from the Hunger Garden, as the Celebration Garden. At the Mid-Year Congregational Meeting on January 21, Celebration Garden received the most votes. The Board approved the change on Feb. 5.

In addition, the projected low-profile Memorial Walls (one to the left and one to the right of the Garden entrance) will carry inscriptions continuing the celebration theme. The newly titled Celebration Garden Committee will next meet on Sunday, March 10, after church in the East Room. If you are interested in learning more about our work, please contact Julie Kant or Peggy Trevanion.


Can We Contact You?

There are a lot of exciting things happening at UUCNH and we want to make sure that you are up to date and informed. UUCNH uses a database called Breeze to keep in touch with our Members, Friends, and Visitors. But, if that information is not accurate, we may not be able to reach you. We would like to confirm: 

  • The spelling of your name;
  • Your mailing address; 
  • Your email; and
  • Your telephone number.

If you attend virtually or are adept at using Breeze, please make any corrections necessary and notify the Connections Team.

For the rest, we will have directories at church for you to review each Sunday throughout February. Please take a look at your entry. Mark it as okay if everything is accurate. If changes are required, please make them in the directory. If you can not make it to church, you may send your current contact information to the Connections Team.

Thank You,

The Connections Team


Check out the CER Newsletter. Here is just a small sampling.


  • Elementary Our Whole Lives Training - IN PERSON - Feb. 9-11, Wash. D.C.
  • Public Advocacy: Side with Love Monthly Mixer 2nd Monday 8 PM
  • UUA Legacy Giving Webinar - Sat. Feb. 10, 1-3 PM
  • Winter Institute is Back! - Feb. 16-19 at Salt Fork, Register by Feb. 11 
  • Public Advocacy: Side with Love Skill Up Training 3rd Sunday 4 PM
  • Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Meeting Feb 21st at 7 PM


  • CER Leadership Skill Ups - March is “What is Shared Ministry, Really?” - Tues. March 5
  • Canvass Clean Up Webinar - March 14 & April 25
  • General Assembly 2024 is all Virtual: Register before Mar. 15 for the best deal: $280. 

Highlighted Resources

                         And …MUCH MUCH More in the CER Newsletter!!



Bellwood Preschool's KidStuff Sale of infant and children's clothing (infant to size 14), toys, books, furnishings, and anything imaginable for kids will be held Friday, March 1st from 9 am-5 pm. Red penned tags are 50% off on Saturday, March 2nd from 9 am-12 pm. 


Join us as a seller for The Spring KidsStuff Sale. There is a $15 registration fee and sellers receive 60% of their total sales.


Not interested in selling? Bellwood is happy to accept any donations of gently used spring/summer children's items to sell. Donations will be accepted through February 23rd. 


Please email Bellwood with any questions. 

For More Info


A Sorrow from Mike Giazzoni: My wife was recently laid off with no advance notice from her job at UPMC and is very stressed about finding a new job.

Caren Franco shared her Sorrow: Please hold my father-in-law, John Franco, in your thoughts. After some downs, ups, and downs again with health and medical issues, he's now in hospice care. Also, please hold in your thoughts my mother-in-law, Jackie Franco as well. Thanks.

Note: There are times when you may not be able to share during service but want the Congregation to know what is on your heart. In that instance, just contact a member of the Lay Pastoral Care Team (LPCT) in person or submit your Joys & Sorrows electronically by clicking here. Once submitted, the form is sent to all LPCT members. (Chris Hill, Ruth Horwitz, Susan Powers, Lynn Richards, Lynne Herchenroether, Inga Burton-Smith). Please be sure to submit your item by NOON on Saturday at the latest, so we get it in time for Service. Also, LPCT emails are forward to all members of the team. We welcome your sharing and would be honored to carry forth your message.


UUCNH benefits from you buying Giant Eagle and/or Kuhn’s Gift Cards at no extra expense to you! Both stores donate $5 to UUCNH for every $100 of gift card value sold. 


Grocery cards are sold in Friendship Hall after the Sunday service. Fair Trade Equal Exchange Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate are always available from their usual display in Friendship Hall. Every grocery card seller is also an usher that week, so be patient and have a cup of coffee or snack until we get settled in to sell cards at the usual bench in Friendship Hall near the church office.

Here is our Grocery Card schedule:

  • Lindsay Scott - 1st Sunday
  • Joe Meier - 2nd Sunday
  • Michael Horwitz - 3rd Sunday
  •  Mary Ellen Johnson - 4th Sunday
  • Beth Zak - 5th Sunday as needed


Mother Earth and small-scale farmers benefit when you buy Fair Trade Equal Exchange Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate. They are always available from their usual display in Friendship Hall. For more information or bulk orders contact Chris Hill.

Thanks to everyone who continues to support these fundraisers.  


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UUCNH Policy for In-Person Gatherings

Check Allegheny County Transmission Levels

UU Church of the North Hills

2359 West Ingomar Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Phone: 412-366-0244

Rev. Lee Anne’s Work Schedule


Work Week: Tuesday – Sunday

Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00 - 6:00 by appointment

          Sunday 8:30 - 3:30 

Friday: Message Preparation

Monday: Sabbath

Rev. Lee Anne's Work Schedule Explained