Thursday, April 7, 2022
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"Stories of a Flawed Hero"

Rev. John Ames, guest speaker
Marilee Taussig, service leader
Sombarkin, vocalists
Phillip Dutton, accompanist

In-person & Zoom Worship Service

Sunday, April 10, 2022 | 10 am

Rev. John Ames joins us again and offers this glimpse of what he plans to share with us in his sermon: "The Christian holiday Palm Sunday falls on April 10 this year. The crowds in Jerusalem who hailed Jesus as King were comparing him to David. The stories about David show him not only as the idealized king of Israel, but also a man with great faults - which the historians and theologians didn't try to erase. The story of Bathsheba was preserved for a reason." 
So we can begin the worship service promptly at 10 am, please sign into Zoom (click here) by no later than 9:50 am.

Our system now allows for direct communication during the service, and anyone who has a "Joy" or "Concern" may express it verbally in-person or via Zoom. If you prefer these to be read by the service leader, or if not attending the service, please submit them in advance by emailing the UUCR office (click here) by 9 pm Saturday.
Upcoming Services
Sunday, April 17 — In-person & Zoom

"Lo, the Earth Awakes Again"

As we turn yet another corner on the pandemic, our Easter hymn "Lo, the Earth Awakes Again" takes on special meaning. It's a hymn about starting to turn toward celebration. Are we ready? This is likely a question the disciples were asking that first Easter morning. At our Easter service with Rev. Sue Browning we'll reflect on the lessons of readiness and celebration embedded in the Easter story.   

  • Rev. Sue Browning
  • Catherine Brooks, service leader
  • Karen Somerville & Jeff Davis, musicians
Newsletter Index
So You Don't Miss Anything!
  • This Week's Worship Service Information
  • Upcoming Worship Services Information
  • Newsletter Index
  • Helpful Links, Office Hours, Upcoming Events Calendar
  • Rev. Sue's Vacation Schedule
  • Help Needed — Coffee Hosts, Greeters
  • UUCR Auction — Deadline, Schedule, New Service Auction Items
  • Local News
  • Social Concerns/Social Justice Committee — ShoreRivers Special Collection, Sumner Hall Bus Trip Thank You
  • Leadership Development Committee
  • Pastoral Care and Connection Committee
  • Local Events
  • Birthdays
  • UUCR Contact Information
  • End of Reflections Notice at the VERY END
If you don't see "END of REFLECTIONS for April 7, 2022"
at the VERY END of this email, you're not seeing the entire email.
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Helpful Links
Upcoming Events
This Week's
Worship Service

Previous Worship Service Recordings

are available on the UUCR YouTube channel


UUCR Office Hours:
W - Sa, 8:30-10:30 am
Su, 8:30 am-noon
Closed, M & Tu
APR 8 | Donation Deadline
for Auction Entertainments, Excursions, Dinners, Services, Etc. (see details below)

APR 10 | UUCR Worship
In-person & Zoom
Rev. John Ames, guest speaker
Marilee Taussig, service leader
Sombarkin, vocalists
Philip Dutton, accompanist

APR 15 | Online Auction
Opens for Bidding

APR 17 | UUCR Worship
In-person & Zoom
Rev. Sue Browning
Catherine Brooks, service leader
Karen Somerville & Jeff Davis, musicians

APR 24 | UUCR Worship
In-person & Zoom
Kim Agee, guest speaker
Nancy Holland, service leader
Dick Durham, musician
If you know of another link or event that should be added, please contact
the UUCR office by email or phone 410-778-3440. Thanks!
Sue's Vacation (April 4 - 14)
Rev. Sue will be on vacation from April 4-14. She'll be reachable on her cell in case of an emergency. If you need something while she is gone and are unsure who can assist you, please email Darlene in the office. 

Coffee Hosts and Greeters are needed for our in-person Sunday services. There is a sign-up sheet on the white board, or contact Diane Shields ( for dates that you can be available, or for questions. 
UUCR Auction
Entertainments, Excursions, Dinners, Services, Etc.
this Friday, April 8

Please submit your donations as soon as possible to
Jane Hardy,, 410-639-7811.
Here’s our schedule

Today — Our online auction catalog is available for browsing and for bidder pre-registration. Check it out! The direct link is here UUCR_ AUCTION_2022 or also access it from our website here

Friday, April 8 — last day for submitting service auction donations (dinners, excursions, services, etc.) to

Friday, April 15, 7 am — Our online auction goes live! Start your bidding on any and all 70+ items, including original art, handicrafts, model boats, jewelry, household furnishings, and much more. 

Monday, April 25 - Wednesday, April 27 and Friday, April 29 — UUCR will close its doors so that we can set up our preview, cash and carry sale, and auction (see April 28 below). The auction committee is grateful for the many folks who have offered to help; contact Jane Hardy,, if you too would like to share your muscles and stamina. 

Thursday, April 28, 1 pm to 7 pm at UUCR  — A preview of our 70+ online items and a "Cash and Carry” sale of lower-priced objects. Incredible finds, including housewares, vintage walking sticks, art photographs, lawn ornaments, fabric, artwork, jewelry — so many treasures — will be arrayed on 2-for-$5, $5, $10, and $20 bargain tables, cash only. 

Saturday, April 30, 6 pm, at UUCR — Come at 6 to partake of refreshments while you look at our online treasures once more, and make final bids. Online bidding will close at 7 pm on April 30.  At 7:15 we will commence our Live Service Auction — see below for the latest offerings:
New Live Service Auction Items

One Full Afternoon of Garden Work – weeding, planting, pruning, etc.  Connie Schroth

Win this Beautiful Easy-to-Wear Scarf, handmade for you by Terry in your choice of color. Here’s a link to the array of wools available so you can imagine the finished product! Terry will make a second scarf is there is interest.  Terry Goldzier
Mid-summer Dinner Sampler – 6 pm, July 15, two days after the full “Buck Moon,” which relates to the abundance and ripeness of summer. Come enjoy local, farm fresh vegetables and fruits (cool cucumbers, vine-ripened tomatoes, colorful peppers, greens, melons and berries, and more), prepared every which way. Sweet and savory, hot and cold, includes appetizers, salads, main dishes, desserts, and libations. Mostly but not entirely vegetarian. 8 people are invited to my home to partake!  Lynn Geisert
Fun on the Miles River!  Join the Brownings for an informal gathering on the Miles. Spend the afternoon enjoying the water and kayaks followed by a BBQ dinner and, of course, brownies. Sunday, September 4, for up to 12 people.  Sue and Bill Browning
Lots of fun seems to be in store for us! Please mark your calendars for our auction events on April 28 and 30, and for our online auction, April 15 - 30.

Jane Hardy, Auction Committee,
UUFE Auction
UUFE hopes that your spring auction is a huge success! We have chosen to do our spring silent auction ONLINE and ask that members at UUCR check out the items up for bid and consider joining some of our fun events! The auction will be live from Thursday April 21st through Sunday April 24th and can be found at Just click on "2022 Auction" at the top of the page to find our items and links to the bidding. 

Many thanks – Lauren Harton
Newsletter continues. To view it to the end please Click here
Local News
CVMA Wraps Up MLK 2022
With the mailing of checks to four major charities in Kent County, the January 2022 celebration of Martin Luther King Day now bears the label “happily complete.”

The Chester Valley Ministers Association has sent out equal sums of $1,501.75 to:

  1. The Good Neighbor Fund, which aids residents with rental/mortgage, utility, medical and related emergencies;
  2. The Vincent Hynson Fund at Washington College, which grants partial scholarships to, at present, six students from Kent County;
  3. The Samaritan Group, organizers of an overnight shelter for homeless people during three winter months, and
  4. The Community Food Pantry, supplier of free groceries twice weekly from the hall of Christ United Methodist Church on South Mill Street, off High St.

Though this year’s MLK event was filmed and streamed via the Internet (thus “virtual”) for the second straight year, leaders called it a success on several fronts. CVMA President Penni Walker Doyle said the turn-out of speakers, talent, and the number of online viewers were “very satisfying considering the less personal circumstances.”

Though CVMA must view the event’s financial aspect, “It’s not mainly a fundraiser,” said MLK co-chair Carolyn Brooks. “It’s to honor Dr. King and his impact on the area.”

Apparently, the Kent and Northern Queen Anne area is working toward at least one goal from Dr. King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. The civil rights icon said he looked forward to the day “when all people will be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.” The MLK Committee
located 12 local people of color who held paid positions once occupied only by white people. Mainly in their 20s and 30s, the honorees were dubbed Trailblazers for their accomplishments in government, private business, and non-profits. They spoke on videotape, still available on the CVMA website, of faith in
themselves, persistence, and gratefulness to family and mentors.

See the CVMA website

Linda G. Weimer
Social Concerns/Social Justice Committee
Outreach Collection for April
Our April collection is for ShoreRivers, a local non-profit 501(c)3 organization, whose mission is to protect and restore Eastern Shore waterways through science-based advocacy, restoration, and education.

Their "statement of inclusion" recognizes that access to healthy waterways fuels environmental stewardship, and that inclusion of diverse communities is essential to long term success.
We would like to "sponsor" a testing site on the Chester River, in the Crumpton area, if we can collect $640.

Contribute by sending a check to the church office, made out to UUCR specifying "Shore Rivers" in the memo line; or donate online at the church website using the "Donate" button (click here) and "Custom Amount," specifying "”Shore Rivers” Outreach Collection" in the comment section. Any questions, please contact Diane Shields at or 410-490-0492
Please make your donation by April 30, 2022.
Thanks to the incredible and continuing generosity of our Members and Friends, we have raised an impressive $2718 through our March Outreach Collection to support Sumner Hall's civil rights bus tour this summer.  This collection will provide at least three scholarships for young people to participate in this educational tour.  Thanks to all who contributed! Social Concerns Social Justice Committee
Leadership Development Committee
You Can Do Anything

There are times when individuals can kind of get in a rut. Doing something new or different seems a little risky. People like to "stay in their lane,"
thinking that doing something they know they are proficient at is best. But what about those tangential activities that could use your skills, but are a little left of center? For example, someone who is a good cook is also a good organizer or planner. Accountants typically can see through a lot of information to get to the bottom line. Gardeners usually can fix things. All
three examples are fundamentally leadership models.

What is your favorite thing to do or your vocation? What are the building blocks to accomplishing those activities? Do any come to mind that our church might need? Our community is the safest place to try contributing on a committee you may not know a lot about but would like to learn more about.

The LDC is looking for individuals with a love of this community and who are inspired by our faith. Over the next few weeks, the LDC, namely Amy, Diane, & MQ, will be contacting people to see if they are willing to commit to serving in one capacity or another.

We’re looking for individuals who would like to contribute to the community in the roles of Vice President, Board members, and chair of the Building & Grounds Committee.

Unitarian Universalism is a faith of doers, people who find their own path, in concert with each other. Would you like to join the movement?

Contact us, we’re here to help you find your path.

In faith, Amy, Diane, & M.Q.
Pastoral Care and Connection
You are encouraged to share your joys and sorrows with the UUCR Pastoral Associates (see below). This team is a mixed group — but all have had previous life experiences and a variety of professional training in counseling and philosophy. Please contact one, or several of us, if you “want to talk.”

Pastoral Care Associates: Kevin Brien,
Gayle Folger, Nancy Holland, and Vida Morley
-6 - Stan Salett
-7 - Tom Tontarski
-9 - John Ramsey
13 - Amy Warner
16 - Connie Schroth
17 - Jim Lavin
22 - Elisabeth Tully
30 - Kim Agee
We want to help celebrate your birthday! If we didn't include your birthday, please contact the UUCR office by email (click here).
Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River 914 Gateway Drive | Chestertown, MD | 21620
Phone: 410-778-3440
Office hours: W - Sa, 8:30-10:30 am |
Su, 8:30 am-noon | Closed, M & Tu
END of REFLECTIONS for April 7, 2022