"About Patience ..."
Rev. Sue Browning
Jan Sprinkel, service leader
Joe Holt, musician
In-person & Zoom Worship Service
Sunday, March 6, 2022 | 10 am
Is patience a good thing? Is it ever right (and even necessary) to be impatient? What do the various faith traditions have to say on patience? At this service with Rev. Sue Browning we'll reflect on our understanding and practices around patience.
So we can begin the worship service promptly at 10 am, please sign into Zoom ( click here) by no later than 9:50 am.
If not attending the service either in person, or by Zoom, please submit "Joys and Concerns" and "Announcements" in advance by emailing them to the UUCR office ( click here) by 9 pm Saturday.
Sunday, March 13 — In-person & Zoom
"Resilient Waterways"
As Unitarian Universalists, stewardship of our planet is at the heart of our beliefs and practices. Water symbolizes our connection to each other, to the totality of Life and to our place on the planet (7th Principle). For this worship service, we will welcome Annie Richards, the Chester Riverkeeper, to our pulpit.
Annie spent her childhood along the Chester River, and has since held a lifelong love for the landscape, culture and community of the Chester River and the greater Eastern Shore. As the Chester Riverkeeper with ShoreRivers, she is dedicated to protecting and restoring the river's natural resources. A focus of ShoreRivers is resiliency in the face of climate change, and its intensifying effects on the health of our waterways and watershed communities. Annie will discuss the current effects of climate change, how to prepare for the future — and the importance of hope as we continue this work.
- Annie Richards, Chester Riverkeeper, guest speaker
- Annie Lavin, service leader
- Philip Dutton and Rebekah Hock, musicians
This Week's
Worship Service
Previous Worship Service Recordings
UUCR Office hours:
W - Sa, 8:30-10:30 am
Su, 8:30 am-noon
Closed, M & Tu
MAR 6 | UUCR Worship
In-person & Zoom
Rev. Sue Browning
Jan Sprinkel, service leader
Joe Holt, musician
MAR 6 & 27 | Gender
Education Sessions
In-person at UUFE
MAR 10 & 30 | Gender
Education Sessions
Zoom via UUFE
MAR 13 | UUCR Worship
In-person & Zoom
Annie Richards - Chester Riverkeeper, guest speaker
Annie Lavin, service leader
Philip Dutton and Rebekah Hock, musicians
MAR 19 | Precious Metals
Event (see details below)
MAR 20 | UUCR Worship
In-person & Zoom
Rev. Sue Browning
Catherine Brooks, service leader
Nevin Dawson, musician
MAR | 20 Vernal Equinox -
Sock Burning
If you know of another link or event that should be added, please contact
the UUCR office by email or phone 410-778-3440. Thanks!
— Ukraine's national flowers stand together.
These past few weeks our attention has been drawn to the crisis in Ukraine.
With today’s technology, the realities are front and center. We watch in horror as Russian leaders persist in this unprovoked attack. We watch as many flee and many stay. We watch those defending their country, as they can. We can imagine all are in fear. As stories come in, we hear too of some foreign students of color being treated with hostility at the borders, while white refugees pass easily through. And we hear of profound acts of compassion and kindness.
So many stories. So much pain. We stand in witness. We do what we can to call out the atrocities. We make humanitarian donations. We strive to be models for peaceful actions. We join our voices with the many others of those around the world calling for the end of violence. We commit to keep up the pressure for a peaceful resolution.
It matters to name and call out what is wrong. It matters to stand in active witness.
As we do so with Ukraine, we’re reminded of times we've missed opportunities to stand together, to call out atrocities and to stand for peace. We know war and violence prevail in many other areas of the world. As we lift our voices in solidarity with Ukrainians, we are called to also extend our hopes for peace to all facing unrest, to all refugees, and to all those who live in fear.
Holding Our Center in Trying Times
We're so grateful to everyone who has responded to the stewardship campaign. Rev. Sue, in her kick-off sermon, invited us to give a pledge that feels daring and bold, with gratitude for what has been, and paying it forward into the future. Your stewardship committee is standing by, eagerly awaiting your bold and daring pledge! Rev. Sue challenged us to carry UUCR into the future as a strong, resilient, open, and loving community.
If you want to know more about how we plan to use our shared resources, our own Jim Lavin has prepared a YouTube presentation about the budget, that can be accessed through the link in the email sent out on February 20.
With gratitude from your Stewardship Committee,
Jackie Mathwich, chair, 410-556-6703, Catherine Brooks, Joy Kim, and Peggy McKee.
Leadership Development Committee Update
We're Looking for a Few Good Humans!
The LDC is looking for individuals with a love of this community and who are inspired by our faith. Unitarian Universalism is a faith of doers, people who find their own path, in concert with each other.
Wouldn’t you like to join the movement? Contact us, we’re here to help you find your path.
In faith, Amy, Diane, & M.Q.
Social Concerns/Social Justice Committee
Exciting New Outreach Collection to Launch
this Sunday, March 6
Our own Philip Dutton will introduce our newest opportunity for your generous consideration. The James Taylor Justice Coalition of Sumner Hall and Minary's Dream Alliance are collaborating to sponsor a civil rights bus trip through the South this summer. Philip will provide some of the exciting details of the trip and we'll highlight this collection in the coming weeks through Reflections and on our website. On behalf of the Social Concerns Social Justice Committee we invite you to consider this opportunity to sponsor scholarships for this trip during the month of March.
Only two weeks to search your collectibles and misfits to donate to the
Precious Metals Event
on Saturday, March 19!
You may be wondering how you can help UUCR raise funds from silver, gold, and coins that you are ready to part with. We have secured the services of Dominic Costantino of Greenwich Coins in St. Michaels to appraise your items including sterling silver serving items, broken or incomplete jewelry sets, older coins (1964 or older), old watches, rings ... even gold or silver dental work. The church will receive cash for the full value of the appraised items. We encourage you to bring items that may be questionable and any items that are not accepted will be returned to you. There are flyers on the reception table in the lobby with more information about Greenwich Coins and Dominic welcomes calls.
If you want to donate any items prior to the event or have questions, Lynn Dollinger will be available at church on March 6 and Gerry Edwards will be there on March 13. You can also make an appointment to have them appraised during the event on Saturday, March 19 between 10 am – 3 pm. Please let one of us know if you want to schedule an appointment:
UUCR’s 2022 Auction — Saturday, April 30
Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 30! We hope to hold an in-person auction that night, depending upon how the COVID virus is behaving in Kent County. At the very least we will hold an online auction.
In the meantime, be thinking of items, or services, to contribute!
Our committee needs helpers, particularly those who are handy with a camera!
Please contact Jane Hardy at or 410-639-7811 if you have questions, or something you’d like to donate.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, March 20!
It's time again to mark the Vernal Equinox with that uniquely Chesapeake Bay tradition of "the burning of the socks." Time and place to be announced.
UU Ministry for Earth Events
Spring for Change: A Season of Sacred Activism is an invitation to embody the time from the Spring Equinox (March 20) through Biodiversity Sunday (May 22) as one of educational power, spiritual grounding and accountable action for climate justice.
From our Climate Convergence on World Water Day (March 22), to a course on Ecology as Scripture, from our Caucus forums to our Earth Day worship celebration (April 22), we are excited to journey with you in the months ahead!
Please click here to read the full spectrum of programming for Spring for Change: A Season of Sacred Activism. Be sure sure to download and share our program flier! We hope to see you at any, or all, of the upcoming events.
Rooted and Ready,
Aly Tharp (she/they) and Rev. Daniel Lawlor (he/him)
Co-Directors, UU Ministry for Earth
If you don't see "END of REFLECTIONS for March 3, 2022" at the very end of this email, you're not seeing the entire email. To view it to the end please Click here
Pastoral Care and Connection
You are encouraged to share your joys and sorrows with the UUCR Pastoral Associates (see below). This team is a mixed group — but all have had previous life experiences and a variety of professional training in counseling and philosophy. Please contact one, or several of us, if you “want to talk.”
Pastoral Care Associates: Kevin Brien,
Gayle Folger, Nancy Holland, and Vida Morley
14 - Neenah Newell
18 - Jackie Mathwich
30 - Jan Sprinkel
We want to help celebrate your birthday! If we didn't include your birthday, please contact the UUCR office by email (click here).
Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River 914 Gateway Drive | Chestertown, MD | 21620
Phone: 410-778-3440
Office hours: W - Sa, 8:30-10:30 am |
Su, 8:30 am-noon | Closed, M & Tu
END of REFLECTIONS for March 3, 2022