Thursday, November 11, 2021
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"The Creation Story of
Unitarian Universalism"

Karyn Marsh, guest speaker
Lynn Dolinger, service leader
Dick Durham, musician

In Person and Online
Worship Service

November 14, 2021 | 10 am

Numerous religions have creation stories that address not only the creation of Earth but also the founding of the faith tradition. For instance, Islam has the story of the Prophet Muhammed being directed by God to write the Qur'an, and the Mormon Church has the story of Joseph Smith meeting the Angel Moroni and receiving golden plates that contained the Book of Mormon. Even Christianity has the story of the founding of this faith in the Gospels, which entail the crucifixion of Jesus, and the Acts of the Apostles, which describes the early Jesus movement. What, however, is the creation story of Unitarian Universalism? In this service, Chaplain Karyn Bergmann Marsh will explore Unitarian Universalism’s founding stories.

About Our Guest Speaker

Karyn Bergmann Marsh, M.Div., serves as a chaplain resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD, and is an Affiliate Minister at Towson Unitarian Universalist Church (TUUC). Prior to her residency, Ms. Marsh served as a ministerial intern at All Souls Unitarian Church of Tulsa. She graduated from Starr King School for the Ministry in May 2020 and was granted a preliminary fellowship by the Unitarian Universalist Association in April 2021. Prior to answering the call of ministry, Ms. Marsh was an active lay leader of TUUC.

So we can begin the worship service promptly at 10 am, please arrive at the sanctuary (if attending in person) or sign into Zoom (click here) by no later than 9:50 am. Thanks!

Please submit "Joys and Concerns" in advance by emailing them to the UUCR office (click here) by 9 pm Saturday, share them in the Zoom chat, or for those at the service, they may be jotted down on notecards which are available on the table between the lounge and RE doors.
Helpful Links
Upcoming Events
This Week's
Worship Service

Previous Worship Service Recordings

are available on the UUCR YouTube channel


NOV 11 | Veteran's Day

NOV 14 | Worship Service
In Person and Online
Karyn Marsh, Guest Speaker
Lynn Dolinger, Service Leader
Dick Durham, Musician

NOV 19 - DEC 2 | "MISSION:
JOY"Online Movie Event
His Holiness the Dalai Lama & Archbishop Desmond Tutu
(see details below)

NOV 21 | Worship Service
In Person and Online
Rev. Sue Browning
Marilee Taussig, Service Leader
Gerry Werner, Musician

NOV 25 | Thanksgiving

NOV 28 | Worship Service
Online ONLY
Joint service with UUFE
Rev. Sue Browning
If you know of another link or event that should be added, please contact
the UUCR office by email or phone 410-778-3440. Thanks!
Upcoming Services
Sunday, November 21

  • Rev. Sue Browning
  • Marilee Taussig, service leader
  • Gerry Werner, musician

Sunday, November 28 Online ONLY

Joint Worship Service with UUFE

  • Rev. Sue Browning
If you don't see "END of REFLECTIONS for November 11, 2021" at the very end of this email, you're not seeing the entire email. To view it to the end please Click here
Guest Columnist
Larry Samuels
These comments were originally meant for Joys and Concerns during the service on November 7th, but I am instead submitting them for the Newsletter.
First, I wanted to acknowledge Barbara Parker’s performance at the November 7th service; I have heard her perform many times at Open Mic Night.
For those who may know me, I have served for the past thirteen years in various leadership positions on the Vestry with Shrewsbury Parish Church in Kennedyville, and my wife Peg, whom many of you may also know, is an Ordained Rev. Deacon serving at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Centreville and works at the Benedictine School in Ridgeley. We are also members of the Chester Valley Ministers Association (CVMA).
Although serving at Shrewsbury following my retirement from almost thirty years in facilities management, I have been known to many affectionately as a closet Unitarian. Simultaneously this past decade while at Shrewsbury, I have been invited to make several presentations on various topics to our local UU Church and I am formally trained as a facilitator for the OWL program, having presented this course with another UU facilitator to local middle school students. I have also attended several of those fabulous Friday night Potlucks - I am not a shrinking violet.
Along with other UU members, and other community supporters, I have had a sustained volunteer involvement in several organizations here on the Eastern Shore providing services for adults and youth (e.g., Crossroads Community, Bayside H.O.Y.A.S., Character Counts!, etc.) and racial equity awareness initiatives (e.g., Diversity Dialogue Group [DDG], NAACP, Social Action Committee for Racial Justice / Education Sub-committee, Legacy Day, etc.). I have been a substitute teacher for the past seven years throughout Kent and Queen Anne’s Counties at sixteen schools for grades pre-school through high school in general and special education. I am also a published author of four collections of short stories and essays illuminating the triumphs and regrets of relationships, the intensities of emotional uncertainties, and history.
Unfortunately, I was diagnosed last spring 2020 with Mesothelioma Lung Cancer when Covid closed the schools and our world collapsed. I didn’t serve four years in the U.S. Navy in Vietnam as an E5 Petty Officer operating and repairing shipboard high pressure steam boilers and working for three years at the Brooklyn Navy Yard for nothing.
The point of my submission is that I have been in various treatment programs, my family is very close, I am somewhat stable, but this disease has affected my mobility and breathing, impacting my attendance at live events and meetings. Thank goodness for Zoom! I have been able to stay connected electronically with so many of my activities. 
As the First Law of Thermodynamics states, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, just transformed. Moving forward spiritually and poetically, I know that I will drift across the earth as a wisp of memory, a shadow from another time. I will remain as an ember of energy, revealing the memories that will be sustained by others.
So, I hope my input here on Reflections will give a personal update and provide some thoughts from this marginal Unitarian.
Larry Samuels
Member Request
Larry and Connie Schroth are looking for a car to use for a month or so. She had an accident in mid-September and is not getting quick and helpful responses from the insurance people, the car repair guy, the supply chain. They estimate at least a 3 month delay.
The Sharing Box
There's a new wooden box, with this display, on the "Joys and Concerns" table in the foyer. "The Sharing Box" is a place to share all things related to UUCR and we'd really appreciate your input! There are several ways to submit your input — fill out a message at the box, bring something prewritten, send it by USPS, or email it to the UUCR office. Please note in your message that it is for "The Sharing Box" and all submissions will be deposited into the box. You can remain anonymous if you prefer.
Social Concerns/Social Justice Committee
Holiday Sharing
Kick-Off this Sunday
The SCSJ will launch our annual Holiday Sharing program this coming Sunday, November 14. We want to continue serving both Kent and Queen Anne's counties with the opportunity for gifts and donated funds that will be used to provide gift cards for families served by the Department of Human Services in both counties. Details will be forthcoming and you can always contact Lynn Dolinger if you have any questions.  

Thanks, Lynn
Leadership Development Committee
Your “No” is as Sacred as “Yes.”

As MQ, Diane, and I were first meeting to determine the LDC’s mission and goals for our committee, MQ said something that has stuck with me — a foundation of our mission must be that we accept that any person’s “no” is sacred. It took a little mental processing on my part to understand what that meant, but I’ve come to realize that there is a multitude of reasons anyone can say “no” to a request to serve on a committee, take a leadership role, or help out with a task at church. And that we as a committee must hold that prerogative as a sacred and respected right.

As I’ve been making calls to members and friends about leadership and committee roles these last few months, I must say that I’m delighted when I hear “yes,” because I know that this person is willing to take on a task or make a commitment that will meet a need UUCR has right now. Truthfully, I’m also a bit relieved to fill a spot! Considering the LDC’s mission more deeply, we hope that with each new role taken on, that person’s connection to others in the church will be strengthened and their spiritual connection to UUCR will deepen as well. However, at the same time, I’ve heard some “no’s,” and as I listen I remember, “Your no is as sacred as yes,” and I know that the “no” does not diminish in any way that person’s cherished presence in our beloved community.

Amy Warner
Pastoral Care and Connection
You are encouraged to share your joys and sorrows with the UUCR Pastoral Associates (see below). This team is a mixed group — but all have had previous life experiences and a variety of professional training in counseling and philosophy. Please contact one, or several of us, if you “want to talk.”

For your information, The Washington Post of November 9, 2020, had an interesting article (link here) on coping with love and loss by Zibby Owens entitled — "After losing two loved ones to covid-19, I turned to books. Here are 15 titles that helped me cope." Included in the list is Where the Light Enters: Building a Family, Discovering Myself by our First Lady Jill Biden. Another book Vida feels is worth examining (not on the list) is by UUCR member Marilee Taussig entitled — Old Enough: Making the Years Between 50 and 75 the Best Chapter of Your Life.

Pastoral Care Associates: Kevin Brien,
Gayle Folger, Nancy Holland, and Vida Morley
Online Events
Interfaith Power & Light network has been offered a unique opportunity to be among the first to share the new film, Mission: JOY. And we’d like to offer this inspiring film to you as a small token of our gratitude for your steadfast support of Interfaith Power & Light. You are the heart of the network and we appreciate you!
Deeply moving and laugh-out-loud funny, Mission: JOY is a documentary with unprecedented access to the unlikely friendship of two international icons who transcend religion: His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu. In their final joint mission, these self-described mischievous brothers give a master class in how to create joy in a world that was never easy for them. They offer neuroscience-backed wisdom to help each of us live with more joy, despite circumstances.
Inspired by the New York Times bestseller The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing Worldthe film showcases the exchange between these two Nobel Peace Prize winners that led to that book.

Consisting largely of never-before-seen footage shot over five days at the Dalai Lama’s residence in Dharamsala, the film invites viewers to join these luminaries behind the scenes as they recount stories from their lives, each having lived through periods of incredible difficulty and strife. With genuine affection, mutual respect and a healthy dose of teasing, these unlikely friends impart lessons gleaned from lived experience, ancient traditions, and the latest cutting-edge science regarding how to live with joy in the face of all of life’s challenges from the extraordinary to the mundane. Mission: Joy is an antidote for the times.
To register for the film and watch the trailer

The film will be available for free online viewing
at home with family and friends,
November 19 – December 2.

🔽 For information about the Mission Joy Project 🔽

*6 - Carl Gallegos
13 - Rev. Sue Browning
18 - Jan Brandon
20 - Tim Ford
21 - Sara Warner
24 - Diane Shields
We want to help celebrate your birthday! If we didn't include your birthday, please contact the UUCR office by email (click here).
Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River 914 Gateway Drive | Chestertown, MD | 21620
Phone: 410-778-3440
END of REFLECTIONS for November 11, 2021