Thursday, September 16, 2021
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"We Begin Again - Our Ingathering and Water Communion Service"

Rev. Sue Browning

In Person and Online
Worship Service

September 19, 2021
10 am

Join us for our annual Water Communion ceremony as we officially launch the church year. What happens when we allow the threads of our lives to be woven together? What new ways of seeing the world are possible when we bring our many perspectives together? At this service led by Rev. Sue Browning we'll consider the question, "What will make this coming year at UUCR unique?" The service will include special music played by Nevin Dawson.

What is Water Communion?
How Can We All Participate this Sunday? 

Like many UU congregations, we begin the year by using water to symbolize the blending of our lives. In a slight modification of our tradition (aah, Covid), this year everyone who is attending in person is invited to bring a small amount of water from home, or a special location. As you enter the sanctuary you'll have an opportunity to add your water to the shared bowl of water. We'll also have small cups of water to add if you don't bring your own. Attending the service on Zoom? There will be a time during the morning where we'll add your water (virtually) to the bowl. Once all the water is combined, we'll have a ceremony to bless the start of the year. 

So we can begin the worship service promptly at 10 am, please arrive at the sanctuary (if attending in person) or sign into Zoom (click here) by no later than 9:50 am. Thanks!
Helpful Links
Upcoming Events
Sep 26 | Worship Service
In Person and Online
(see details below)

Oct 1 - 3 | Friends of KCPL
Book Sale
(see details below)

Oct 3 | Worship Service
In Person and Online
Rev. Sue Browning

Oct 9 | Back in the Day
(see details below)
If you know of another link or event that should be added, please contact
the UUCR office by email or phone 410-778-3440. Thanks!
Upcoming Services
Sunday, September 26

"Windows Opened by Our Principles"

Join Service Leader Vida Morley and others to consider the challenges of staying true to our principles.

  • In Person and Online
  • Vida Morley, Service Leader
  • Philip Dutton, Musician
If you don't see "END of REFLECTIONS for September 16, 2021" at the very end of this email, you're not seeing the entire email . To view it to the end please Click here
Please help give a warm welcome to our newest members: Peggy McKee who signed the Membership Book on August 26, and Terry Goldzier who signed on September 12.
Sunday Hybrid Services Notes

September 12

In Person — 25

Zoom Online — 15

Please remember that with current Covid guidelines,
sanctuary seating is limited to 30
and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
REMINDER: No Children's Programs or Childcare at UUCR
In the interest of safety during this time of high COVID transmission, UUCR is not offering any children's programs or childcare on Sunday mornings. Please keep that in mind if grandchildren are visiting. If you know of a family who has expressed interest in UUCR, please refer them to Pat Bjorke, 410-708-9482 or so we can consider whether we could do small gatherings of families at a different time.
Please submit "Joys and Concerns" in advance by emailing them to the UUCR office (click here) by 9 pm Saturday, share them in the Zoom chat, or for those at the service, they may be jotted down on notecards which are available on the table between the lounge and RE doors (look for the sign above).

For those attending the service in person, no collection plates will be passed among members. For offerings and pledge payments, a collection basket has been placed on the left corner of the check-in table in the foyer for your convenience (look for the sign above).

For those attending the service by Zoom online, pledge payments and offerings can be sent by check (please specify which they are for) to the UUCR office or offerings can be made through the "Donate Button" on the UUCR website (click here). Please do not use the "Donate Button" for pledge payments.
Social Concerns Social Justice Committee
The Social Concerns Social Justice Committee will be meeting via Zoom on Friday, September 17, at 10 am. We will be discussing issues that we can address in our community. It's a new church year and we welcome new participants ... and new ideas! Please contact Lynn Dolinger if you'd like to participate. or 215-872-5773.  

Leadership Development Committee
Life’s Boundaries

Does it seem like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? Are you often pulled in several directions, juggling priorities and demands? Or does your life feel balanced? Most people in today’s world might say they feel overwhelmed, which suggests they feel out of balance.

Yet the often-mentioned concept of life “balance” isn’t particularly constructive. The balance metaphor just isn’t very helpful or realistic.

People have different styles in how they manage the boundaries in their life activities. Many of us don’t really feel balanced, and the idea of trying to attain “balance” just isn’t helpful. We stress and struggle to live up to an image of doing it all, and in just the right amounts.

But if we think more about spiritual work and how it blends life boundaries, more options can open up — both for individuals and for communities like UUCR.

The more control a person has over where, how, and when they contribute to an organization and how they manage other responsibilities, the easier it is for them to fit the different pieces of life together. Greater control leads to a feeling of more autonomy, security, and spirituality, as well.

What does this mean for how you approach the issue of balance in UUCR? The concept of boundaries can reframe the conversation members have with one another, the leadership of the church, and with their families.

If you don’t have the time or energy to run a committee, or even be a member of a committee, for this community, only you can know. Yet, our “charge” as a newly invigorated committee is to ask everyone what they can do to serve — in some way, small or large — UUCR this year, in the hope that we are building confident, supported leaders now and in the years to come. Please think deeply about what time and energy you DO have for service to UUCR.

 When we ask, think of your boundaries and what you might be able to do … that will nurture your own spirituality.

The Leadership Development Committee
M.Q. Riding, Diane Shields, and Amy Warner

You are welcome to contact us with any
and all ideas to contribute to UUCR.
Local Events
Friday, October 1 | 10 am - 8 pm
Saturday, October 2* | 10 am - 3 pm
Sunday, October 3** | 10 am - 3 pm

*Half price on Specials!
**$5 Box Sale! (bring your own "friendly" sized box.)

Cash or Check Only!
Proceeds from the sale benefit the Kent County Public Library.

Please plan to wear a mask if you are not vaccinated.

408 HIGH ST. | CHESTERTOWN, MD | 21620
Pastoral Care and Connection
We are here for you!  We will focus on staying directly connected with our members and friends, especially those who may need assistance or support. The caring teams from our congregation is staying in touch, but if you need to reach out, please be in touch with any of the contacts below to stay connected (and see additional contacts below for RE families).
Please know your congregation is here. We can help you find connections. Please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know what is helpful for you in this time. 

Rev. Sue Browning, and the Pastoral Care Associates: Kevin Brien,
Gayle Folger, Nancy Holland, and Vida Morley
or for more information, contact:
 UUCR office - phone: 410-778-3440 |


-8 - Linda Weimer
14 - Larry Schroth
16 - Mary Pritchard
We want to help celebrate your birthday! If we didn't include your birthday, please contact the UUCR office by email (click here).
Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River 914 Gateway Drive | Chestertown, MD | 21620
Phone: 410-778-3440
END of REFLECTIONS for September 16, 2021