January 9, 2025


Sunday, January 12, 2025 — 10 am

Weaving with the Fates Series—Part One:

"A Thread of Shimmering Darkness"

"Weaving with the Fates" a Three Part Series 

In ancient Greek mythology, three sisters—Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, together known as the Moirai— were said to weave the fates of all humanity. In this series, we will explore these myths from the perspective of our modern time, considering how we experience and create destiny for ourselves and our communities.

Part One: A Thread of Shimmering Darkness

Clotho, the spinner, was said to spin the fibers of being into a thread for each soul. As we embark on a new year and a new justice context, what threads will we spin?

  • Leika Lewis, Guest Speaker
  • Nancy Holland & Connie Schroth, Worship Leaders
  • Michael Casey, Musician
  • , Greeter
  • Elisabeth Tully, Coffee Host
  • Rev. Kathryn Adams & Fantaye Kehm, RE

Please CLICK HERE to join us via ZOOM.

This week's hymn numbers:

  • "Every Night and Every Morn" #17 (grey hymnal)
  • "Voice Still and Small" #391 (grey hymnal)


January 19 | "Our Life is but a Story" — In-person & Zoom

On the eve of the inauguration, I invite us to reflect on our life as a story... a story we are writing. As a congregation, community, and even a nation, the same is true. Our life is but a story... a story we are writing. Come, let us share our stories and weave them into the story of our community.

  • Rev. Kathryn Adams, Minister
  • Jan Sprinkel, Worship Leader
  • Michael Casey, Musician

January 26 | Weaving with the Fates Series—Part Two:

"When the Stars Align?" — In-person & Zoom

Lachesis, the allotter, measured the threads of life and wove them into the fabric of fate. If Lachesis still sits at her loom as the legends tell, what would the fabric of our time look like, and how can we weave the path we want to travel?

  • Leika Lewis, Guest Speaker
  • Kim Agee, Worship Leader
  • Michael Casey, Musician

February 2 | "The Value of Generosity" — In-person & Zoom

Our UU values offer us the opportunity to engage Generosity theologically. As we start our Stewardship campaign with the theme "Belonging Brings Hope." Our newly adopted UU Value of Generosity is "We cultivate a spirit of generosity and hope".

  • Rev. Kathryn Adams, Minister
  • Annie Lavin, Worship Leader
  • Michael Casey, Musician

February 9 | Weaving with the Fates Series—Part Three:

"Knowing the Time and Day" — In-person & Zoom

The myths say that Atropos, the third Moirai, was the sister who cut the threads of destiny at the end of a human’s appointed life. If we knew how long our thread would be, what—if anything—would we change? What about the threads of the things or systems we are woven within? Finally (pun intended!), what threads do we need to wield Fate’s shining scissors for?

  • Leika Lewis, Guest Speaker
  • Nancy Holland & Connie Schroth, Worship Leaders
  • Michael Casey, Musician

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  • This Week's Worship Service
  • Upcoming Worship Services
  • This Issue's Contents
  • Helpful Links, Office Hours, Upcoming Events Calendar
  • Minister's Column
  • Potluck at UUCR — Jan 17
  • Orientation to Unitarian Universalism & UUCR Session
  • Social Justice Cmte. Luncheon & Discussion — Jan 19
  • Help Fill the Empty Pages of UUCR's New Directory
  • UUCR Annual Fundraiser Auction — Mar 1
  • People's March in Chestertown — Jan 18
  • People's March in DC — Jan 18
  • Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast Celebration — Jan 20
  • Birthdays



Last week's recorded Zoom service

UUCR Office Hours

W, Sa, & Su — 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

M, Tu, Th, & F — CLOSED


JAN 12 | Worship Service —

Leika Lewis, Guest Speaker

JAN 17 | Potluck at UUCR

JAN 19 | Worship Service —

Rev. Kathryn Adams, Minister

JAN 19 | Social Justice Luncheon &

Discussion (after the service)

JAN 26 | Worship Service —

Leika Lewis, Guest Speaker

FEB 02 | Worship Service —

Rev. Kathryn Adams, Minister

FEB 02 | Pledge Drive Kick-off

Luncheon & Presentation

If you know of another link or event that should be added, please contact the UUCR office by email or phone 410-778-3440. Thanks!


Looking out at our winter wonderland over the past few days as the streets have filled with playing children, I have been reminded of the importance of fun and play by squeals of joy with sledding and building forts.

Our UU youth know this and helped build the Deep Fun curriculum for lifespan faith development. Recently, we have built on this to the UU Deeper Joy lifespan faith development. I love how these both honor that we never stop growing, learning, and can always access fun and joy.

Deep Fun -

Deeper Joy -


This month's potluck will be held at UUCR on Friday, January 17, beginning at 6 PM, and will be hosted by Joan & David Biehler. Come join us for good food and conversation. Please bring a dish to share and your appetite. If you can help with set-up or clean-up, please contact David. Your help will be greatly appreciated.


The Membership Committee would like to schedule an orientation session soon. If you would like to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and the workings of the church community of UUCR, or are considering joining as a member, please let Diane Shields (Membership Committee Chair) know that you are interested in attending. 410-490-0492


— JAN 19

Please plan to attend the Social Justice Committee's first after-service luncheon and discussion of the new year on Jan. 19th. The focus for this month's outreach is reproductive justice. The program will focus on the book The Turnaway Study, a year's-long research project by the demographer Diana Greene Foster, whose findings provide insight into the ways getting an abortion—or being denied one—affects a person's mental health and economic well-being. You may remember Rev. Kathryn facilitated a discussion about the book for several weeks in the fall. She and the participants in the book study will give a summary of the study and share their takeaways from their discussions about the book. 

The recipient of this month's outreach collection will be the Baltimore Abortion Fund, whom we've given to before. The Baltimore Abortion Fund (BAF) is a grassroots nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance and practical support to people who live in or travel to Maryland for abortion care. The offertory collection, except for pledges, will go to BAF on Jan. 19th. Please make checks out to UUCR and indicate that it's for BAF. In addition, you'll have until mid-February to donate through our website. 

Please join us as we discuss this timely issue that affects many people's lives, especially in light of the 2022 Dobbs decision.



It's time to update the photos and contact information in our UUCR Members and Friends Directory to share with our UUCR community. We especially want to invite our new attendees. We can make arrangements to take your photo at a Sunday service, or you can upload your own picture to our website HERE. If you have any questions, please contact John Ramsey or David Biehler.


Save the Date: Saturday, Mar 1, 6 PM at UUCR

2025 Live and Silent Auction Fundraiser

We need your donations! Please contact Jane Hardy at


March in solidarity with people across the U.S.

The future is OURS — fight for it!

March from Memorial Park to Wilmer Park

January 18, 2025 1 - 3 PM

Link to register to participate in the march and for more information:


Join us on Saturday, January 18th at 9:30 AM

on the corner of 15th St. NW and Constitution Ave NW

Link to register to meet-up with other UUs

to participate in the march:

Link from the national organizers that gives more information

on the purpose of the march:

Purchase Breakfast Tickets Here (required)



01 | Vida Morley

04 | Dianne Turpin

14 | Judy Graham

20 | Al Mathwich

22 | Clark Bjorke

We want to help celebrate your birthday!

If we didn't include your birthday, please contact the UUCR office by email

Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River

914 Gateway Drive | Chestertown, MD | 21620

Website: www.

Phone: 410-778-3440


Office Hours: W, Sa & Su — 8:30 am - 12:30 pm , Closed — M, T, Th, F

VERY END of REFLECTIONS for January 9, 2025