Wednesday, July 1, 7 p.m.: "Zoom In" to Talk About Combating Racism
Check in Every First Wednesday for Support and Feedback
on Our Individual Efforts to Make a Difference
During my sermon on Sunday, June 21, I encouraged each congregant to make one specific commitment to support ending racism. As I explained, I will host a Zoom call on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m., starting tonight (July 1), where we will be able check in with one another on our progress. The call will be brief, and will focus on encouragement and learning.
-Rev. Sue
If you have questions, please be in touch with Rev. Sue at
To join the Zoom Meeting tonight at 7 p.m. click
Sunday, July 5,
Zoom Summer Discussion,
Led by Pat Bjorke:
"How We Are Named"
“Hello, my name is ________.” Have you ever wondered who that person really is behind the little name tag?
Our names hold the essence of our being. They form our core identity. And yet – in all likelihood we did not choose our own name. In our culture, our names have been chosen by someone else (our parents); or added on (through marriage); or even edited or changed (immigration or gender transition.)
We will consider the questions: Who am I? What story does my name hold? What does it mean for me to say: “Hello, my name is…..?”
Join us by clicking the Zoom link
on Sunday, July 5 at
10 a.m. followed by coffee hour.
If you have a joy or sorrow for the July 5 service, please share it during the discussion or email the
UUCR office email
by Friday, July 3 at noon if you're not planning to attend. Thanks for everyone’s flexibility.
Join Us for Coffee Hour on Sunday!
Do you miss UU “Communion," i.e., “coffee hour,” after Sunday service? Why not take part in a session this coming Sunday?
Coffee Hour will follow the summer discussion on Zoom, which begins at 10:00 a.m. Click
here to join us for the discussion and coffee!
David Biehler, July 3
Gayle Folger, July 16
Annie Lavin, July 17
Nancy Hart, July 26
Waverly Ford, July 28
We want to help celebrate your birthday! If we didn't include your July birthday, please contact Jan Whitney at
UUCR email
July 12, Diane Shields, Summer Zoom Discussion. "Beauty - what is it? How do we experience it? And - why?"
July 19, Amy Warner,
Summer Zoom Discussion.
"Summer Reading"
nourishing spirit-filled families one bite at a time
Family Reflection, (Prayer or Grace)
We live in a world of diversity and vibrancy;
May we embrace life in all its fullness.
Allow us to break down our barriers and celebrate community,
As we find the courage to create a place of welcome for all.
From Your
Social Concerns/Social Justice Committee
Kent County's Social Action Committee for Racial Justice (SACRJ) has introduced an action alert to promote policing reforms in an ongoing effort to address racial justice in Kent County, saying "If we can march and pray and sing and light candles, then we need to also take action to make those moments result in meaningful change."
Here's what they are asking us to do: Contact our County Commissioners, the Chestertown Mayor and Council and the Rock Hall Mayor and Council to take action. The SACRJ policing reforms are all designed to build public confidence and ensure that all communities are safe. Please see the Sumner Hall/Social Action Committee for Racial Justice website
here for more. If you live in Queen Anne's County, please let us know what's happening there to reform policing. You can also contact SACRJ via email
Next week, we'll have some exciting news about UUCR supporting the SACRJ efforts to create and endorse a White Pledge to promote anti-racism in our community. Please contact Lynn Dolinger for comments or more information.
Last Sunday's Virtual
Zoom Discussion
From Sunday, June 28,
Zoom Summer Discussion,
Led by Nancy Holland:
"The Gift of Having an
Exit Plan"
This was a helpful discussion on the end-of life planning decisions all of us need to confront.
The following is the source material that was mentioned:
1. Maryland Advance Directives Legal Documents to Assure Future Health Care Choices at
3. Diane Rehm’s book, “When My Time Comes" - For Amazon link click
Pastoral Care & Connection
We are here for you! We will focus on staying directly connected with our members and friends, especially those who may need assistance or support. The caring teams from our congregation is staying in touch, but if you need to reach out, please be in touch with any of the contacts below to stay connected (and see additional contacts below for RE families).
Please know your congregation is here. We can help you find connections. Please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know what is helpful for you in this time.
Rev. Sue Browning, and the Pastoral Care Associates: Kevin Brien, Gayle Folger, Nancy Holland, and
Vida Morley
or for more information, contact:
Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River
914 Gateway Drive, Chestertown, MD 21620
Phone: (410) 778-3440