UUCSC News and Updates
Weekly on Fridays

Volume III * Issue 36* February 17, 2023

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of South County, RI
All are welcome!

Reverend Denis Letourneau Paul, Minister

[email protected] Minister's Calendar

This Sunday, February 19, 2023


In Person and on Zoom 10:00 am


Lee Cowan

Director of Religious Ed

In this intergenerational service, let us spend an hour delighting in each other. Let's make our love visible. We will have elements of laughter, song and revelry, as well as quiet meditation. Where do you find delight?

Order of Service

Religious Exploration

In Person 10am-noon

Above is a book about the invisible string that connects us all. Let's make that string come alive this Sunday!

This is the song we will be singing during this Sunday's service. It's a fun, upbeat call and response song. We'll just sing the first verse. Have a listen so you can more easily jump in!


Someone has a BEE IN HER BONNET!

The Stewardship chair, Mary Fulton, is excited to see pledge forms being returned to UUCSC. There are 9 more thank you gifts waiting for the first people who submit their pledge forms. Please send yours as soon as possible, after you have carefully considered if you can increase your pledge by 5 to 8%. Pledge forms can be mailed in the envelope provided for you. They can be placed in the collection box in the sanctuary. You can phone (401-633-2524) or email Mary [email protected] to tell her what your intentions are. Not only will Mary be delighted to post who can select a gift, but she will send everyone a digital thank you card via the Jackie Lawson website. Please be on the lookout for your thank you card. Those who do not open the e-card will be sent a paper card in the USPS mail. Please BEE PROMPT! 

President's Message

Share the Love

It is Valentine's Day as I write this and I'm taking stock of the love I see all around me in our BEE Loved Community. It is one of the things I love best about our congregation. The ride offered, the meal delivered, the tech help given, the folks staying in touch via Zoom, the card, the phone call. The warm welcome on Sunday morning, the sharing of artwork on our sanctuary wall and the stellar music produced by Mike Galib and the choir are all manifestations of this love and care. The RE Program has love at its center without a doubt. And there is surely love in the sermons of Rev. Denis and in the words of the Worship Associates. And all the work behind the scenes (facilities, finance etc.) is also driven by this love. Love and a need for this community brought so many of us together for our Birthday Bash at the end of January.

One important way to return this love is to participate in our pledge drive at whatever level you can. You'll be learning more about this every week as the drive continues through March 21. Or read the details HERE.

I'd also like to encourage those so inclined to share the love in a personal way. Send a card, call someone you haven't seen on Sunday morning or didn't get a chance to talk to. To offer more specific help get in touch with Bethany Sorrentino, the Coordinator of Helping Hands. [email protected]

Love is the spirit of this congregation...

With Peace and Love, Elizabeth

Stay in the Loop at UUCSC

Care and Concern

Ron Marcy has moved to Brookdale, Room 11-B, 1959 Kingstown Rd, South Kingstown, RI 02879. He welcomes cards and short visits. Please call before visiting, 515-7418. The general phone number for Brookdale is 789-4880. 

Time to Think about D4$+ 2023

February – the month of LOVE… and what says love more than a great meal!

Our last Dining4Dollars+ fundraiser was a great success. Let’s do it again!!

It’s time to start thinking about what wonderful meals and/or services YOU would like to offer to help raise money for our beloved UUCSC – and have lots of fun doing it! Watch for information in upcoming newsletters about how YOU can participate as an event host.

Submitted by Trish Hindley and Betsy Dalton, D4$+ co-coordinators

Upcoming Sunday Services

Feb. 19 Delight Lee Cowan

Feb. 26 Four by Six Rev. Denis

Mar. 5 Permeable Aliveness Rev. Denis

Mar. 12 Lift Every Voice Rev. Denis

New to UU or UUCSC? 

If you have started attending — or even joined — sometime since the beginning of the pandemic, we have three upcoming events to which you are specifically invited.

March 12, after the service: Newcomers Lunch

April 2, after the service: New to UU class, with lunch and a brief overview of theology, polity and liturgy

May 7, during the service: New Member recognition ceremony followed by cake and coffee on the patio

All events are open to everyone. Contact Rev Denis or Val Follett if you’d like to attend.

Rethinking Our Unitarian Universalist Principles...

Read more about the process of change HERE, including the January 2023 Article II Report to the UUA Board.

A concept graphic that is in process ...

Read the minutes of the most recent Anti-Racism Committee meeting here.

UUA General Assembly 2023

All the details here.

Current Community Connections

How to Talk about Race in 2023 with Ray Rickman

Tuesday, February 21st, 6:30 to 8 PM

North Kingstown Free Library - Registration required

Ray Rickman has conducted over 300 diversity and race relations workshops for businesses, colleges and government agencies over the past 30 years. The former executive director of the Providence Human Relations Commission, he was EEO Officer for both Lifespan and the City of Providence. He is also a former president of the American Civil Liberties Union and is currently the executive director of Stages of Freedom, an organization that promotes Black culture for the entire community.

“How to Talk About Race in 2023” enables us to discuss race and racism with people who may be different from us. Ray is an expert on helping individuals talk with others about race in a positive manner. The subject of language use and how to value people who may be different or new to your community is part of this discussion. Ray enjoys helping people find a positive personal role to play in improving race relations during these challenging times.

This session is a 45 minute lecture with questions and answers. Our nation is at a crossroads and we need to talk. Register here

Kids talk about Black History Month

Submitted by Johnette Rodriguez


This war rages on...
The UUCSC Share the Plate committee recommends one of these four organizations that are providing support to Ukrainians in crisis.
Bethany Sorrentino, Helping Hands Coordinator
[email protected] or 401-451-4104. 
Don't be afraid to ask for help - helping hands are here! 
Helping hand volunteers are also needed.

UUCSC Committees always need help and new ideas.

Please contact President Elizabeth Donovan at [email protected].

List of Black owned businesses from RI Monthly magazine. Patronize these businesses all year long. This small effort can help undo racism. Please send pics and reviews to Etta for sharing here and on website.
Important Links

Our Stories


Black Lives Matter Resource Page

Includes lists of Black-Owned Businesses

UU Book and Gift Shop

Your search for truth and meaning begins here.

Tech Tips Especially for UUCSC

UUCSC Office Hours

All Board Minutes and Reports

Newsletter Archive

How to Submit Info to This Newsletter

Send announcements and news with Newsletter Item in the subject line to Sara Kaplow, Congregational Administrator, at [email protected] and Etta Zasloff, Editor, at [email protected] by Tuesday Noon

to assure publication by Friday of that week.