UUCSC News and Updates
Weekly on Fridays
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Volume VI * Issue 17 * October 4, 2024 | |
This Sunday, October 6, 2024 | |
Worship at 10:00 AM, In Person and on Zoom | |
"How We See Each Other"
Rev. Denis and Penny Hall
We can't always trust what we see. Just ask a rare individual living with prosopometamorphopsia.
Order of Service
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This month's theme is
Deep Listening
Introducing "RE Visioning"
This Sunday October 6th, 11:30am.
Let's brainstorm together!
The picture above is from our middle school camping trip last weekend. We had a blast! We told riddles around the campfire, roasted marshmallows, explored the campground and the kids had epic acorn battles (of course).
The Soul Matters playlists for this month:
Deep Listening - Spotify
Deep Listening - YouTube
Lee Cowan
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Share the Plate Sunday
Half of the plate and designated collections received by check or online
the first week of each month are shared with a worthy local non profit. The Share the Plate Recipient for September is The Womxn Project Education Fund.
Barbara Beckwith. STP chair
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Expanding Your Circle
This morning, my mother-in-law and I were in the kitchen as she made coffee and I packed my meals for the day. She told me that she was going to a talk at the Senior Center just a few hundred feet from our house.
Michelle attends events at what seems like a dozen Senior Centers in towns all over our region, but rarely at the one most nearby, so I was surprised. She told me “In Easton, they’re really focused on diet and exercise, and the topics of their talks and events don’t really interest me.” READ MORE
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Beverages & Banter with Rev. Denis Tuesday, October 8
3:30 pm at Audrey's Coffee House in South County Commons
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Stay in the Loop at UUCSC | |
Baked Goods Needed!
On Sunday, Oct. 6, there will be a Coffee Hour following the service. Baked or bought food items needed!
Thank you!
Coffee Hour Crew
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News From the Membership Committee | |
Do you want to feel more connected to our community?
The Membership Committee is going to help you with that!
This Sunday at coffee hour we will be passing out our Gifts and Interests Survey to all who are interested. It's a way to let us know what your interests are so we can connect you appropriately. And it's a way to let us know a bit about your background so that we can call on your expertise if needed. Please take one and fill it out at coffee hour. We will have a box to receive the completed forms. Thanks from the whole Membership Team.
Submitted by Val Follett
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Want to meet new people and be of service at UUCSC?
Volunteering as a greeter on Sunday is a great way to do both! It's not a big commitment, we'll show you how, and we can work with your schedule. And it's a lot of fun--just ask anyone who has done it!
If you would like to be more visible, meet new people, and serve our community, please contact any of the following people, either in person or by email:
Val Follett (valeriefollett@gmail.com)
Sky Kimball (skykimball@gmail.com)
Trish Kelley (pkelley.npp@gmail.com)
Reach out to me anytime if you have questions.
Submitted by Sky Kimball
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Men's Breakfast
Saturday, October 5, 9 am
Phil's on Main
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Women of Wisdom Luncheon
Monday, October 7, 12 noon
Contact Linda Whyte Burrell
for more information
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What We Do: The Practices of Unitarian Universalism
Led by Rev. Denis Paul
The last of three classes this Tuesday, October 8, 2024,7:00 - 8:30 PM.
Oneto Room in person and simulcast on Zoom.
Discussion only, without homework.
Flyer with class dates and discussion topics HERE.
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A QiGong/NeiGong class is starting at UUCSC
taught by Nancy Graham, D. Ac!
Series of 6 classes runs Tuesdays, from October 8 - November 12, 10:30 am - noon.
Fee: $10.00 per class, cash or check only, plus a donation basket for building use. This is a rare opportunity—for our congregation and for others drawn to this endeavor. Read the exciting details here.
Submitted by Adria Evans
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Midday Movies, Wednesday, October 9 at noon
Due to technical difficulties, the film wasn't projected on September 25, but a handful of folks gathered, and were mildly amused by the “techie terror” as they enjoyed each other and popcorn and iced tea. A nice time was had by those socializing together. Another attempt will be made to screen "Secondhand Lions." Bring your own brown bag lunch to the Sanctuary.
Submitted by Linda Whyte Burrell
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Fire Drill during the Sunday Service
October 13, 2023
For evacuation procedure please read HERE. If you cannot attend on October 13, please read the procedures to become familiar with how to evacuate the sanctuary anytime in the case of an emergency.
Submitted by Russell Stokes
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Upcoming Services
October 13 Les Oubliettes Rev. Denis
October 20 A Harvest of Words Amber Collins and Adria Evans
October 27 Guidestones and Paleovisitology Rev. Denis and Linda Whyte Burrell
November 3 Straw Hat and a Handshake Rev. Denis
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UUA Disaster Relief Fund is collecting funds to support
UU Congregations impacted by Hurricane Helene. Read more here. | |
In case you missed it...
South Kingstown Town Council Candidate Forum
Jean Bowen, Coordinator
LWVSC Moderators
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Candidates participating in seating order: 1 Durrell Beasley, 2 Jay Wegimont, 3 Rory McAntee, 4. Deb Bergner, 5 Patti Alley, 6 Mike Marran | |
Tabitha's Closet Celebrates One Year Anniversary
Tabitha's Closet, at Peacedale Congregational Church, is open on Saturdays from from 9:30 to 12:30, selling gently used clothing and shoes on a "get what you need, pay what you can" model. See the flyer with details of their anniversary celebration.
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Pumpkin Palooza
October 5, 11 AM - 2 PM, Peace Dale Congregational Church
All proceeds benefit the Welcome House homeless shelter. Pumpkins on sale daily through Oct. 31.
Tomaquag Museum celebrates Cranberry Thanksgiving
This Saturday, October 5, noon to 4pm
St. James Chapel,
2079 Matunuck School House Road in Charlestown.
For more Museum activities click here.
South County Social Justice Coalition Meeting
October 6, 6:30 PM, Kingston Congregational Church
Tomaquag’s Executive Director Lorén Spears will present information about local Indigenous culture and the Museum’s plans for the future. READ MORE.
Submitted by Etta Zasloff
Thank you to our amazing crew of UUCSC volunteers for last Saturday's Habitat build (Mary Finnegan, Donna Caldwell, and Jeanne Arthur missing from the photo). One group of us framed and sheathed a shed wall; another group put up the walls of a different shed, and another fr amed and sheathed the shed gables. A lot of hammering! We had a great time working together, knowing that several families would live their best lives in this Habitat neighborhood.
Submitted by Nancy Richman
Support Affordable Housing Projects in South Kingstown
Affordable housing continues to be an important topic of discussion in South County. The South Kingstown Town Council is seeking feedback on proposals to build affordable housing on some of the vacant town properties. Here are a number of talking points that could be offered to support the development of workforce/missing middle housing. Contact the SK town council during the month of September (emails are below) to express support for their recent efforts to put affordable/workforce housing on vacant town land.
dbergner@southkingstownri.com Deborah Bergner
mmarran@southkingstownri.com Mike Marran
rmcentee@southkingstownri.com Rory McEntee
palley@southkingstownri.com Patty Alley
gsweet@southkingstownri.com Greg Sweet
Submitted by Bethany Sorrentino, Affordable Housing Advocate
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Care Continues for...
Louise McLeod in Roberts Health Centre, 25 Roberts Way, North Kingstown, RI 02852. Cards and calls are welcome, visits too, just call first. All contact information can be found in Breeze.
Submitted by Val Follett
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The food pantry is always in need of low sodium soups and broths, and whole grain items. Drop off at Jonnycake or bring to box in the UUCSC Foyer. FOOD ITEMS ONLY PLEASE!
Submitted by Cathy Solomon, Social Justice
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"Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster: A Guide of Mind-Body Techniques"
Val Follett at 789-7282 or email at valeriefollett@gmail.com for more info.
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Review Understanding Phishing!
If you receive a suspicious email, drag it into your Spam folder, which will automatically block the scammer from using your email again as bait. Stay vigilant!
Submitted by Etta Zasloff, Communications
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Legacy Giving: In addition to your pledge, if you are 70 ½ years of age or older, you may donate up to $100,000.00 each year to UUCSC or other charities directly from your IRA account as non taxable income. Read more HERE.
Submitted by the Finance Committee
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How to Submit Info to This Newsletter | | | | |