UUFF eNews - Week of January 30, 2025 | |
Sunday, February 2nd, 11am: "The Faith of Growth." Please join Rev. Renée, Gene Vinzant, and Leanda Gavin for a lively discussion about the future of UUFF and what it is to grow.
You can attend service in person at the fellowship building or view it remotely online via Facebook Live Stream. To attend live via Facebook, wait until 11am Central Standard Time (CST) and go to: https://www.facebook.com/share/1XQL4KVeT9/ and click on "Watch Live Video. A Facebook account is not required for viewing.
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UUFF's Sunday Nursery and Childcare
Please contact UUFF's Childcare Coordinator, Elizabeth ("Liz") Rathburn (childcare@uufayetteville.org), if you have questions about our Nursery/Childcare Program.
CLICK HERE to print and fill out the registration form in advance. All participants must be officially registered.
The Nursery (former CRE classroom downstairs - see sign) is for babies/children 0-5 years old and is open from 9:50am-12:10pm. Parents/Guardians are responsible for dropping off and picking up their children in a timely manner.
The "Kid's Playroom" (former nursery room downstairs) is available for kids ages 5-10 during the 11am Service only, as they will take part in CRE during the 10am hour. Parents/Guardians are responsible for dropping off and picking up their children in a timely manner.
If the child is 5 years old, the parents/guardians may choose CRE or Nursery care based on the child's individual needs.
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Sunday 10AM Religious Exploration Classes &
9AM Meditation Group
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9am Zoom Meditation Group - each Sunday morning
If you'd like to attend or just to know more, please contact UUFF's Operation Manager, Christina Maples, at opsmanager@uufayetteville.org
All are welcome!
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10am Mindful Discussions Group for Adults - Downstairs Common Area
Topic this Sunday: "The Importance of Play." UUFF Member Chris Cook leads our session this week. When most people think of play, their minds gravitate to children, childhood memories, or early human developmental stages. The instinct to play is built into our biology and is necessary at all stages of development- meaning it is important for adults to play too. According to the National Institute of Play, we all have play circuits built into our brains. The drive to play is as fundamental as our drives for food and sleep. We hope you'll join us as we discuss what happens to our biology when we play regularly, what happens when play is blocked, and the different types of play we can engage in.
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10am Children's and Youth Religious Exploration Classes
We are excited to welcome children and youth ages 5+ to participate in Religious Exploration at UUFF! Classrooms are downstairs and have signs to direct participants.
Children's RE is offered for ages 5-11. If you have questions or want more information, reach out to CRE Teacher Melly Coffin at mikkirosie@gmail.com
Youth RE is offered for ages 12-18. YRE Teacher, Joseph Armendariz, can be reached at josepharmendariz53@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to print and fill out the registration form in advance. *Bring completed form to hand to the CRE/YRE teacher when you drop off your child/youth.*
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UUFF Members and Staff with birthdays coming up in FEBRUARY:
Brooke Eldredge
Bettie Lu Lancaster
Becky McCain
Brenda Parker (Staff - Accompanist)
Bill Vigeant
Linz White
If you would like to send these folks a card or note and are unable to access the online directory, you may contact Fawn at uuff.ar@gmail.com and ask for the address.
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UUFF Events, Announcements & Opportunities | |
Family-Friendly Hike this Saturday at Lake Fayetteville!
All are invited to join in a Family-Friendly hike this Saturday, February 1st, starting at 9am. Participants should gather by the Veterans Memorial Park pavilion (4451 N Vantage Drive, Fayetteville, AR) and be ready to set out by 9am. Please wear comfy shoes and weather-appropriate attire, and feel free to bring water and snacks if you like.
For more details, contact Shari Withey (OS Hike Leader) at 479-442-6511 or willowbendgarden@aol.com
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Cooperative Emergency Outreach (CEO) is currently in need of:
- dish detergent
- bar soap
- tampons
- chunky soup
- tea bags
- instant coffee
Please drop contributions in the CEO cart in the lobby. THANK YOU!
"Gathering of Hands" Meet-n-Mend this Sunday, 02/02, starting at 12:30pm!
"Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!" In the spirit of resourcefulness and community, Melly and Shari have started a new informal monthly gathering to be held at UUFF on the first Sunday of each month, starting at 12:30pm.
Participants are invited to bring any small "fix-it" project that needs attention right now - mending, darning, small hardware fixes, etc. - to work on during the meeting. These gatherings are meant to help participants make progress on their own individual projects while learning from and teaching others in the group!
All are welcome!
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"Being UU" Class on Thursday, February 13th, from 6-8pm!
Are you interested in becoming a Member of UUFF? Or just just seeking further knowledge about Unitarian Universalism and our UU fellowship? If the answer to any of these is yes, this is the class for you! This two-hour class, led by different members of UUFF leadership, provides participants with all sorts of useful information on UU and/or UUFF, and it's specifically geared toward those who are interested in membership. A light dinner will be provided, and childcare is available upon request (via registration form).
Please CLICK HERE TO REGISTER by NOON on Sunday, 02/09. Registration is required, as we must be able to plan accordingly for dinner, childcare, and class materials.
Please feel free to contact Membership Team lead, Charlotte Taylor, at cathog58@gmail.com if you have specific questions about this class or about membership.
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Calendar of UUFF Events for January 30th - February 6th
Saturday, 02/01 - 9am - Family-Friendly Hike led by Shari Withey - Lake Fayetteville (more details above)
Saturday, 02/01 - 5-10pm - UUFF Sanctuary reserved for event
Sunday, 02/02 - 9am - Sunday Meditation Group - Zoom
Sunday, 02/02 - 10am - Mindful Discussions Group - Downstairs common area
Sunday, 02/02 - 10am - Children's RE Class - Downstairs in large classroom
Sunday, 02/02 - 10am - Youth RE Class - Downstairs classroom
Sunday, 02/02 - 11am - Main Sunday Service - UUFF or remotely via Facebook Live Stream
Sunday, 02/02 - 12:30pm - Gathering of Hands Meet-n-Mend Group - UUFF
Thursday, 02/06 - 1-2:30pm - Women Rowing North Discussion Group - BTV Lodge
SAVE-THE-DATE: Thursday, 02/13 - 6-8pm - Being UU Class (more info and link to register above - Please register by 02/09!)
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UUFF Main Contact Info (for Fawn):
Office Phone: 479-521-8422
Administrator Email: uuff.ar@gmail.com or office@uufayetteville.org
Mailing Address: 901 W. Cleveland St. / Fayetteville, AR 72701
*UUFF's Minister/Music Director, Rev. Renée Janski does not have set office hours, so if you would like to meet with her, please email RevRenee@uufayetteville.org to schedule an appointment.
* UUFF's Operations Manager ("OM"), Christina Maples, can be contacted by emailing opsmanager@uufayetteville.org
UUFF's Weekday Office Hours have increased to Monday - Friday from 10am-2pm! Disclaimer: Hours are subject to change based on OM/Admin vacation, inclement weather, work errands, personal appointments, illness, holidays, etc.
Please refer to our website - www.uufayetteville.org - for the latest UUFF news and updates.
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Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville | 479-521-8422 | uuff.ar@gmail.com| uufayetteville.org | |
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