Our Mission Statement

As a welcoming congregation, we work and worship together to become people of open minds, loving hearts, and helping hands.

We honor the transformative power of love in our individual lives and broader communities.

JANUARY 2025 - Revised Copy

Earlier today the January newsletter was sent out with an error. Shari Barr is NOT on the COSM Committee. Adrienne Cohen still is. So the committee is Adrienne Cohen, Barb Hendry and Mortimer MacArthur.

January 5

"Auld Lang Syne: Looking Back to Look Forward"

Clint Tawes

Every year, the beloved New Year's tradition of singing "Auld Lang Syne" invites us to honor the past, cherish our connections, and step into the new year with intention. In this sermon, we’ll explore how reflection and renewal are central to our individual and communal lives as Unitarian Universalists.

January 12

"You Say You Want a Resolution"

Intern Minister Randy Blasch

What exactly is a New Year's resolution and why do we even bother?

January 19

"MLK Sunday - A Message from our Mayor"

Mayor Jonathan McCollar

On this MLK Sunday, we are delighted to welcome Statesboro Mayor Jonathan McCollar to our pulpit to share a message with us. 

January 26

"The Times They are a Changin': Shall we Overcome?"

Rev. Jane Page

 Rev. Jane continues her series using 60's and 70's songs as sacred texts. Bob Dylan penned "The Times They Are a Changin'" during the turbulent 60's, but the words have great meaning for 2025, especially considering possibilities for the next four years. Shall we overcome?


We are now livestreaming our service on our Facebook page.

You will be able to access our service online here at: https://www.facebook.com/UUStatesboro/.

NOTE: If a box pops up requesting that you log into Facebook and you do not want to log in, you can click the X in the top right corner of the box. You will then be able to access the live stream without logging into Facebook.


Also, this link is available on the UUFS website on both the HOME page and THIS MONTH'S SERVICES page.

2025! Forty Years of Wandering and Wondering Together

In 1985, the late Rev. Frank Anderson, then minister of the Savannah UU Church, realized that he had several visitors coming from Statesboro who may not have even known each other. So, he decided to compile a list of these folks and circulated a copy to each of them. As a result, these members began to gather monthly for potluck suppers and programs, and then organized as the UU Fellowship that we now have. Five years later, in April 1990, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Statesboro became an official society of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. This group began meeting in homes, then met in different places on the Georgia Southern Campus before moving to our new home at 609 East Grady Street in 1999. Then we moved to our fabulous building at 6762 Cypress Lake Rd on June 28, 2015.

Now, in 2025, we have evolved into a thriving congregation with ministerial leadership, religious education programs, a choir, many outreach activities to the community (especially related to social justice) a mind-body center for meditation and yoga, and lots of opportunities for warm fellowship together. Although our Vice President for Membership, Martha Hughes, is the only charter member remaining from our beginning 40 years ago, she continues to welcome new folks into the fellowship. Since we’ve been a fellowship for 40 years and are marking 35 years as an official affiliate of UUA, we need to CELEBRATE! How shall we do this? If you would like to assist in planning celebratory activities, please contact our celebrator in chief, Shari Barr at sharib@aol.com.

With Love at the Center!


Migrant Support Group

On January 13th at 6 pm in our sanctuary, we will have the organizational meeting for a group that can serve as allies and advocates for immigrants in our area, especially as they face difficulties that may arise with the incoming administration. Please come if you can and invite others in the community who would be supportive of these efforts. We are not advertising this broadly or posting on social media on pages where we may have followers who would oppose our efforts. I have shared with groups I think would be supportive.

Cindi Chance has volunteered to bring light refreshments for about 25 folks. Please note: I’m hoping others who have more connections than I do will step forward to lead this effort. But we all can do what we can.

Rev. Jane

Need a ride to Medical Appointment? Georgia Southern’s Trusted Rider Program offers transportation services to older adults, assisting them in reaching their non-emergency medical appointments and back home after the completion of their visit. The program is run by student volunteers who have undergone background checks and training to ensure they provide the best possible service to the clients involved.

Chiamaka Ogwara is the program’s community liaison and reached out to raise awareness about the program with hopes to get referrals from older adults who may be interested in the program or may have the need for it.

If you have any questions of would like to learn more about the program, contact them via phone at: 912-478-0712 (office phone) and email co06587-sw@georgiasouthern.edu


Fridays at 9:00 a.m.

MindBody Center at UUFS

Join us for meditation on Friday mornings. Newcomers and experienced practitioners are welcome. Come join us in person or join us via Zoom.

For the Zoom link or more information send an email to Laura Milner at lamilner@georgiasouthern.edu

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

of Statesboro

We are located at 6762 Cypress Lake Road

Statesboro, Georgia

Please send mail to:


PO Box 2453

Statesboro GA 30459


Email: StatesboroUU@gmail.com

UUFS now has Sunday services LIVE STREAMING

on our Facebook page.

President: Al Hackle

Vice President: Martha Hughes

Secretary: Kathy Smith

Treasurer: Teresa Winn

Immediate Past President: Abby Thompson


You may contact board members by emailing StatesboroUU@gmail.com

and please put the board member's name in the subject line.


Shari Barr

Home: 912.764.7300

Cell: 912.687.3899

Email: ShariRB@aol.com

Michael Williams


Email: mwilliams1220@gmail.com



Chair: Barb Hendry

Email: anthrobarb@gmail.com

Members: Adrienne Cohen and

Relinda Walker



Elaine Deaver

Email: elaine@elainedeaver.com

Cell: 912.230.2675

Visit our Website


Mike Montagne



Shari Barr



Abby Thompson



Teresa Winn 



Adrienne Cohen


EMAIL: StatesboroUU@gmail.com

Phone: 912.682.3566