Sunday worship services could use a hand livestreaming! Contact Cheyenne if you can help. | |
Please submit announcements for this video by Monday night.
Chalice lighting: Worship Web
- This Saturday, March 9, Art for All event – Wands, Dragons and Dragonflies! 2:30 to 4 at UUSP - email Linda Paul to sign up.
- March 15-17 OWL training, Sarasota
- April 5-7 is the Florida UU Women’s Retreat – contact April or Dayna for more information.
- Saturday May 25 is Ben's installation! 4 to 7 PM in the Sanctuary – contact Sabine if you want to help with this event.
Chalice extinguishing
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UUSP Membership Classes will begin again in a few months. If you do have questions, feel free to call the office or reach out to our Membership Team contact here.
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The latest scammer email is coming from email address "," This is not Rev. Ben.
Report it and Delete it.
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Message From Our Board President | |
Our Beloved Community is in trouble. Unlike the religious institutions that can finance all or some of their operations from enormous endowments, UUSP relies almost completely on pledges of financial support from members and friends. Along with offerings, fundraising and rental income, that’s IT.
Our pledge drive for the upcoming (2024/2025) fiscal year is wrapping up and - despite the monumental efforts of Pat Fling and her pledge team - the preliminary results are disappointing. Pledge totals for the upcoming fiscal year are not even close to the totals for our current year - and as you may know, we’ve been running (gradually declining) deficits for the past several years. We would need to raise another $22,000 in pledges just to match this year’s pledge income!
But that is not a growth scenario for the Church. Even if we reached our current year pledge levels, we would need to make some cuts to next year’s spending.
We dream of expanding our religious education program to serve our families - and attract more families.
We need to provide our newly settled minister with health insurance - and provide fair wages and benefits to our employees.
And we have so many worthwhile projects to maintain and enhance our beautiful Church building and grounds - an architectural gem on Mirror Lake. In order to achieve these and other goals, we would need around $250,000 in pledges, which was the pledge drive’s worthy target. Read More Here....
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Growing Our Beloved Community: Looking to the Future
We are trying to wrap up the annual giving campaign for the Unitarian Universalist Church of St Pete. If you haven't pledged yet for next year, we would like to give you another opportunity to do so now.
I hope your heart is still with us and that you will continue to make a pledge to support our liberalfaith that brings us so much joy. Together we share a comradery of souls linked in love to eachother and to making our world a better place for all. If you would like to talk with me about your pledge or you have any questions please call or text or email me. Otherwise here to pledge online, click here.
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"We have a fancy new table for the Friday Sunset Supper! I suspect Reginald Craig and Jeff Bambrough had something to do with this..." Rev Ben on our Facebook Members & Friends Page
Saturday March 24, 2-4pm - Community Free Store with PPA Pinellas & Bodily Autonomy Team; provides much needed material aid to our local unhoused community.
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What's Living The Pledge?
Living the Pledge Workshop is an anti-racism training developed by the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond, Virginia
The workshop will be offered by the UUSP Racial Justice Team at the church on Saturdays from 10-11:30am. Please RSVP, or with any questions, email the Racial Justice Team at
Or if you prefer, please call or text Christine V. Barker at 321-212-9378.
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Rev Ben's Installation May 25, 2024
Looking for a team of volunteers to plan and execute this milestone event crystallizing our Shared Ministry with Reverend Ben Artherton-Zeman.
We'll be planning the service, food, decor, lodging of guests, transportation of guests, a stole, childcare etc.
Contact: Sabine
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Social Justice Events UUSP Supports | |
Weekly Peace Vigil sponsored by Allendale UMC: Each Wednesday during lent, there is a vigil for peace from 4-5 PM at the corner of 34th Street and 22nd Ave N. The vigil calls for a ceasefire and affirms that Palestinians and Israelis share a right to live.
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Saturday, March 16, 1-5 PM
Unitarian Universalists of Clearwater
2470 Nursery Rd., Clearwater, FL 33764
The Unitarian Universalists of Clearwater invite you to ARTS UNITE US a free, family-friendly, multicultural experience of visual and musical arts representing diverse traditions!
Enjoy visual and musical artists’ presentations in the Octagon Arts Center. After a break, we move to the Social Hall for refreshments, interactive artist conversations, and music. This free event is open to all in the community with a free light buffet. (Donations are deeply appreciated.) Purchase catered “early dinner” by Sadie’s Incredible Edibles under the tent.
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Results 1st: Pinellas County Nonprofit Achievement Showcase with United Say Suncoast
March 27, 2024 — 9:30am-11:30am
Hosted at the Center
We often hear about what an organization does – less often do we hear about what they have achieved. Even rarer still: hearing those achievements in five minutes or less in a way that inspires us to take action! As a culmination of nonprofit capacity development work funded by United Way Suncoast, thirteen local organizations will present the results of their programs in a clear, concise and impactful way with the goal of inspiring new partnerships and support. Please join us both for the presentations beginning at 9:30, as well for networking before and after the showcase. Coffee, water and snacks will be provided!
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Trans Resource Fair
Join us Saturday, March 30, for a dynamic coalition of diverse, gender-affirming organizations coming together to foster personal, family, and community growth. This will be a day of empowerment, education, and connection, providing resources and support for individuals and families navigating their gender journeys. Doors open at 9:30 AM. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
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Be the first to receive our latest action alerts and notices of newsworthy events.
We will never share your email address with anyone and you can unsubscribe at any time. If you would like to join UU Justice Florida to support indigenous issues, please sign up here.
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Flaming Chalice International partners with individuals and trusted local organizations to support education, small business development, and community projects. We support refugees and invest in communities in East Africa to improve health and wellbeing, and to build a positive future for all. | |
Religion isn’t just about belief
Culture is created and propagated in many ways. This is ours.
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Building Beloved Community: Beyond the Binary
April 27, Multiple Locations and Online
Building Beloved Community: Beyond the Binary is our first collaborative, multi-site, justice-making event happening throughout the Southern Region. Join us (in Cedar Park TX, Nashville TN, Orlando FL, Charlotte NC, or online!) for a day of creating community with transgender, nonbinary folx, and our allies. This conference is an opportunity for LGBTQIA+ folks in our local communities to gather, laugh, create joy, and find partnerships in our local communities which will be a sustaining force throughout the upcoming year AND for folks not in the LGBTQIA+ community to learn effective, appropriate allyship through a Unitarian Universalist lens. We will gather online and in-person at various host-sites around the Southern Region to learn, grow, and become - together.
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Unitarian Universalist Church of St. Petersburg
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