E-Newsletter | November & December '21
Learn how your gift has made an impact across Sheboygan County by reviewing UWSC's 2020-2021 Annual Report. UWSC Board of Directors, Committee Members and Staff are beyond grateful to those that gave back last year!

All gifts made online or mailed and postmarked by 12/31/21 will be recognized as contributions made in 2021.
End of Year Giving
"Join us in giving to United Way of Sheboygan County. We believe united we can do so much more than we can alone; we can create opportunities for everyone in our community to thrive. Sheboygan County is an amazing place to call home because we care for each other. We are grateful for your support in making this possible. We invite you to make a gift this year to help meet the most pressing needs of our neighbors. United We Rise.”

-Mike & Pam Langan
2021-2022 Campaign Co-Chairs
You can submit nominations for the following categories:
Volunteer of the Year: Honors an individual volunteer that embodies the spirit of giving.
Group/Team Volunteers of the Year: Honors a group/team of two or more people that volunteer together on the same project under a group name.
Youth Volunteer Star: Honors an individual volunteer, under the age of 18, that embodies the spirit of giving.
Outstanding Volunteer Board of Directors: Honors a nonprofit board that has shown exceptional leadership in driving a nonprofit organization.
Community Spirit Award: Honors a business that made a substantial impact in the community by encouraging the spirit of giving to their employees through promoting volunteerism.
Lifetime Achievement Award: Honors an individual volunteer who has exhibited a lifelong commitment to volunteerism and community stewardship.
Brianna Heusterberg, Director of Providing Access To Healing, [email protected]
Welcome Brianna to the UWSC Team!
"In 2017, I came on board to help coordinate the collective impact efforts of UWSC’s PATH Program in a part-time capacity. I am excited and humbled to be joining the UWSC team in a full-time capacity as the Director of PATH to help expand the program and meet this growing need within our community. I currently reside in Howards Grove with my husband and beautiful, one-year-old son. I like taking much needed pauses in life to spend time with my loved ones and immerse myself in nature whenever possible." 
Welcome Ryan to the UWSC Team!
I joined the United Way team in October, and I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of this amazing group of people. I began my career in the nonprofit world and I’m incredibly excited to have the opportunity to work with our wonderful partners, donors and community members to better the lives of families in Sheboygan County. I currently live in Green Bay with my two dogs, Marge & Macaroni, but have plans to move to Sheboygan. I can’t give our staff enough thanks for the help they’ve given me in settling into my role!”
Ryan Wilinski, Community Partnership for Children Coordinator, [email protected]
Emerging Leaders Celebration of Philanthropy
Thank you to the amazing panelists who shared their insight: Louie Gentine, Janine Chesebro, and Matt O'Connor.

All Hands on Deck
Volunteer Fair
We appreciate all who made the event possible - thank you to the nonprofit agencies, JustServe, Sheboygan Area School District, and all attendees.

Consider making a gift to United Way of Sheboygan County.
Contact Kate Baer, [email protected]

Start a Workplace Campaign at your business.
Contact Emily Kaiser, [email protected]
To ensure everyone in our community can live the life they deserve, we must start today. Give for a better tomorrow.
UWSC Board of Directors
Executive Committee
David Bolland, President
Deidre Martinez, Vice President
Kristi Jankowski, Secretary
Tom Brickley, Treasurer
Jerry Jones, Past President
Hans Bachmeier
John Ehmann
David Gallianetti
Steven Gozdziewski
Cindy Howley
Travis Knier
Karl Kuhn
Kristin Liphart
Christine Loose
Jim Meyer
Matt O'Connor
Lindsay Rick
Chris Schram
Matthew Strittmater 
Tom Stoelb
Garrett TeSelle
Cearra Warne
Larry Yuen
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