October Canadian Newsletter

I’m very pleased to present the UCC National October Monthly Bulletin. October is zhovten’ in Ukrainian, the month when leaves start to change colour.  

Next week we will celebrate Thanksgiving, remembering that we must all follow the safety directives and instructions of our public health authorities. Thank you to all the front-line workers, teachers, community leaders, volunteers who are working so hard to keep our organizations going.  
Canada’s Parliament returned with a new Throne Speech and we have prepared a response on the key issues of importance to our community. 
In this month’s bulletin, you can read about the historic gift from the Temerty Foundation to the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine, a new film about Ukrainian Canadians in the Canadian Armed Forces during WWII from the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre, and much more. 
Our plans for October include hosting an online public meeting with the Ukrainian community in Atlantic Canada and co-hosting an online BC Provincial Elections Forum with the UCC BC Provincial Council. We’re also preparing for our first online Annual General Meeting, about which we will provide more information soon. 
Thank you to everyone who continues to show their support by making a donation to keep our work going.  
Be well and stay safe! 
Ihor Michalchyshyn
CEO & Executive Director
A page in history
Група танцюристів під проводом Івана Пігуляка з Вегревільської школи біля українського культурного центру "Інститут ім. Тараса Шевченка". Вегревіль, Альберта, Канада. 21 серпня 1928 р.

Group of dancers from Vegreville dance school under the direction of Ivan Pihuliak standing in front of the "Taras Shevchenko Institute" cultural centre. Vegreville, AB. August 21, 1928.

Source: Diaspora.ua
Speech from the Throne
UCC wrote to the Prime Minister highlighting the following topics raised in the Speech from the Throne:
  • National standards for long-term care
  • Further support to industries negatively affected by Covid-19 pandemic
  • Canada-wide early learning and childcare system

[Click on the image to read more]
Fall 2020 Brief for Members of Parliament
Back in September, UCC has asked Canada’s MPs to support three policy priorities in this session:

  1. Covid-19 Response: Better outcomes for seniors’ care and support to caregivers
  2. Assistance for not-for profit organizations and community educational, cultural and arts programs
  3. Support for Ukraine in the face of continuing Russian aggression.

UCC condemns Russia’s persecution of Crimean Tatar People

The UCC calls on the Government of Canada to use Magnitsky legislation more robustly, in the way it was intended, to hold Russian officials to account for their human rights abuses against Ukrainian prisoners being detained illegally in Russia, and to sanction the perpetrators of religious and cultural persecution against Crimean Tatars.

UCC Statement on Canadian Sanctions on Belarus

The UCC has advocated for sanctions against the Belarusian regime of self-declared “president” Lukashenko since the fraudulent election in Belarus in August.

You can read the letter from the UCC and partner organizations to Foreign Minister Champagne below.

Happy 5th Anniversary to our Major Donor &
Thank You to our 2020 Annual Campaign donors!
My sincere thanks to donors who participated in our 2020 Annual Campaign & my special thanks and Happy 5th Anniversary to our Major Donor and supporter Mr. Robert Semenciw.

Thank you for caring towards our organization’s future especially now in these uncertain times!

message from Janine Kuzma, UCC National Fund Development Manager
UCC Community Conversation series
From arts to education, to community groups, to businesses
Ukrainian School in Halifax
Written by Mariana Savka, UCC Outreach and Program Coordinator
Recently, I had a chance to talk with pani Anhelina, founder of Ukrainian school in Halifax. The school is resuming its classes, which due to the Covid-19 pandemic, are now taking place online. Both parents and children (the youngest one is just 3 years old) are eager to continue learning over ZOOM!

To bring Ukrainian "kazky" (fairy tales) to little students, Anhelina and her spouse started the Ukrainian audiobook project, which you can listen to here.

The school is supported by the Ukrainian Canadian Association, a community organization founded back in 1977 by Ukrainian Canadians in the Halifax-Dartmouth region, who enjoy attending performances by the little ones (the last one took place on the St.Nicholas Day in 2019).

UCC is planning a community meeting with the Ukrainian community in Atlantic Canada sometime in the fall.
Photo taken before the quarantine
UCC Alberta Provincial Council starts Skills Development Series
These webinar series offer an opportunity to learn more about different education options in Alberta as well as a thing or two about computers, Microsoft Word and Excel. 
For more information on our skills development series, check out their Facebook page.
Bloor West Village Ukrainian Festival goes virtual in 2020
We have included a link to the amazing lineup of performances during this year's
Bloor West Village Ukrainian Festival below
Temerty Foundation makes a historic gift to University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine
A portion of this gift will be dedicated to establishing the new Ukraine – U of T Education and Research Collaboration Fund that will support visiting fellows, professors, scholars and students from Ukraine and encourage increased collaboration with academics and researchers from the Faculty. The Fund will also include scholarships for students from Ukraine.

Images courtesy of the U of T
Congratulations to Natalia Jatskevich, UCC British Columbia Provincial Council President, for receiving Vancouver Quadra’s Hidden Hero Award from the House of Commons and MP Joyce Murray for Natalia's meaningful contributions to the people and communities of Vancouver Quadra! 

A tireless and dedicated leader and volunteer, Natalia’s determination and commitment are an inspiration to all of us at the UCC and to the Ukrainian Canadian community! 

Вітаємо! Многая Літа! 
The first virtual Ukrainian Trivia Night
Youth Interorganizational Committee
Youth Interorganizational Committee held its first, hugely successful Trivia Night, where participants put their knowledge of geography, history and culture of Ukraine as well as UCC member organizations to the test.

Congratulations to CYM+1 team on becoming the winner!
Click to watch UCC member organizations' videos
Your opinion is needed!
An update from the UCC National Archives Committee
The UCC National Archives Committee hopes to work to fulfill its mandate as outlined in the resolutions of the 2019 UCC Congress. To do so, we need your help to better understand the range, complexity, and variety of the existing documentary heritage, where it resides, what condition it is in, and what the needs of its stewards are. We ask that each organization fill out the survey below.

Якщо ви не маєте надійного доступу до Інтернету і/або потребуєте допомоги з виповненням питальника, ми можемо зателефонувати і допомогти вам. Просимо повідомити нас про це за адресою: [email protected]  

Ми наперед вдячні вам за ваш внесок до зібрання та презентації вашої документальної спадщини для українсько-канадської громади та канадського суспільства загалом.

Governor in Council appointments are public appointments by the Government of Canada to Crown corporations and federal entities (such as boards, agencies and commissions etc.)
We encourage qualified Ukrainian Canadians to put their names forward and to serve Canada and its people.
SUSK/UCC National Coordinator Position
The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (SUSK) is seeking an ambitious and creative National Coordinator to fill a 5-month contract (subject to extension) starting immediately.


Montreal Ukrainian Festival

Date: October 3, 2020

LIVE Stream on Facebook and YouTube

A Canadian War Story

Date: November 6, 2020

Get your ticket to the Premiere
203-952 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3P4
Phone: 1-866-942-4627