Exercises of the month...
Include exercises in your routine:
  • Do some exercises (like jumping jacks, lunges or squats) during commercial breaks
  • Take advantage of small breaks, while waiting for dinner to cook in the oven or those few minuets before a zoom meeting, do some small light exercises.
  • Try and implement more movement in your everyday routine, walk around while on the phone, take an extra lap around the house after putting something away, or if you have stairs, go up and down them a couple times.
Here are some simple things to keep you healthy, even in quarantine!
Getting outside:
Within the guidelines of your local Government, take a walk, jog or bike ride and enjoy the day! even if its not a walk, going outside for yard work or simply just sunbathing is good.

Make it a game:
If you have kids, make exercising a game by dancing, playing tag or hopscotch with them, get the whole family moving!

Keeping track:
Its a good idea to use a fitness tracker app or something similar to help keep you accountable, as well as give you a sense of accomplishment and normalcy, which we all need right now.