Maplewood Campus is the HUB
All the buses will run with the schedule from Maplewood
- Eleven routes arrive directly to Maplewood
- Three routes will drop at Forest Rd first (304, 305,308) and then continue to Maplewood
- Routes 304,305,308 will pick up some elementary students, based on space available on the bus
- Four buses will leave Maplewood between 8:05 and 8:20 with the secondary school students.
- These buses will be shuttling elementary school students to Maplewood
- PM- Routes 204,303,305,306 will be at Forest Rd to transport students to Maplewood (the hub)
- All students will board their assigned bus and be transported to their drop-off location
- Secondary school students riding 305,308 will wait at the school and board their buses after the elementary school students are dropped off.
- All the routes will repeat the same sequence on the late run.
- The buses leave Maplewood Campus at 3:40 PM and 5:40 PM.