September & October 2019  Newsletter

UnBanquet Wrap Up...  

UnPresident Event
This year BsideU decided not to have a formal banquet as we have for the past 15 years. We wanted to give our donors a break from banquets this year and do something different.  So, instead, we went with the UnBanquet idea. We had several smaller UnBanquet events including: a night of Laughing For Life with the UnPresident (John C. Morgan), held at Okolona Christian Church followed by...

San's Journey to Success  
Colin Powell once said that "there are no secrets to success.  It is the result of preparation,'' he said, "hard work and learning from failure."   So San...


Going Above and Beyond
Donna, a longtime volunteer, is losing her sight--but that doesn't stop her from serving others... 



Grow Smart From The Start  
Say and Play with words is an initiative to help children get prepared for kindergarten and maintain their grade-level reading. This initiative is intended to bridge the "word gap". Studies show that by age 3, children from lower income homes ...

                                       Prayer and Praise
        We Praise God for...      
  • All those who participated in our UnBanquet events.  This ministry would not happen without you!!  
  • One of our client's celebrated her one year anniversary of sobriety and her adult children are now talking to her because of the life change they've witnessed.
  • Thanks to our sponsors, attendees, donors, staff, volunteers, and party hosts & hostesses
  • Special thanks to Okolona Christian and Highview Baptist for hosting our unPresident and unPlanned Movie
  • It's Pastor Appreciation month!  We praise God for our church partnerships and for pastors who faithfully preach on the sanctity of life
  • Saved babies!!!
       We Pray for...  
  • We've had four staff members lose parents this year, between February and October, please keep them and all of their grieving family members in your prayers
  • For our friend who had a tough cancer surgery and will have a long treatment and recovery
  • For strength and perseverance for the staff as the holidays approach.  This is the most difficult time of the year when dealing with more hard-hearted clients coming into the pregnancy centers.
  • For our clients' faith to increase to stay on the straight and narrow way.
  • For those clients who continue to make bad choices.
  • For more women to choose life.
[email protected]