Unbelievable. Overwhelming. Amazing.

Those were just some of the reactions that the guests at this year's Christmas Blessing had when they saw the Willow Creek church gymnasium this week.

It was wall-to-wall toys, games, gifts, cookies, and Christmas cheer.

None of this happens without you. Whether you collected toys, volunteered, or supported us financially, you have made lasting memories for hundreds of local families who needed a giant dose of that Christmas cheer.

Your generous hearts paved the way for hundreds of volunteers dressed in the "finest" holiday fashions to pray over, shop with, and love on families in our community who needed it most.

Check out how it started...and how it went!
We are still doing the math but can tell you that you blessed hundreds of struggling families and children with thousands of toys, a Christmas meal, and groceries from the pantry.

You've given them joy in the season and hope for their future.

It may not be as noticeable as the gifts, but your support also provides these parents with the opportunity for meaningful career coaching. This coaching will help them get back into the workforce or get a better job. That's a service that goes on all year.

Our goal is to raise $100,000 to empower family independence.

Your support shows that you're standing with these families as they make their way to a place of stability, where they're not choosing between a car payment and food or a medical bill and school supplies.

It is not too late to join us in the Season of Giving.
Every dollar makes a difference today and in the future.