friends & alums reception

P lease jo in us for cocktails and small plates at our reception for alumni and friends at the upcoming Academy meeting in New Orleans. Learn more and register »
What are our graduates doing now? 

Residency satisfaction on Doximity
If you're a recent alum (10 years) or current resident and haven't yet taken Doximity's residency survey, it's not too late. As long as you're a member of Doximity, and you haven't taken the survey already, you can rate our program here»

If you're not a member of Doximity, be sure to register so you can rate our program in the future.
Welcome to our new faculty!
Nedim Durakovic, MD
Margaret 'Molly' Huston, MD
Sean Massa, MD
Head & Neck Oncology
Sid Puram, MD, PhD
Head & Neck Oncology
Welcome to our newest
research scholars
T32 Postdoc
T32 Postdoc
Patient Care

Head & neck cancer survivors find strength together 
 Read more »

Making life easier and recovery quicker for head and neck cancer patients

Adult audiology
 We set the national standards for patient care.

What are the signs and symptoms of oral cancer?
Our Division Chief for Head & Neck Surgery
Dr. Jose Zevallos tells  US News & World Report  what to look for and the importance of early detection.    

New ARO leadership

Dr. Keiko Hirose is president of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), the world's largest organization of hearing and balance researchers. Read more »
After six months of gathering ideas, writing, taking pictures and designing, we have launched the department's brand new website ! More updates are still in the works, so if you have any suggestions, corrections or general feedback, please share
it with us at .
Research rockstars

National Institutes of Health granted our department $7.2 million in research funding in 2018, making us #5 in the U.S. Catch the highlights of all of our department’s ongoing research from a recent presentation by Dr. Jay Piccirillo.  
$1.14M cancer award
Less than a month into his faculty position here,
Sid Puram, MD, PhD , has been awarded his K08 from NCI (National Cancer Institute) to study programs that drive head and neck cancer invasion and metastasis. Dr. Puram's K08 is a mentored clinical scientist research career development award totaling $1.14 million.

Hormones, Alzheimer's and hearing loss
The Rutherford Lab is studying what makes some people more susceptible to hearing loss, from gender to aging, hoping it leads to early diagnosis for dementia and therapies to prevent neurodegenerative hearing loss. Learn more »
Ogura Lectureship and Resident Research Day
Alumnus Dr. Eric Genden  returned to deliver two outstanding presentations at our annual Ogura Lectureship and Resident Research Day. At the graduation program that evening,  Dr. Jay Piccirillo presented the 2019 Michael Paparella Research Awards to four residents for their outstanding presentations, and residents Colin Chen, MD, and Jennifer Gross, MD, (below, right) reflected on their WashU experience.
Graduating residents Jennifer Gross, MD, Neel Bhatt, MD, Heidi L'Esperance, MD, Pete Vila, MD, MSPH, and Collin Chen, MD, pause outside the med school.
Collin Chen, MD, and Jennifer Gross, MD, share fond memories of their Washington University experience at the graduation dinner.
Basic Science Awards

1st Place:
The Auditory Nerve Overlapped Waveform (ANOW)
Can Detect Developing Endolymphatic Hydrops  

2nd Place:
Impact of Tobacco Use on the Immunogenomic Profile
of HPV-related Oropharynx Cancer  
Clinical Science Awards

1st Place:
Impact of Olfactory Training on Post-Viral
Olfactory Dysfunction    

2nd Place:
 Neel Bhatt, MD
Comparison of Surgical Treatments for Zenker's Diverticulum: A Systematic Review
and Network Meta-Analysis      
Dr. Wick wins award
At the World Congress for Endoscopic Ear Surgery’s gala event, Dr. Cameron Wick was awarded “Best Video Presentation of the Conference” for his presentation on endoscopic stapes surgery. 

Dr. Wick also attended Vestibular Schwannoma 2019 held at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, where he moderated an oral presentations section and gave two research presentations.

Cameron Wick, MD, (right) celebrates with his fellowship mentors (left to right) Walter Kutz, MD, and Brandon Isaacson, MD, both from UT Southwestern Medical Center.  
Record fundraising
At last month’s Illumination Gala, a record  $4.3 million  was raised for cancer research. Cancer survivors and friends of our department donated $1 million to our department with a specific challenge to all of us: work hard to make head and neck cancer care treatment as good as you possibly can . Hear from survivors on why they are giving back.
 Share your news!

If you are an alumnus and have an award, presentation, or other news that you think is noteworthy, or if you have feedback on this newsletter, please send it to us at . We'd love to hear from you.