30 Shevat, 5784
February 9, 2024
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Perhaps, we can explain as follows. The Sefer HaBrit as understood by Rabbi Yehudah, encompasses the full framework to how we should live our lives. This framework was given at a time when miracles were open, and its contents were understood in full. As such no letter can be missing, or the framework that guides us would not be full down to every detail. Later, at the time of Purim, when the Jews reaccepted the Torah – and as is a central theme of Purim – understanding was less open and more hidden. As such, the lesson is that it is not necessary to understand every detail of what is going on around us in the world if the framework of the Torah is complete.
Purim commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people from destruction in ancient Persia. Despite the absence of explicit divine intervention and complete understanding, the story of Purim underscores the belief in divine providence and the hidden hand of Hashem guiding events. Purim teaches us that even in the absence of overt miracles and understanding every detail, Hashem’s presence and influence can still be felt in the intricate tapestry of human affairs.
Moreover, the celebration of Purim reminds us of the ongoing relevance of the Torah in our lives. Just as the Torah provided guidance and wisdom to the Jewish people in ancient times, it continues to serve as a beacon of light and direction for us today. Through studying and observing the Torah in its fullest capacity with each letter exactly as it should be, we connect with the timeless values it embodies and strengthen our bond with Hashem, even when as at the time of Purim things can be missing and not completely understood. Thus, as we celebrate Adar and Purim, let us remember the enduring significance of the Torah in guiding us toward a life of righteousness, justice, and spiritual fulfillment even if Hashem’s hand may seem to be more hidden.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs. Michal Twersky
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Kohelet Placards for Your Cars | | |
Parents, you should have received in the mail Kohelet parking placards to keep in your cars when you come to campus - drop off and pick up or for an event. If you have not yet received a placard or need an extra one, please email Miriam Morley. For security purposes, it is important that you display the placard in your car when you drive onto our campus. | | |
Kohelet Kings Basketball Fundraiser | | |
News From Kohelet Yeshiva | | |
Sunday was an amazing day of basketball and supporting Israel at Kohelet Yeshiva!
Several of our middle school students organized a basketball tournament for boys in grades 5-8 to benefit Friends of the IDF, with all proceeds from the registration fees and food sales at the event going to help the brave men and women of the Israel Defense Forces.
Thank you to our extraordinary students who put this all together, and thank you to all the parent and high school student volunteers who helped in so many ways to make this wonderful event so successful.
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We enjoyed a wonderful event this week at Kohelet Yeshiva with several of our Lower Merion Township Commissioners - Gilda Kramer, Louis Rossman and Todd Sinai.
During their visit, the commissioners had the opportunity to see our school in action and meet with a number of our professional and lay leaders to discuss a range of issues impacting our school and community. In addition, we were pleased to host a session consisting of a roundtable discussion with our commissioners and representatives from our fellow local Jewish day schools.
Thank you to our commissioners for joining us and thank you to Teach PA for partnering with us on this terrific program!
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Our high school students enjoyed a fun, engaging and educational STEM and Humanities Day this week.
9th and 10th grade students remained on campus for STEM Day, which is an annual event where students get a chance to participate in all kinds of activities related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Every year the types of programs vary from hands-on experiments to panels of guest speakers working in STEM fields to competitions and other events.
11th and 12th grade students went on a field trip that was designed to promote engagement with the humanities. Their first stop was the Philadelphia Museum of Art, where students were led by faculty docents through different parts of the museum's permanent collections to discuss art, history, and culture. They then journeyed to Independence Hall, which is a U.S. National Park as well as a World Heritage Site.
Thanks to the chairs and their departments for organizing such a great day!
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Our 4/5 Robotics Club is getting ready to start competing! | | |
They may have come up a little short in the divisional championship game against a very good team, but our KYHS boys' varsity basketball team played hard from the opening tip and left it all out on the court. Go Kings! | | |
Congratulations to our middle school boys' and girls' basketball teams on their big wins on Sunday! Go Kings! | | |
Updates From the Kohelet Beit Midrash | | |
Thank you to this past week's Parnas HaYom sponsors!
February 9th
Michelle Portnoff
In commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Alan B. Portnoff (Aharon ben Yitzhak) on 30 Shevat. Great-grandfather of Basya, Rosie, and Yossel Schley.
יהי זכרו ברוך
May his memory be for a blessing.
February 8th
Yehudit and Ben Kandel and family
In loving memory of our uncle, Haim Weissman
חיים גיל בן ר' שאול שלום ז"ל
on his upcoming Yahrtzeit tomorrow, ל' שבט
We will forever miss his rare combination of brilliance, dynamism, warmth, and joy.
יהי זכרו ברוך
May his memory be for a blessing.
February 5th-9th
The Magerman Family
For the refuah shleima of Eyden Zimbalist
(עדן מכבי בן הילי)
recovering from his injuries suffered in his heroic service of Israel and the Jewish people.
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Kohelet Yeshiva | www.koheletyeshiva.org | 223 North Highland Ave, Merion Station, PA 19066
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