20 Sivan, 5783

June 9, 2023

Parshat Beha'alotecha

It's hard to imagine an existence where magical food fell from the sky and tasted like whatever you wanted (probably ice cream and pizza for me depending on my mood). But that was how Bnei Yisrael lived in the Midbar. However, the longer Bnei Yisrael traveled through the desert, the less magical the manna became in their eyes.

In this week's parsha, Bnei Yisrael craved "real" food and they let Moshe know it - they wanted meat! When we read this story in the Torah, we're always under the assumption that Bnei Yisrael didn't have access to meat in the desert. But is that even true? Toward the end of the Sefer, we learn that Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuven had so much mikneh, cattle, that they were allowed to settle on the eastern shore of the Jordan River. It seems then that Bnei Yisrael had access to meat! Why would they be complaining then? Additionally, in their complaint, they said that they "remember the fish asher nochal" - we usually translate those last two words as "that we ate." But the pasuk is using the future tense - asher nochal - "that we will eat." Wouldn't it make more sense grammatically to say asher achalnu instead?

Upcoming Events:

June 11 - Sunday Morning Tefillah in the Kohelet Yeshiva Middle School Beit Midrash at 9:00 AM

June 12 - MS End of Year Trip

June 12-13 - 8th Grade Trip

June 14 - 8th Grade Graduation at 7:00 PM

June 15 - K-8 Last Day of School, Dismissal for K-8: 1:30 PM

June 20 - PTSO End of Year Event at the Phillies Game

See what else is coming up at Kohelet Yeshiva here.

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The Sefer Panim Yafot explains that Bnei Yisrael did have access to meat in the Midbar, albeit in a limited supply. They had enough meat to last them for now. Their worry, he explains, was not about the lack of meat in the present, but the potential lack of meat in the future. Bnei Yisrael's sin wasn't a lack of Emunah in the present when comparing it to their past, but it was a lack of Emunah in the future (hence the lashon of asher nochal) when comparing it to the present.

Often we fail to appreciate what we have in the present. If we spend our lives constantly worrying about what will be in the future, we'll have never really lived the present. We would never appreciate the here and the now that Hashem is giving us, even if the present feels bland and routine, and doesn't feel exciting and magical like manna. It's up to us to appreciate the magic of every moment that Hashem gives us and not let it slip away.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Jonny Gordon

Message From Teach PA

CLICK HERE to make sure that our community's voice is expressed as state lawmakers make decisions to determine how state programs will be funded before the state budget deadline, June 30th. It takes just one minute and has a great impact!

Coming Up:

News from Kohelet Yeshiva

We had an amazing time at the Celebrate Israel Parade in New York City! It was incredible to see Kohelet students, parents, grandparents, teachers, and administrators all marching together in support of our beloved State of Israel!

Mazal tov to the Kohelet Yeshiva High School Class of 2023! It was wonderful having the opportunity to celebrate our graduates' many accomplishments and to wish them much bracha and hatzlacha as they prepare to embark on an exciting new chapter in their lives! We will miss all of our graduating seniors and we can't wait to see them when they come back and visit Kohelet!

Our Lab and Middle School students and their parents enjoyed student-led conferences, which was an opportunity for our students to walk their parents through a reflective process that includes revisiting their work and growth from this past year.

Updates from the Kohelet Beit Midrash
Parnas HaYom

Sponsor a day or a week of learning at Kohelet Yeshiva. Contact Nachi Troodler at ntroodler@koheletyeshiva.org for details or click here to sign up.

Thank you to this past week's Parnas HaYom sponsors!

June 8th

The Kohelet Yeshiva Community

In memory of Greta Lazarus Joffe, z"l, mother of our former Executive Director Alan Joffe.

יהי זכרה ברוך

May her memory be for a blessing.

Kohelet Yeshiva | www.koheletyeshiva.org | 223 North Highland Ave, Merion Station, PA 19066
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