The parsha begins with the following description of a special day in the life of Avraham:
Avraham is sitting outside his tent in the heat of the day.
Three men come walking by.
Avraham runs out to greet them.
Avraham bows to them.
Avraham greets them "Im Na Matzati…"
They agree to join Avraham.
The very same parsha shortly thereafter has the following description of a special day in the life of Lot:
Lot is sitting by the gate of the city in the evening.
Two angels come strolling by.
Lot stands up to greet them.
Lot bows to them.
Lot greets them "Hinei Na Adoni Suru…"
They say they would rather sleep in the street... and then agree to join him.
What is the difference between these two episodes in the Torah?
On a simple level we can see two interesting distinctions within the contrasting of these episodes. There is a difference in how these guests are described or named, and there is a difference between their responses.
Avraham was visited by men (anashim), as opposed to Lot, who was visited by angels (malachim). This difference is even more peculiar as the Midrashim and especially the picture painted by Rashi is that these guests were one and the same. They were really the same angels that visited Avraham and Lot and became their guests. Rashi brings out the idea that everything is relative. Compared to Avraham they were more like people since Avraham was a very holy person and it was normal for the angels to interact with Avraham just like regular human interactions.