Thank You to Our Recent Parnas HaYom Sponsors!
Novmber 30th
Joy and Brian Goldstein
To commemorate the yahrtzeit of Sara Wygoda, z"l, beloved by all who knew her.
November 28th - December 2nd
The Seligsohn & Finkle Families
In commemoration of the seventh yahrzeit (8 Kislev)
of their beloved wife, mother, savta, sister and aunt
Sharon Seligsohn
Simcha Elka bat Yosef Chaim v'Aharona Malka a”h
שמחה עלקא בת יוסף חיים ואהרונה מלכה
As a founder and builder of our school, Sharon was a particularly special and critically important member of our community.
May our learning in her memory allow her neshamah to have an Aliyah, and may her legacy of chesed and dedication to others continue to impact her family, our students and the entire community.
May her memory be for a blessing.
November 22nd
Grandma Rebekah and Saba Avi Rasooly
Happy Birthday to Leora Malka Goldman, KYLS 4th Grade!