5 Adar II, 5784

March 15, 2024

Parshat Pekudei

As we look back on the totality of the book of Shemot, it might seem strange to see all the different topics covered in this Sefer.

From the descent into slavery to the plagues to the splitting of the sea and the Ten Commandments, we follow the exciting narrative of Bnei Yisrael becoming a nation.

And then, halfway through the book, the narrative stops and, with the exception of the golden calf episode, we are plunged into several chapters of laws and details about the Mishkan.

What is the connection? And why are the laws of the Mishkan even in Shemot? Might they belong in Vayikra which is wholly dedicated to the service of the Mishkan?

Almost 1,000 years ago, the Ramban addressed these same questions. He explains that leaving Egypt gave us freedom from slavery, but did not give us a positive direction. When we finally received the Luchot, we were on our way to living a life of meaning and purpose. However, it was not until after the Mishkan was completed, when the clouds of glory descended to reveal Hashem’s presence, that we knew we had achieved the purpose of the exodus attaining the level of our fore parents.

As we live through these dark disturbing times, may we work to create unity and light so that we too will merit to see Hashem’s revealed presence in the world speedily in our day.

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Nechama Goldman

Upcoming Events:

March 17 - Sunday Morning Tefillah in the Kohelet Yeshiva Beit Midrash at 9:00 AM

March 21 - Taanit Esther - 2:00 PM Dismissal

March 22 - K-8 In-School Dress Up Day

March 24 - Purim; The Lianna Saiman Women's Megillah Reading at 10:15 AM

March 25 - KYHS Shushan Purim: Purim Grammen & Costume Contest

March 27 - High School Parent-Teacher Conferences, No School for High School Students

March 29 - Late Friday Dismissal Begins

March 31 - Kohelet Yeshiva's 24th Annual Gala

April 5-7 - KYHS 10/11 Shabbaton

See what else is coming up at Kohelet Yeshiva here.

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Kohelet Placards for Your Cars

Parents, you should have received in the mail Kohelet parking placards to keep in your cars when you come to campus - drop off and pick up or for an event. If you have not yet received a placard or need an extra one, please email Miriam Morley. For security purposes, it is important that you display the placard in your car when you drive onto our campus.

Kohelet Yeshiva's 24th Annual Gala

Click Here to Purchase Tickets and Submit an Ad

Coming Up

News From Kohelet Yeshiva

We had an awesome K-12 Chagiga featuring the incredible KYHS Band as we welcomed in the month of Adar Bet.

Our 4/5 students participated in a chesed mission at JRA in memory of Lianna Saiman, z"l.

Based on "Meeting of Minds," the popular PBS television series from the 1970's, our KYHS Tikvah students dressed up as historical characters, both Jewish and not, from across the spectrum of history and geography. Speaking in the voice of their chosen historical figure, the students engaged in a stimulating discussion about secular college versus religious college. What were the advantages of each? Risks? Rewards? Our presenters included such diverse personalities as C.S. Lewis, Sarah Schenirer, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Plato, Mary Shelley and John Locke, among others.

Morah Esti Honig visited Israel and had the opportunity to spend some time with a number of our Kohelet Yeshiva alumni who are studying and living in Israel.

Updates From the Kohelet Beit Midrash

Parnas HaYom

Sponsor a day or a week of learning at Kohelet Yeshiva. Contact Nachi Troodler at ntroodler@koheletyeshiva.org for details or click here to sign up.

Thank you to this past week's Parnas HaYom sponsors!

March 11th

Kohelet Yeshiva

In commemoration of the first yahrzeit of our beloved alumnus, Brian Miller, z"l, (Stern Hebrew High School Class of '06), beloved husband of Jordan and loving father of Hadassah.

May his neshama have an aliyah.

יהי זכרו ברוך

May his memory be a blessing.

Kohelet Yeshiva | www.koheletyeshiva.org | 223 North Highland Ave, Merion Station, PA 19066
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