7 Adar I, 5784

February 16, 2024

Parshat Terumah

Rashi tells us (Exodus 25:40) that because Moshe had difficulty understanding the appearance of the menorah, God showed him a fiery illustration of how it should look. However, Rashi writes (Ex. 25:31) that even so, Moshe had difficulty making the menorah. Ultimately, God told him to throw a block of gold into the fire, and the menorah miraculously “made itself” and emerged complete.

If God knew that in the end Moshe would be unable to make it, why did He initially need to show him the fiery image and teach him all the intricate laws regarding its appearance?

The S’fas Emes and Rabbi Shmaryahu Arieli explain that in order for Moshe to merit God’s miraculous assistance in actually making the menorah, he first needed to try his utmost and demonstrate his total and complete desire to see the project to successful completion. Therefore, he first needed to be shown a picture of how it should look so that he could invest all his energy and desire into creating the menorah. Only after he had done all that he was capable of, he merited God’s aid in completing the project.

Upcoming Events:

February 19 - Presidents Day - No School

February 20 - 5th Grade Parent Evening: A Peek Into Middle School

February 28 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (Zoom) - No School for K-8

March 21 - Taanit Esther - 2:00 PM Dismissal

March 24 - Purim

See what else is coming up at Kohelet Yeshiva here.

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Rabbi Arieli adds that the menorah is symbolic of the study of the Torah. Properly understanding the depths of the Torah is a gift from God which only comes after a person has exerted himself to the limits of his ability. The S’fas Emes suggests that this principle isn’t limited to Torah study, but it applies to all the mitzvot.

We live in a world of instant gratification and instant delivery for our online shopping. The immediate gratification that we have become accustomed to can make it hard to keep consistent effort longer than two to three business days. We know where we want to get to but sometimes find it hard to put in the effort to get there. This story with Moshe is showing us two important lessons that I think if focused on, will make our lives better.

Firstly, in order to succeed we need to put in the effort. To help make the effort enjoyable, focus on the ultimate goal attached to it. Additionally, we see that even when we are feeling disheartened, God is with us and will ultimately show us the way if the struggle is beyond our limitations.

It should come as a great comfort that there is someone who wants our success and will guide us through our struggles – we just have to put our best foot forward. 

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Dovi Friedman

Kohelet Placards for Your Cars

Parents, you should have received in the mail Kohelet parking placards to keep in your cars when you come to campus - drop off and pick up or for an event. If you have not yet received a placard or need an extra one, please email Miriam Morley. For security purposes, it is important that you display the placard in your car when you drive onto our campus.

Kohelet Yeshiva's 24th Annual Gala

Click Here to Purchase Tickets and Submit an Ad

Coming Up

News From Kohelet Yeshiva

We had an amazing middle school Shabbaton! There was tremendous ruach and energy, beautiful tefillah and Divrei Torah, and lots of fun games and activities. The Shabbaton ended off with an awesome ice skating event on Motzei Shabbat. Thank you to the middle school students and their respective Shabbaton committees for all the work they did to plan such a terrific Shabbaton!

During last Saturday night's boys' and girls' varsity basketball games, we had the opportunity to honor our seniors and to thank them for their efforts on the court and for serving as team leaders during their time at KYHS.

It's always fun when you have a chance to play Motzei Shabbat basketball! A great effort by our girls' varsity team last Saturday night. Go Kings!

Updates From the Kohelet Beit Midrash

Parnas HaYom

Sponsor a day or a week of learning at Kohelet Yeshiva. Contact Nachi Troodler at ntroodler@koheletyeshiva.org for details or click here to sign up.

Thank you to this past week's Parnas HaYom sponsors!

February 13th

The Belfer Family

In loving memory of our Papa, Leonard Levin

Yaakov Leibel ben Chaim Shmuel Halevi

on his 3rd Yahrtzeit. 

We will forever miss his humor, kindness, and zeal for life.

יהי זכרו ברוך

May his memory be a blessing.


February 12th-16th

The Schwartz Family

With gratitude to Hashem for the safe return of Ian Schwartz (KY '17) from Miluim.

Kohelet Yeshiva | www.koheletyeshiva.org | 223 North Highland Ave, Merion Station, PA 19066
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