4 Kislev, 5784
November 17, 2023
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The Midrash Rabbah on Eicha (Peticha 2) understands this pasuk in a homiletic, yet incredibly relevant, way. The nations of the world went to their philosophers, Bilaam and Avnimus, and asked them, “Is there any way we can defeat this nation?”, referring to Bnei Yisrael. The philosophers responded: “Go check out their shuls. If their young children are raising their voices, you will not be successful. If their children are silent, you will be successful.” Using our pasuk in Toldot as a proof text, the philosophers explained: כָּל זְמַן שֶׁקּוֹלוֹ שֶׁל יַעֲקֹב בְּבָתֵּי כְנֵסִיּוֹת וּבָתֵּי מִדְרָשׁוֹת, אֵין הַיָּדַיִם יְדֵי עֵשָׂו, וְכָל זְמַן שֶׁאֵין קוֹלוֹ מְצַפְצֵף בְּבָתֵּי כְנֵסִיּוֹת וּבָתֵּי מִדְרָשׁוֹת הַיָּדַיִם יְדֵי עֵשָׂו. When the voice of Yaakov’s nation is heard in its shuls and batei midrash in tefillah, Esav’s hands are not able to prevail against them. However, when Bnei Yisrael are not davening and their voice is not heard, Esav’s hands are able to rise up and be strong against them.
When I taught this pasuk to the 4th grade, the children understood their power. Watching our students daven and say additional Tehillim on behalf of our people in Eretz Yisrael, I am awed that they are harnessing the power of הַקֹּל ק֣וֹל יַעֲקֹ֔ב revealed to us thousands of years ago. Let us all channel the power of tefillah and use it to beseech Hashem to keep us all safe from the hands of our enemies.
Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Devorah Levinson
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As you know, we have been working hard to elevate our security profile and make Kohelet the safest campus and school possible. As we have said many times, the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our highest priority. We have shared updates detailing some of the enhancements we have made so far. We, along with the LMPD, the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia and our independent security consultants and firm, have identified additional measures we need to take in the immediate future.
We have applied for state and national grants and are diligently pursuing alternative funding opportunities. As you can imagine, grant proposals to foundations and agencies have increased. We have been told that there are unprecedented numbers of applications such that some deadlines have been pushed back to allow for more review time.
While we cannot detail our plans, we anticipate we will need between $120,000-$150,000 in unintended security costs this year. If each Kohelet family gives $500 or more by December 31, 2023, we will reach this goal. It is our most fervent prayer and wish that 2024 brings peace and calm but most importantly, we want to be positioned and prepared and we need your help.
Please consider joining us and supporting these efforts by making an additional gift to Kohelet this year. You can do so by clicking here.
Thank you very much for partnering with us to keep Kohelet safe.
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Kohelet Placards for Your Cars | | |
Parents, you should have received in the mail Kohelet parking placards to keep in your cars when you come to campus - drop off and pick up or for an event. If you have not yet received a placard or need an extra one, please email Miriam Morley. For security purposes, it is important that you display the placard in your car when you drive onto our campus. | | |
Please join us on Wednesday, November 29th, for a special evening and CLE event featuring David M. Schizer, Dean Emeritus and Harvey R. Miller Professor of Law & Economics at Columbia Law School.
Professor Schizer, who also serves as co-chair of the Columbia Center
on Israeli Legal Studies and the Richman Center for Law, Business and
Public Policy, and was recently named a co-chair of Columbia's antisemitism task force, will deliver a community lecture entitled:
Getting More From Nonprofits: Israel on Campus and Other Causes
6:00 PM: Optional Dinner Reception ($50 per person)
6:45 PM: Community Lecture (No Charge)
One CLE Credit: $25
Dinner and one CLE credit: $75
Advance registration is required. CLICK HERE to register.
Complimentary copies of Professor Schizer's book will be available, courtesy of the Center for Israeli Legal Studies at Columbia Law School.
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News from Kohelet Yeshiva | | |
Kohelet Yeshiva joined hundreds of thousands of others in standing with Israel on Tuesday, November 14.
Our 8-12 graders traveled down to Washington, D.C., and took part in the March for Israel on the National Mall with nearly 300,000 others. It was an inspiring and memorable experience, as we stood proudly with Israel in our nation’s capital.
Our K-7 students and staff held a rally on campus, where we were joined by some of our parents as well. We made flags and signs, and said tefillot for Israel, the U.S., IDF soldiers, and the hostages. We heard from student and faculty speakers, sang songs, and marched out to the field, where we sang Acheinu together.
Whether it was in D.C. or at Kohelet, we all joined in solidarity with Eretz Yisrael and let it be known that we stand together with our brothers and sisters in the Jewish state.
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Our 4/5 students had an awesome time on their Fridayton, which included a terrific Motzei Shabbat activity at school. | | |
Our KYHS students and faculty enjoyed an incredible and memorable Shabbaton last weekend. | | |
Updates from the Kohelet Beit Midrash | | |
Kohelet Yeshiva | www.koheletyeshiva.org | 223 North Highland Ave, Merion Station, PA 19066
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