28 Adar I, 5784

March 8, 2024

Parshat Vayakhel

Our parashah, Parashat Vayakhel, discusses the various donations to the Mishkan. In doing so, the Torah says (Shemot 35: 21):

ַיָבֹאוּ כָּל אִישׁ אֲשֶׁר נְשָׂאוֹ לִבּוֹ וְכֹל אֲשֶׁר נָדְבָה רוּחוֹ אֹתוֹ

And every man whose heart moved him and everyone whose spirit urged him came.

The word אֹתוֹ in this pasuk seems unnecessary. The following idea is attributed to the Chatam Sofer (R. Moshe Schreiber, 1762–1839). Often, when there is a need to collect money for a certain goal, people tend to look around to see how much others are giving. If others contribute generously, they may consider giving more; if others contribute sparingly, they may consider giving less.

In this regard, the Torah aims to teach us a lesson: the נָדְבָה רוּחוֹ ([everyone] whose spirit urged him) is connected with the third person singular pronoun אֹתוֹ (him or — as we may add — אוֹתָה, her). Meaning, the desire of one to give should be dependent on the person’s own judgment, with no regard to what others might do.

It is possible to extend the subject of giving to other forms of action and the theme of the Mishkan to school life. School is a lot about socialization: developing interpersonal-communication skills, making friends, and learning how to function as individuals within a larger group. Arguably, one of the biggest challenges is to learn when and how to resist social pressure and maintain one’s own view even if that view may not always be considered popular or dominant.

Upcoming Events:

March 10 - Sunday Morning Tefillah in the Kohelet Yeshiva Beit Midrash at 9:00 AM

March 21 - Taanit Esther - 2:00 PM Dismissal

March 24 - Purim; The Lianna Saiman Women's Megillah Reading at 10:15 AM

March 27 - High School Parent-Teacher Conferences, No School for High School Students

March 29 - Late Friday Dismissal Begins

March 31 - Kohelet Yeshiva's 24th Annual Gala

See what else is coming up at Kohelet Yeshiva here.

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May we all engage in the act of building something holy collectively but, at the same time, always listen to our internal voice and act in accordance with our consciousness, education, and core values.

Shabbat Shalom,

Dr. Yechiel Schur

Kohelet Placards for Your Cars

Parents, you should have received in the mail Kohelet parking placards to keep in your cars when you come to campus - drop off and pick up or for an event. If you have not yet received a placard or need an extra one, please email Miriam Morley. For security purposes, it is important that you display the placard in your car when you drive onto our campus.

Kohelet Yeshiva's 24th Annual Gala

Click Here to Purchase Tickets and Submit an Ad

Coming Up

News From Kohelet Yeshiva

Adar fun at KYLS ... the pre-Purim festivities have begun!

We had an amazing "Adar Family Fun Day" thanks to the Kohelet Yeshiva PTSO! We enjoyed a costume parade, hamantaschen prep, crafts, mask making, Purim story time, and Ivrit games. There were also delicious baked goods available for purchase to support Matanot L'evyonim in Israel.

Updates From the Kohelet Beit Midrash

Parnas HaYom

Sponsor a day or a week of learning at Kohelet Yeshiva. Contact Nachi Troodler at ntroodler@koheletyeshiva.org for details or click here to sign up.

Thank you to this past week's Parnas HaYom sponsors!

March 6th

L'ilui Nishmat Lianna Saiman, z"l

ליענה תקוה בת שירה פעסיל וידידיה

May the neshama of this beautiful child who lit up the lives of all who knew her have an aliyah.

Talia and David


March 5th

Ilana and Mitch Appleson

Melissa and Zev Eleff

Israela and Eliot Friedman

Irit Rasooly and David Goldman

Tamar and Josh Katz

Melissa and Etan Rosenberg

Lori and Leon Salkin

In memory of Lianna Saiman, z"l, beloved daughter of our dear friends Sheri Adler and Didi Saiman, and beloved sister of Adir and Naama, on the occasion of her second yahrzeit.

Kohelet Yeshiva | www.koheletyeshiva.org | 223 North Highland Ave, Merion Station, PA 19066
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