As part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring program compliance and assisting employers with having qualified individuals apply for open positions, the Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL) conducts work search validations on claimants applying for and/or receiving UI benefits.
What does this mean for you? We may contact you to request information to verify if a UI claimant applied for work on the date they indicated when they filed their weekly UI claim.
What are the benefits of participation in these validations?
This assists the Department with ensuring that UI claimants are actively and effectively looking for work with the intent of becoming re-employed as soon as possible. In addition, requiring UI claimants to look for work on a weekly basis widens an employer's applicant pool.
What we need from you:
- Keep accurate records of individuals that have contacted you looking for work.
- These records should include the date and method in which the individual contacted you. Note: Phone contacts are not considered valid job contacts.
- Be patient with the representative that is contacting you to validate the information. The intent behind these validations is in the best interest of the employer, the UI program, and the UI claimant.
We understand this may be disruptive or burdensome for some employers, and our intent is not to take up much of your time. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience as we work to ensure program compliance.