News and Updates

March 22, 2024

Recognizing Good Friday

We hope you'll join us in recognizing Good Friday during our worship service this Wednesday, March 27th, at 12:30. Pastor Brian will be leading us in the conversational homily.

*Easter will be celebrated at Haywood Street next Wednesday, April 3rd, at our 12:30 worship service

Salvation Army Easter Egg Hunt on March 31st

Companion Orientation Monday, April 1st

The next companion orientation is Monday, April 1st, at 5:00 pm in the sanctuary. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and family to learn more about Haywood Street and how to get involved!

Contact interim Companion Coordinator Laura for more information.

Family Style Reflection, March 28th

Let's gather to share and reflect on our return to family-style meals. We will have light refreshments and an opportunity to share what we have learned and how to support the Downtown Welcome Table better.

We'll meet on Thursday, March 28th, at 10:00 in the main dining room.

Seek Healing Listening Training at Haywood Street

Seek Healing Listening Training, April 12th and 19th, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm at Haywood Street

Please join us for this two day  Listening  Training that teaches participants a new way of relating with each other in a world where authentic relationships are scarce. This is open for all companions. Please provide your own lunch. 

Click here to sign up and learn more.

Interested in joining Dave with some building maintenance?

Like any other building, ours needs some TLC. We have a lot of projects going on and would love your help on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

If you're interested in learning more about the projects and how to help, please let Tiffany know, and we will get you started!

Haywood Street Highlights

One of Haywood Street’s core values is that each person is a child of God worthy of love and grace—without condition, without question, and in spite of what they have done or what they will do.


For some, this requires unlearning everything that’s been modeled and taught throughout their lives. It demands rewiring our neural pathways that have developed to create preconceptions based on outward appearance and behavior.

This won't happen by reading a book or sitting behind a desk. It happens when we engage our entire body. One way we can do this is by sitting at the dinner table, passing a plate, and breaking bread with the person beside us.

The spring equinox was on Tuesday. Throughout campus, new flowers are popping up through the soil, and trees are budding in preparation for another season of providing summer shade. If you haven't had a chance to walk in the garden yet, this is a beautiful time of year to do so!

Will is exuberant, gentle, generous, and creative. To really see him is to see who created him.

It can feel scandalous how Jesus’s image shows up so perfectly and wholly when we intentionally look deeply and tenderly into the face of the person in front of us.

Weekly Ministry Opportunities:

Tuesday Haywood Street Holy Ground Keepers: 8:30 a.m. in the parking lot. Walk the grounds of the church campus and our local neighborhood, cleaning up along the way.

Tuesday Prayer Group: 12:30 p.m. in Room 6. Gather for a time of communal prayer.

Wednesday Downtown Welcome Table: Join us for lunch between 10:00-1:00 or help with kitchen and dining room clean-up from 1:00-3:00. Sign up here!


Wednesday Worship: 12:30 p.m. in the sanctuary

Thursday Card Making: Meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary to make cards for our friends in prison or the hospital. 

Weekly Sermons

Read the weekly sermons on our website here.

~Preaching Schedule~

March 27th:

Pastor Brian (Good Friday service)

April 3rd:

Pastor Seth (Easter service)

April 10th:

Pastor Jody

April 17th:

Pastor Brian

Community Resources

Click below to see a list of places in the community to donate and find clothes, and when recovery meetings are held.

Click Here

Fresco Viewing Hours:

Monday - Thursday, 10 am - 2 pm (with the exception of during our worship service, which is 12:30 pm every Wednesday).

Contact April if you would like to make an appointment to see the Fresco outside of those hours.


Unforgettable Acceptance

By Lorili T.

Holy Chaos is an apt description of Haywood Street Congregation. Each day is different and you never know what a visit will bring. 

Haywood Street’s reputation does proceed it for many reasons. Haywood is known as the church that welcomes everyone – regardless of religion or other “categories” our society likes to separate us into. Haywood St simply sees everyone as a child of God.  On any given Wednesday, the Downtown Welcome Table will have a plate for anyone who seeks to break bread out our table. The table is set family-style, decked out with flowers and dignity, and as warm restaurant-quality plates are passed conversations starts and relationships grow.

In the lobby, the phrase “all are welcome” deepens. For here, Malcolm might be seen nodding through his sleepy high and Troy or Bess might be talking or quarreling with someone only they can see and hear. 

During the warm sunning days of Spring, Yvette might be seen wrangling her three small children in the garden. She does not raise her voice as she gathers them together; she speaks tenderly to them, explaining the plants should not be trampled. Yvette is a shining example of the resiliency that surrounds Haywood Street. Each day, she struggles to keep her little family together, fed, clean, warm, and safe. She does so with a generous and optimistic outlook and without a job or permanent address. 

Haywood St is filled with folks who have survived or struggle due to trauma. Some deep and horrible, some less so. Most folks who spend the day at Haywood Street are just trying to survive that single day. 

In that survival mode, there are moments where exhaustion, dread, and fear become overwhelming and fists clench, voices raise, and sobs can echo throughout the sanctuary. 

At those times of raw emotion – be it anger, frustration, sadness, terror or all of them at once - Haywood Street walks Christ’s path of love and acceptance. As the wall of emotion begins to explode, hurt and anger are met by a wave of love. Haywood staff – maybe Wayne, Seth, Katlyn, or others - rush toward the person’s pain with understanding and concern, soothing it like a cool drink on a hot summer day. The clash of raw emotion and the tenderness of acceptance and love is what makes Haywood Street exceptionally captivating. 

This acceptance of everyone with kindness and concern is bestowed on all who come to Haywood Street – no matter the reason you are there – you are accepted for who you are, as is.

The give and take at Haywood create unique relationships – sacred encounters – of sharing a connection, which flows both ways. I’ve felt it personally when Todd, dozing in his usual spot on a lobby bench, opened a groggy eye to wish me good morning and called me by name. He had practiced my name throughout the night so he wouldn’t mispronounce it. Then there was Maggie, who humbled me when she told me her life’s deepest secret and again when we celebrated the strength she found in that sharing, and how it was about to transform her life. And, Steven who gave me kindness and acceptance, which bloomed into a friendship that helped me to change misperceptions and ease heartache I held for decades. 

Yes, you never know what you’ll find among the Holy Chaos of Haywood Street. And you’ll never forget it either.

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A witness to include the most excluded, Haywood Street not only welcomes every child of God–especially sisters and brothers of every mental illness and physical disability, addiction and diagnosis, living condition and employment status, gender identity and sexual orientation, class, color, and creed–but we celebrate your presence, certain that the kingdom of God is coming closer because you are here.