University Lutheran Church E-News

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Dear UniLu community,

I ask for your prayers for our siblings at Faith Lutheran Church in Cambridge. There was a fire at the church. We do not know the details, but we have reached out to Faith to express our concern, to offer help, and let them know that we hold them and their partner ministries in prayer.

David Hoglund

Council President

The Lectionary Texts Appointed for the Second Sunday of Easter

  • Acts 2:14a, 22-32
  • After the Holy Spirit comes to the apostles on Pentecost, Peter preaches the gospel to the gathered crowd.  
  • Psalm 16
  • In your presence there is fullness of joy. (Ps. 16:11)
  • 1 Peter 1:3-9
  • This epistle was written to encourage Christians experiencing hardships and suffering because of their faith in Christ.  
  • John 20:19-31
  • The risen Jesus appears to his disciples, offering them a benediction, a commission, and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Sermon Recordings

Click here to listen to the most recent recording online!

UniLu Calendar


Announcements for E-News can be emailed no later than

4 pm on Tuesdays.

Coffee Hour Hosts

Needed for April!

Email [email protected] or

Sign up HERE!

Holding in Prayer

Anna – aunt of Arvind Abraham

Floyd Arntz – UniLu member

Ellen and Bob Bartlett – sister and brother-in-law of Gail Bucher

Margrit Betke and Jonathan Macgowan – UniLu members

Bruce Brolsma – UniLu member

Loretta Brolsma – sister-in-law of Bruce Brolsma

Louise Cohen – sister-in-law of Susan Worst

Alice Conway – sister of Karin Kutrieb

Solveig Ericson – UniLu Member

Bob Flannery – UniLu member

John Foley – grandfather of Amanda Wiederoder

Paul Frey – son-in-law of Bill Frutiger

Bill Frutiger – UniLu member

Nancy Gould – UniLu member

Paul Hanson – UniLu member

Duncan McCoy Norton – son of Megan McCoy

Anne Minton – colleague of Imogene Stulken

Larry Nichols – UniLu member

Birgitta Ralston – UniLu member

Johanna Ralston Lamb and the Ralston/Lamb family – UniLu members

Jeanette Searson – sister of Imogene Stulken

Caleb Smith – son of Carrie Ballenger

Judy Steele – sister of Phyllis Steele

Julie Wolff – UniLu alum

For our siblings at Faith Lutheran Church in Cambridge and their pastor, Robin Lutjohann.

Upcoming Events:

GBIO Housing Campaign April Action Update

Before the House budget comes out on April 12th, we need to make sure our State Rep's know that Housing Justice is important to all of us. Below are several opportunities to participate and make your voice heard:

Call Your Legislators TODAY!

We want the $184 Million required in operating funds for state public housing included in the House budget when it comes out on Wednesday, 4/12.

  1. Click Here For the Call and Email Script. 
  2. When you are done making your calls CLICK here and fill out the report form!

Two upcoming in-person actions:

Brookline Public Action - April 13th 5:30pm

The state budget for our public housing is in danger of being flatlined. Join your fellow Brookline Housing Authority tenants for food and fellowship as we invite our legislators on a tour to see the condition of our buildings firsthand. At the end, we will DEMAND the $184 million budget we deserve.

Gather at 5:40 for refreshments and settling in. Program starts at 6 PM. Legislators and press will tour the Egmont Trustman Brookline public housing units and proceed to United Parish to join our program. 

Click Here To Register for Brookline Action 

Boston Public Action - April 20th 5:30pm

Join Boston Housing Authority tenants and allies for fellowship as we invite our legislators and the press on a tour to see why public housing deserves $184 million in the budget. West Broadway Public Housing Development, 115 Orton Marotta Way, South Boston, MA 02127 

Click Here To Register for Boston Action

Need a reminder about what this housing justice campaign is all about? Click here. Questions? Contact Raija Vaisanen ([email protected])

Tackling Homelessness: Hope Amid the Challenge

Join First Church in Cambridge on Tuesday, April 25, at 7pm for a conversation with Michael Kimmelman, New York Times critic, editor-at-large, and author of “How Houston Moved 25,000 People From the Streets Into Homes of Their Own.” Mr. Kimmelman will lead a conversation about how insights gained in Houston be relevant for the Cambridge community, as we tackle our own housing and homelessness crisis. All ticket sales support the work of the Friday Café, a neighborhood meal program. The evening will conclude with light refreshments.


First Church in Cambridge is located at 11 Garden St., next door to the Sheraton Hotel. Tickets are available at

Concert Corner

Saturday, April 29 @ 8 pm

Radius Ensemble featuring UniLu member Anne Howarth

Pickman Hall at Longy School of Music (27 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA)

Radius brings the season to a close with two works by locals in a program of cultural and historical Reverberations. First comes a solo piano work entitled fardanceCLOSE, written by Harvard faculty member Chaya Czernowin in 2012 (and revised in 2020), which explores our perception of decibels and distance. Next, the ensemble performs Night Songs (Nachtliederen), a string quintet (2005) by Longy composition department chair Alexandra du Bois in the composer’s own 2007 arrangement for wind quintet. Originally commissioned by the Kronos Quartet, Night Songs is inspired by and dedicated to the life of young Dutch Jewish writer and Holocaust victim, Etty Hillesum. The concert concludes with a Romantic bookend to match the Vaughan Williams Quintet of the first concert: the incomparable String Sextet in G Major, Op. 36 (1864-5) by Johannes Brahms.


Announcements for E-News can be emailed

no later than 4 pm on Tuesdays.

Please stay tuned for an email with upcoming Zoom links on Saturday.

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We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation of the 

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

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