UPC brings parents from across the district together to enhance the PVSchools experience! 

*UPC is independent from PVUSD and information posted in this newsletter does not represent the views of the Paradise Valley Unified School District.*

February Monthly Meeting

Please join us for the November UPC meeting on Wednesday, February 15th. We will begin with a brief Q&A with Dr. Bales and then continue with the UPC meeting. Beginning at 10:00am, we will have the presentation of  "School Finance Issues Explained!" Ms. Jill Barragan, Assistant Superintendent of Business Operations will present about the different funding sources for public schools and the uses for each "bucket" of money. She will also answer any questions you may have!

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

9:00am UPC General Meeting

10:00am "School Finance Issues Explained"

This meeting will be held both in person and online.

To attend in person, please join us in DAC East/West at the District Office: 15002 N 32nd St Or please register in advance HERE to receive the Zoom link.

View the UPC Facebook Event HERE and click "Going"

Meeting Agenda

View the January 18 2023, Meeting Minutes

Join us for networking, planning and FUN!

Plan to join us at the 2023 School Vendor Showcase on February 15th in the PAradise Valley High School gym! There will be vendors there that are ready to support your parent group with events, fundraising and resources for your school community! We will also have raffle prizes, and time to network with other parent group leaders and opportunities to start planning for next year!

We have a special raffle prize from Kendra Scott for those that RSVP in advance- please RSVP HERE! All are welcome to attend so bring a friend!

Find more information HERE!

Share the Facebook Event with your friends!

The 2023 UPC Teacher and Staff Appreciation Nominations begin February 15th and conclude on March 22ns at 10pm!

This is your opportunity to recognize the teacher or staff member that has gone above and beyond this year. All recipients will receive copies of the letter(s) written for them. They will also be invited to participate in a celebration in May.

You can find more information and the nomination form HERE.

***All links and Nomination Form will be updated and working on February 15th!***

We want to hear from YOU!

It's time for the annual UPC Family Feedback Form! Please take a moment and complete the 2023 UPC Family Feedback Form. Individual responses are confidential, but overall data will be shared with district leadership.

Please respond by 5pm on Monday, February 20th.

This year, we have an additional feedback form! The UPC School Bond Information Survey focuses on the issue of bonds and what YOU know about bonds in PVSchools. Your responses will help guide the parent representatives on the district's bond committee.

Your responses are valued and appreciated!

In case you missed it, HERE is the recording of the recent PROJECT Search Information Night.

Now in it's third year, Project SEARCH is available for students in the Paradise Valley Unified School District. Project SEARCH is an evidence-based nine-month unpaid internship program for students with intellectual and /or developmental disabilities, ages 18-22, in their last year of high school eligibility. The goal of Project SEARCH is integrated, competitive employment for each intern within the community that matches their interests and abilities. Interns will train in a unique transition-to-work internship program based at Mayo Clinic in North Phoenix. Students participating in the 2023/2024 calendar year agree to exit high school upon completion in May 2024.

UPC is partnering with the Phoenix Suns again this year to raise money for UPC's Outreach Committee! You can purchase discounted tickets to a Suns game using this link or the QR code above and a portion of ticket sales will go to the Outreach Committee for their work on events like the Bus Driver Appreciation Breakfast, Instructional Support Staff Appreciation and supporting PV families at the holidays. There are lots of game and ticket prices to choose from!

Please share this with your communities and help us spread the word!

Dresses, suits, shoes, accessories and gift cards can be dropped off at the district office!

Here is the recording of "Anxiety and ADHD in Gifted Children" presented by Dr. Laura Wingers. Areas she discussed:

-Do You Know a Gifted Learner with Anxiety, Inattention, Distractibility, Impulsivity and/or Executive Function Challenges?

-When We Encounter the Emotional and Behavioral Intensity that Many Gifted Children Experience, We Can Empower Them, and Ourselves, with Greater Knowledge of the Incredible Mind-Body Connection.

-The Emerging Research in Pediatric Integrative Medicine Provides a Wealth of Information about the Impact of Stress, Inflammation, and Lifestyle Factors.

This is a great presentation for all parents!

The bin is now ready for you to get rid of your old clothes, shoes, blankets, sheets, and towels! Place your old items in a bag and then throw them in the bin. Items will be donated if they are still usable or recycled so they do not end up in the landfill. The Bin is located along 32nd Street in the district office parking lot (15002 N 32nd St.) Proceeds from the bin will be used to support UPC's Outreach Committee's activities.

If you have questions, please email Outreach@pvupc.org!

Did you know high school students have the opportunity to work towards earning the Arizona State Seal of Arts Proficiency? During the October UPC Meeting, we were joined by Mrs. Maureen Minnick, PVSchools Director of Fine Arts, for a presentation about this distinction for graduates. You can view the slides from her presentation HERE.

You can find additional information from the Arizona Department of Education HERE.

The gifted supplemental materials are available for viewing in the PVSchools dristict lobby (15002 N 32nd St). The materials will be available during the 60-day viewing period from January 3, 2023 - April 10, 2023.

Did you know that in Arizona, February is designated as

Career and Technical Education(CTE) month?

PVSchools has so many CTE opportunities at each of our high schools! Student can take Welding, Automotive, Fashion Design, JROTC, Nursing services, just to name a few! You can learn about all of the CTE opportunities HERE.

Watch the recording of

"Explore 22 Various CTE Programs Available in PVSchools" HERE

Join PVSchools for a virtual open house and learn about all of the Early Childhood Programs available in our district. Find more information HERE.

College Depot at Phoenix Public Library is a FREE full-service college access center located at the Burton Barr Central Library in Phoenix, Arizona. Our team of college planning and re-engagement advisors offer one-on-one appointments to assist with all action steps necessary to earn a GED, diploma, college degree or apprenticeship, and host workshops including admissions, financial aid, scholarships, and more. College Depot offers both in-person and virtual appointments. Learn more about College Depot HERE.

Here is a recording of a recent presentation of College Depot's Virtual FAFSA Lab!

You can find more information HERE from the PVSchools College and Career Services Department.

Collection boxes are also available at Desert Shadows Middle School and Wildfire Elementary. HERE is the link to the Amazon Wish List to have items shipped directly to a collection site. Questions, please email Outreach@pvupc.org

Thank you for your donations! 

Thank you to the Quail Run PTA for your donations to the Hygiene Drive!

Thank you to the North Ranch PTA for your donations!

Thank you to the Pinnacle High School National Honor Society for their amazing support of the Hygiene Drive!  Their generous donations have been sorted and placed on the shelves so the Social Workers & School Nurses can get what they need.

New on UPC's YouTube Channel!

An Overview of Special Education Programs and 504 Plans in PVSchools

You can view the recording HERE

Hot Topics in School Funding for PVSchools

You can watch the recording HERE

Understanding the Twice-Exceptional Learner

You can watch this presentation HERE!

Supporting Diverse Learners in PVSchools!

Hear from Karen Brown, PV's Director of Gifted Education, about the program options for gifted students as well as those that qualify for Special Education services. 

You can watch this presentation HERE!

Teen Suicide and Depression Prevention Workshop by Teen Lifeline

If you missed this important presentation, you can watch the recording HERE. .

View the Teen Lifeline Resources List HERE
View the presentation slides HERE

Career and Technical Education

(CTE) Programs

PVSchools offers a wide variety of Career and Technical Education different programs at all five high schools. You can view a list of CTE Programs available at each school HERE. This presentation includes videos of many of the CTE programs and would be great to watch with your student!

Watch the recording HERE.

Positive Behavior Support
Jon Bowen, PVUSD District SEL Specialist, and Erin Smith, PV Special Education Department, will discuss Positive Behavior strategies at home and school. Families will receive easy to implement strategies to use at home, as well as, learn what strategies are used in PVSchools
Watch the recording HERE.

The Gifted Committee and PVSchools' Gifted Education Department have been working together to bring parents information about the variety of gifted programs available in the district.
You can watch videos of all the recent presentations on UPC's YouTube Channel:

CREST Program, click HERE!
Digital Learning Center (DLC at Sunrise Middle School), click HERE!
Journey at Mountain Trail Middle School, click HERE!
North Valley Arts Academy (NVAA), click HERE!
Early Childhood Programs, click HERE!

Learn more about the many Gifted Programs available in PVSchools HERE! .

PVSchools Resources for Families:

HERE is UPC's List of Health and Wellness Resources 

View the District's list of Resources for FamiliesEnglish and Español

PVSchools is hiring! Check out career opportunities HERE! 



Your participation is vital to the success of UPC and to supporting our students and PVSchools. 

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email President@pvupc.org. 

With gratitude for all you do,

Kea Carota & the UPC Exec Team 

President 2022/2023

PV United Parent Council 

PV United Parent Council | Website
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