UPC brings parents from across the district together to enhance the PVSchools experience! 

*UPC is independent form PVUSD and information posted in this newsletter does not represent the views of the Paradise Valley Unified School District.*

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May Monthly Meeting and The Closing Bell with Dr. Welsh
Virtual Presentation this week! 
Join UPC for the last General Meeting of the 2019- 2020 school year. 
Dr. Welsh's "Closing Bell" presentation will immediately  follow the general meeting. He will recap  highlights from the current school year and let us  know what we can expect for the coming school year. 

For more information, click HERE!

Wednesday, May 13th 
Virtual General Meeting  begins at 9:00 a.m.

Connecting to the meeting via Webex:
Follow this link to connect:

By Phone: +1-415-655-0003 United States TOLL

Access code: 286 586 189

Please read UPC's Best Practices for Using Webex by clicking  HERE
The Agenda for the May 13th meeting can be found  HERE
The current UPC Budget can be viewed  HERE
Meeting Minutes from the April 15th General Meeting can be found  HERE

Monday, May 11th at 4:00 p.m.
We are excited to announce an interactive program you can participate in from the comfort of your home! Upon registration, you will also have the opportunity to send questions to the presenter in advance, you will also have the opportunity to ask questions live during the webinar. Please feel free to share with friends who may be interested.

In this Webinar, we will address how to protect your child from c yberbullying Increased screen time can increase the risk of cyberbullying. This webinar will explain what is known about cyberbullying, techniques for preventing it, and what to do when your children are exposed. The interactive presentation draws on the evolving science of bullying and cyberbullying and provides recommendations that are tailored to the home learning environment.

Please register in advance by  Clicking here!

You can email questions in advance to brad@newamsterdamconsulting.com 

Presenter: Brad Snyder
Executive Director @ Dion Initiative for Child Well-Being and Bullying Prevention
R. Bradley Snyder is the Executive Director of the Dion Initiative for Child Well-Being and Bullying Prevention, Chair of the Arizona Adverse Childhood Experiences Consortium, and a Commissioner on the Governor's Council on Child Safety and Family Empowerment. Brad brings to these positions three decades of experience managing projects targeting children and adolescents for clients ranging from Cartoon Network to the U.S. Justice Department (for whom his project won the Innovations in American Government Award from Harvard University). Experts describe Brad's book, The 5 Simple Truths of Raising Kids, as an "urgent 'must-read.'"
Thank you to the high school counselors who participated in the special presentation: 
Adapting to COVID-19 in High School

You can watch the presentation  HERE!
You can view the presentation slides  HERE!

If you have more questions, please contact your child's high school counselor. 
UPC Teacher & Staff 
Appreciation Award

UPC would like to congratulate and recognize the nearly 500 teachers and staff members that were nominated for this award! 

All nominated teachers and staff members will receive their nominations via email. We still plan to recognize all nominees at a future Governing Board meeting.  You can view the video announcing all of the recipients, by clicking HERE!
UPC is now on YouTube!
Subscribe today! 

You can view all of the previously recorded educational programming on our new YouTube channel. 

There are playlists for the Gifted Education Committee and the Special Education Committee. You can also easily share the presentations with friends! Be sure to "subscribe" so you never miss a presentation!

Visit our YouTube Channel HERE!

Save the date:
Join UPC for the first general meeting 
of the 2020-2021 school year. 
Dr. Welsh will give you a preview of what to expect this year and answer 
any questions you have!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

8:45 a.m. Meet and Greet 
9:00 a.m. General Meeting 
10:15 a.m. Educational Program 

Not sure what to do about 
Parent Group elections this year? 
Click  HERE  for the Parent Group/Booster Election Guide. 
SY 2020/21 UPC General Monthly Meeting Dates with Educational Program to follow!

August 19, 2020 
September 16, 2020
October 14, 2020 
November 18, 2020 
January 13, 2020 
February 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
April 7, 2020 *
May 12, 2020 *

Governing Board Room
Evening meeting with meet & greet starting at 5:45PM.  Meeting starts at 6:00PM with free dinner & childcare available for attendees. 

PVSchools Information:

HERE is the District's COVID-19 Information Page

HERE is the District's FAQ Page regrading COVID-19 and PVSchools

HERE is the District's new Distance Learning Website

HERE is UPC's PV Community Resources Document

UPC Updates

HERE is what UPC has been up to during the COVID-19 School Closures 

Your participation is vital to the success of UPC and to supporting our students and PVSchools. 

Thank you for your support.  If you have any questions or suggestions, please email me at President@pvupc.org. 

Jessica M. Wani & the UPC Exec Team 
President 2019/2020
PV United Parent Council
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