Why Become a Member School?
Through their reps, schools with membership are informed about and have an opportunity to provide input into happenings in the district such as curriculum changes, policy and procedure updates, district-wide appreciation events, strategic initiatives and more.
Our goal is that each school has representation in the United Parent Council regardless of each school's budget and we can work with you to find schools to sponsor your membership if the funds for the $75 membership dues are unavailable. The United Parent Council does minimal fundraising so that we do not compete with school fundraising. Our membership dues make up a significant portion of our income to fund operations.
Please visit Our Membership Page to see the registration form and learn more about membership. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
If you have reps identified that will be new to UPC this year and haven't completed your membership form yet, please let me know ASAP so that I can invite them to our orientation luncheon this Wednesday the 18th.
Questions about membership? Please email Andrea Convey, UPC's VP of Membership at membership@pvupc.org.