Jan. 26, 2024


"Building relationships to support our community with

collaboration, compassion and purpose."

News & Resources

United Way opens Youth Council grant application Feb. 2

The Catawba County Youth Council is accepting Requests for Funding Proposals (RFPs) targeted to address the impact areas of health and education as they relate to the needs and wellbeing of children and youth in our community.

The applications will open online Feb. 2.

Apply at THIS LINK.

The Youth Council partners with the Catawba County United Way (CCUW) in this annual community investment process.

Applications are due to the United Way by midnight on March 1.

RFPs will be considered by the Catawba County Youth Council from organizations who are either incorporated as a not-for-profit, tax-exempt entity or who have a 501-C3 legal status, within Catawba County.

Agencies will need to provide proof of their non-profit status.

RFPs for consideration by the Youth Council must be programs operated by an active, responsible and voluntary governing body and adhere to a locally developed and adopted code of ethics for volunteers and staff, which include provisions for ethical management, publicity, fundraising practices and full and fair disclosure.

More information at THIS LINK.

Training in February to apply for CCUW large RFP grant

Annually, the Catawba County United Way (CCUW) partners with local non-profit and public agencies to support programs that help those in need in the areas of health, income stability and youth education.

The CCUW's large RFP grant cycle starts in February. Important dates for local non-profits interested in applying are below.

Feb. 13 - RFP training (virtual) introducing web portal and application process - 8:30 a.m.


Feb. 19 - RFP application opens on CCUW portal

Learn more about all the CCUW grant cycles at THIS LINK.

Additional items needed for Claremont tornado recovery

UPDATE - To help families as they recover from the recent tornado in Claremont, the Catawba County United Way is partnering with the Blue Ridge Piedmont Chapter of the American Red Cross as a drop-off location for donations.

New to the list:

• Battery powered lanterns

• Portable heating sources – propane/kerosene

• Portable power sources

Original items being collected include, paper towels, toilet paper, cleaning wipes, trash bags, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, soap and feminine hygiene products.

Donations can be dropped off at the CCUW office (2760 Tate Blvd SE in Hickory) Monday – Thursday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

The drive will start Jan. 16 and run through Jan. 31.

The CCUW will work with the American Red Cross to get donations to the families.

Call 828-327-6851 if you have any questions.

Increase in flu-related deaths in Catawba County

There has been a drastic increase in the number of flu related deaths this season, according to a Catawba County Public Health press release.

The agency has received reports of 16 flu-related deaths this flu season.

This is more than three times what they usually see in a year. Most of these deaths have occurred in adults over 65, but they can also be seen in individuals with underlying medical conditions.

The best way to combat the effects of the flu is to get vaccinated. While vaccines are not 100% effective, they do still prevent many people from acquiring the flu, along with decreasing the severity of most symptoms. Individuals that wish to be vaccinated can talk to their physician or local pharmacy for more information.

The flu vaccine is also being given at Public Health. To make an appointment call 828-695-5881. If you chose not to be vaccinated you can still protect yourself and those around you by washing your hands, covering your coughs and sneezes, and staying home if you feel sick.

If you are experiencing any mild symptoms consult your local urgent care, primary care physician or pharmacy clinic. You may also receive an at home flu testing kit if eligible. Individuals with positive test results may be able to receive free treatment.

For more information go to www.test2treat.org

Home repair loans for local counties

The Western Piedmont Council of Governments is receiving applications for Urgent Repair loan funds to replace a roof or replacement of HVAC or installation of heat in a house that doesn’t have any heating source.

This program is sponsored by the NC Housing Finance Agency with funds provided by the NC Housing Trust Fund. Alexander, Burke, and Caldwell County will receive $80,000 each of this multi-county loan to assist at least seven (7) Homeowners in each county. This loan must alleviate housing conditions, which pose an imminent threat to life or safety. 

An eligible household must have very-low income, special needs and own/occupy the home. Special needs include households with members who are at least 62 years old; or handicapped or disabled members; or a single parent with at least one dependent child in residence; or households with five or more persons; and or a Military Veteran.

If you have any questions, call Jennifer Cannon, Community Development Administrative Assistant, 828-485-4250.

Know of any other resources let the United Way know.

Call 828-327-6851 or email jbailey@ccunitedway.com.

What's Happening...grab a Non-profit flyer and see what's new

We've all heard the phrase - "It takes a village," and in the non-profit world it's true. The Catawba County United Way enjoys building relationships with its community partners and sees how much greater our impact is because of our collective efforts every day.

Below are some upcoming programs and events from just a few of those partners...please share, and if you're interested, the Catawba County Interagency Council meets the second Thursday every month at the United Way office - 2760 Tate Blvd SE in Hickory.

Call 828-327-6851 for more information or email jbailey@ccunitedway.com.

Catawba County Public Health is providing free radon test kits across the state while supplies last. The form to apply for these kits is located on the NCDHHS website.

Hosted by Council on Adolescents

Hosted by Catawba Co. Partnership for Children

The Council on Adolescents has one of the few mentoring programs in Catawba County, the Lunch Buddy Mentoring Program. It is an initiative implemented in middle schools in Catawba County School, Hickory Public Schools, and Newton-Conover City Schools since 2011.

Interested in becoming a mentor?

Contact Tracey Paul at 828-322-4591 or tpaul@coacatawba.org

Would you like for us to bring Darkness to Light training to church?

The Children's Advocacy and Protection Center has afternoon and weekend training opportunities. Interested? Contact Ashley at lmoretz@catawbacountync.gov for more information.

Free Flu and COVID-19 tests are now available through a federal program that sends tests right to your home for people who are eligible. People with positive test results can be evaluated for free treatment that can be sent to a local pharmacy or to your home.

More information at THIS LINK.

Partners Health Management - Taking a confidential, online screening or using a self-help tool are quick ways to identify health and behavioral health needs to better manage your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. To learn more about our Confidential Screening and Self-Help Tools, visit THIS LINK.

NC 211 helps those in need connect to local resources

After calling for 2 needs, Alex was given help for a 3rd need that was discovered while talking to an NC 211 Community Resource Specialist.

For help - Call NC 211 by dialing 2-1-1 or (888) 892 1162 or visit THIS LINK.

Open 24/7, 365 days a year.

From food resources, emergency financial assistance, housing, healthcare, transportation - NC 211 can help you find out which services are available in your community.

Catawba County United Way is one of several community partners who help fund this program every year.

Since 1944, the Catawba County United Way has been dedicated to increasing the capacity of people to help others. To learn more about the CCUW's mission contact us at 828-327-6851 or visit ccunitedway.com.