July, 2023
Prevention Coalition of Indiana County
Quarterly Update
Workgroup Meetings
Continuing our work in Phase 3, the coalition and its workgroups are currently focused on conducting an inventory of programs in our county that address the coalition's priorities.

Four of the six workgroups have been meeting on a regular basis and we wanted to share an update with you on the work that has been done.

Student psychological, emotional, physical and social well-being - This affects how students think, feel and act. It also helps determine how they handle stress, relate to others, problem-solve and make healthy choices.
Internet safety - The ability to understand and recognize threats that exist on the internet, as well as having the skills and knowledge to avoid these threats. This includes knowing how to keep personal information private and secure online, protecting devices from malware, avoiding harmful or illegal content, and managing online relationships safely. Needs to start earlier than we think.
Commitment to school - Lack of a commitment to school means that a child no longer sees the role of the student as meaningful and rewarding. Young people who have lost this commitment to school are at a higher risk for substance abuse, delinquency, teen pregnancy, school dropout, and violence.
Reduce/eliminate/educate on vaping - Vapes can expose young people to chemicals and toxins at levels that can cause negative health effects and increase the risk of depression and anxiety. Students need to be educated about the potential long-term consequences of using e-cigarettes. They need to develop healthy coping skills and assistance quitting once they have started.
Opportunities for prosocial involvement - Young people who are exposed to more opportunities to participate meaningfully in school, family, and community are less likely to engage in substance use and other problem behaviors. Youth have positive, healthy activities available to participate in.
The Youth Involvement Workgroup held a picnic for the Youth Advisory Committee and their families on June 14 at the Eagles Rest Pavilion. White Township donated the use of the pavilion and sports equipment to support the gathering. The goal for the picnic was to get to know each other, introduce families to the work of the coalition, and talk about accomplishments thus far. The goal is to have at least 1 more meeting over the summer to brainstorm ideas for recruitment and initiatives that the youth would like to organize around the coalition's priorities.
The Community Outreach Workgroup has been working on an article for the Indiana Gazette. Look for it to be published soon! They are preparing talking points for community meetings and attending a Social Development Strategy Workshop so that information can be included in the presentation. The website of the United Way has been updated and we are working on a brochure, signage, and more.

The operational guidelines have been reviewed at the workgroup level and the workgroup would like you to accept or reject the guidelines and the proposed logo below here.
Assessing Community Resources Workgroup
The Assessing Community Resources Workgroup has been working on identifying programs in our county that address the coalition's priorities. Workgroup members are now in the process of completing a more in-depth inventory of specific programs to understand delivery, target population, sustainability, targeted risk and protective factors, and more. After this step is completed, the workgroup will identify service delivery gaps, areas that need assistance and more to present to the Prevention Coalition Board and Key Leaders.
The Prevention Coalition of Indiana County and the Office of the Indiana County District Attorney are working with all 7 school districts in our county to support youth who have been exposed to trauma or violence by providing a "head's up" to schools when an agency or department is at the scene of a traumatic incident and a child is present. DA Manzi, the Indiana Borough Police, and IASD had been planning on starting the program and when it was brought up at a coalition meeting by Patricia Berezansky, we knew we wanted to work together to promote the program county-wide. Three simple steps will let the school know that a child may need extra time, patience, or help during the day and the school can be prepared to provide additional support as needed! Handle With Care is coming to all school districts in Indiana County in fall 2023 through funding by the Office of District Attorney in Indiana County.
  • Please accept or reject the Prevention Coalition Operational Guidelines and the proposed logo below here.
  • The Assessing Community Resources group will finalize its inventory and put together a report on community resources, gaps, etc. to present to the Coalition Board and Key Leaders.
  • The Youth Advisory Committee will meet at the end of July to brainstorm recruitment ideas for the new school year and start the conversation on priority initiatives for youth.
  • Community Outreach and Board Maintenance will put together talking points and a presentation for community meetings after they attend the SDS Workshops. We are also working on signage and a brochure.
  • Begin discussions on sustainability and funding opportunities.
  • Prevention Coalition Board will meet after the Assessing Community Resources has completed its inventory and report to begin Phase 4. In Phase 4, the board will select tested and effective programs, policies, and actions to target local priorities and fill gaps in prevention services.

Please feel free to reach out to Jen Villa at [email protected] or 724-463-0277 at any time if you have questions, thoughts, or concerns. Thank you for your support and your commitment to the youth of our community.
655 Church Street, Suite 114,
Indiana, PA, 15701