United Way of Saginaw County kicks off their Annual Campaign.
Great Things Happen When We Live United, this fall marks the 101st anniversary of United Way of Saginaw County impacting the community.
United Way of Saginaw County is a community-driven nonprofit organization that strives for financial stability for all residents in Saginaw County. United Way achieves this goal by funding and partnering with nonprofit agencies throughout Saginaw County to address the root causes of financial instability. Our goal is to break the cycle of 5,000 families living in ALICE (Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed) by positively impacting these groups' opportunities to learn, grow, and change. Providing a road map to options such as literacy, soft skill development, learning to save money, and overcoming barriers to transportation that help create new possibilities where the challenges of making ends meet and living paycheck to paycheck no longer exist.
It is our goal to break the perpetual cycle that prevents our families from moving forward. By doing so, we are positively changing the face of our community forever!
The United Way is a fundraising agency that leverages relationships and donations to help lift local nonprofit agencies who might otherwise not have enough funding to deliver critical programming and services. Gifts of all sizes from individuals, businesses & corporations, private donations, and grants significantly impact our community. Our most powerful tool to help our community is financial support. We assist agencies in delivering programming to our county's most vulnerable, but we also hold the agency partners accountable to deliver measurable results. By these outcome measurements of programming, we can see the excellent work and impact our community receives.
United Way has been meeting the unmet needs in the community for over 100 years! It is through our work and community partnerships that we have been able to satisfy solutions to community crises like the most recent COVID-19 pandemic and the 500-year flood, which impacted hundreds in the Saginaw County community. LIVING UNITED is a commitment to our neighbors, co-workers, family, friends, and community to assist us in making robust, impactful, life-changing solutions. We rally volunteers and other community partners to make a meaningful impact, serving those that live throughout Saginaw County.
We need you! Each donation stays locally in Saginaw County and funds programs and initiatives that make significant, life-improving changes for all. When we lift our community members to become stronger, self-sufficient, and independent, this also impacts our economic development.
Please consider a donation to United Way of Saginaw County to help strengthen our community! We have the power to positively change our community, to make it stronger, and to lift those most vulnerable, but we need you!
- $12.00 per month – provides two individuals with counseling for a year, addressing underlying trauma that affects employment performances.
- $20.00 per month – Increases a family's financial capacity through financial education
- $30.00 per month – Ensures that one adult can get to and from work for an entire year, regardless of their transportation barrier.
- $50.00 per month– Ensures that one student has the career skills they need to be employable after High School.
- $100.00 per month – Ensures that ten children will be able to read at grade level by the end of the school year.
Calling all active bodies!! Join us in Living United and get moving! Sign up today and plan your virtual 5k! Are you a runner? Grab those sneakers and get running. Are you a cyclist? Pump up your tires and get riding. Whether you run, walk, cycle, swim, paddle board or even crawl - literally all you have to do is MOVE...gather your friends, family and neighbors to help us spread some Peace & Love when our community needs it most!
United Way is hosting a Community Shoe Drive 2020!
These shoes will help support programs serving Saginaw County residents. Help impact Saginaw County by donating your new and USED shoes TODAY!
All types and sizes of shoes will be accepted, even cleats, steel-toes, sandals, flip flops and slippers.
Simply bag up the shoes that you'd like to donate and click the link below to schedule a porch pick up! (That's right - volunteers will come right to your door).
United Way of Saginaw County leads the Long Term Recovery for over 600 residents impacted by the 500 year flood in partnership with the Saginaw County Emergency Operations Manager and Saginaw Community Foundation. "It often takes a village and this is just another way that the community comes together to positively impact our friends, neighbors, and residents," said United Way of Saginaw's President and CEO; Audra Davis.
The Long Term Disaster Recovery Group is working very closely together in partnership with local municipalities impacted directly by the flooding, FEMA, Michigan State Police Disaster and Homeland Security Division, Saginaw County Emergency Manager, Saginaw Community Foundation, and other various local businesses and non-profit agencies.
Throughout the course of the flood response, United Way of Saginaw County has worked diligently supporting volunteer initiatives; mobilizing over 350 local volunteer initiatives in response to COVID-19 and the Floods combined, driving donation/collection sites, and hosting distribution sites throughout Saginaw County, providing warm calls and supportive outreach to residents impacted by the flooding and ensuring the critical needs of our community have been met. It is through strong collaborative partnerships we have met those needs and created a situation where we are actually seeing the lowest unmet needs for our community ever recorded.
"United Way is very proud of our emergency response to lifting our Saginaw Community, our team has connected volunteers to serving over 1,000 hours of service time," said Davis. We had volunteers that are committed to our community reaching out throughout volunteer networks supported by United Way of Saginaw County. This is what community service is all about!
In partnership with Nexteer, 211 of Northeastern Michigan, Saginaw Spirit, Food Bank of Eastern Michigan, Dow, Kroger, Home Depot, Michigan State Police Disaster Relief and Homeland Security Division. our strong partners in Labor and countless other community businesses and foundations; collections of donated materials were immediately redistributed into the community addressing immediate unmet needs.
Unfortunately, for the 136 Saginaw County households that encountered "major" damages the road to recovery continues. United Way of Saginaw County is committed to assisting and leading the charge. Join Us.
To contribute to the Long Term Flood Recovery please consider donating here: Text FloodRELIEF2020 to 41-444 or click here to donate.
You can help the United Way of Saginaw County everyday!
Amazon Smile
By shopping at Amazon Smile and selecting the United Way of Saginaw County as your charity of choice, a portion of your purchases will be donated to our cause. Help us extend our impact to more than 30,000 Saginaw County residents every year by using Amazon Smile.
Kroger Community Rewards
Shop, swipe your Plus Card, and earn rewards for the United Way of Saginaw County! Here's how:
- Visit Kroger Online
- Locate your state and click "Enroll Now"
- Sign in or create your account
- Search for the United Way of Saginaw County (YL058)
- Select the United Way of Saginaw County and hit "Save"