As the pandemic stretches on, now more than ever before our community's big challenges call for big solutions. In the face of these challenges, your United Way continues to provide emergency funding for community members through the United for Southern Arizona COVID-19 Fund. Funds raised are used to help local individuals and families in crisis due to COVID-19. This week as you read the stories below, remember that Tucson needs you to GIVE BIG and GIVE UNITED.
*Total Funds to be allocated through the end of the year
Community Story Update
Each week we select a story from a member of the community being directly impacted by the United for Southern Arizona COVID-19 Fund.
Flowing Wells Educational Foundation:“Our team was recently put in touch with a family of seven in the Flowing Wells district, including three children. The entire family is currently battling COVID – it has affected the whole house. In addition to being ill, the parents are unable to work. The family has fallen behind on rent and utilities and recently received an eviction notice stating that they needed to be out by the end of January. Support from the United Way COVID-19 Fund will help them catch up on their rent and utilities immediately, helping them avoid eviction and stay stable until the adults can return to work.”
Now, more than ever our community's
Big Challenges call for Big Solutions
We need your continued support to provide life-saving services to our community as we struggle through the COVID-19 Crisis. Your gift to this fund will quickly support a child, family, or older person with what they need most during this difficult time. This year Tucson needs you to GIVE BIG and GIVE UNITED.