WEEKLY UPDATE February 4, 2025

“Who’s your favorite superhero, Daddy?” This was the question my Spider-Man-obsessed 7-year-old son asked me during lunch recently. No matter how much I tried to remain in a fictional universe, my mind kept replaying the image of someone unfamiliar to most comic book fans. My favorite superhero is a retired newspaperman from Raleigh, N.C. named John Curtis Washington. Born in 1924, John Washington lived the majority of his life battling the real-life villain of racial injustice known as Jim Crow. At every turn, the kryptonite of segregation sought to deny his dignity and undercut his humanity. And despite serving his country in World War II—just as his father served in the Great War before him—victory over fascism abroad did not mean equal rights at home.

Nevertheless, like so many valiant heroes in American history, Mr. Washington found the strength to cope and fight. Daily positive affirmations in the face of negative realities provided him with the power to persevere. For the past seven decades, he has started each day with a prayer on his lips and a copy of Daily Word on his lap. My grandfather, John Curtis Washington, believes we all have the capacity to be superheroes. It’s just a matter of tapping into the power of God’s love and God’s compassion.

Excerpt from "The Power to Persevere", Jonathan L. Walton,

Unity Williamsburg Spiritual Center offers a

safe and sacred place for study, participation, fellowship,

support, and transformation as we awaken to

the joy of living!

We invite you to join us in 2025!

Unity Williamsburg Spiritual Center is a diverse, open and affirming community that embraces all people regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, ethnicity, age or physical or mental ability - without intent or attempt to convert. 

Learn More about Unity...

Interested in more information about Unity? Who are we and where did we come from? Click on these links to inform and empower you! and Blessings!   

Inclement Weather Notices

Virginia weather is a roller coaster ride and there may be times when services need to be cancelled for the safety of our congregation and speakers. Cancellation notices will be sent out via a Constant Contact email and posted to Facebook. We will also update the message on the UWSC voicemail to let callers know when services will be cancelled.  

Calendar of Events

Wednesday, February 5

Yoga Class with Jamie Fitzwater

7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 6

Loving Kindness Meditation Class

6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, February 8

Unity 5 Step Prayer Workshop with Rev. Ginny Roll and

Rev. Ann De'Michael - In Person at UWSC or join on Zoom

1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Meditation Class with Darrell Key

1:00 - 2:00 p.m. CANCELLED

Sunday, February 9

Music Sunday

10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Wednesday, February 12

Yoga Class with Jamie Fitzwater

7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 13

Loving Kindness Meditation Class

6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, February 15

Meditation Class with Darrell Key

1:00 - 2:00 p.m. CANCELLED

Sunday, February 16

Canda Lambert, Spiritual Leader

10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Board Meeting

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, February 18

HU - The Sound of Soul

7:00 - 8:00 p.m. CANCELLED

Wednesday, February 19

Yoga Class with Jamie Fitzwater

7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 20

Loving Kindness Meditation Class

6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, February 22

Healing Sound Bath with Canda Lambert

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Meditation Class with Darrell Key

1:00 - *1:40 p.m. (*Time Change)

Sunday, February 23

Carylanne Steinberg, Guest Speaker

10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Wednesday, February 26

Yoga Class with Jamie Fitzwater

7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 27

Loving Kindness Meditation Class

6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

The Way of Mastery Book Study (Zoom)

7:00 p.m.

Join us this Sunday for a special musical service! Our own Canda Lambert, spiritual leader, and Paulette Amory, music director, will perform spiritual and uplifting songs to start your week off on a high note. Of course, all are welcome to sing along! We'll be making a joyful noise this Sunday, filling our minds and hearts with the universal language of the soul - music.

Platform Assistant: Teo Feliciano

Chaplain: Susan Cardozo

Greeters: Tom & Fran Rodan

Chaplains Corner

To be loving means to be kind, understanding, and generous. It means forgiving grievances easily and seeking to understand myself and others. 

Love is the very nature of God. I am a spiritual being, which means love is my nature too. The boundless love of God expresses through me. I am loving.

Unity Williamsburg Spiritual Center graciously accepts love offerings during Sunday Services and special events, online through, Zeffy, and by check, mailed to 624 Queens Creek Rd, Williamsburg, VA 23185

Message from the Board

Those who were able to make it to service on Sunday were blessed by a high energy, love filled talk and poetry presentation by Dr. Jubilee with the musical gifts J. Tucker on trumpet. I know I have been joyfully humming along to, "Come sit your butt down at love's table" the past 2 days! If you weren't able to come, definitely watch the recorded livestream on the UWSC Facebook page. If you weren't able to pick-up one of the Love Notes for Your Soul handouts, more will be available this week on on the table as you enter the sanctuary.

Finally, a few administrative points...we continue to collect updated contact information from our congregation so please take a moment to complete the slips you find in the pews or update online here. We are also collecting your thoughts, ideas and feedback in our new Suggestion box and those forms and box can be found on the front table to the left side of the Sanctuary or submitted online here.

Blessings, love & light,


Amy Shao, President

Jane Siegel, Vice President

Lynda Birckhead, Secretary

Johan Wagner, Treasurer

Jude Eastman, Member at Large

Teo Feliciano, Member at Large

(*To email a board member, click on their name above.)

Next Board Meeting will be February 16.

What an opportunity for our congregation! You guys have expressed interest in learning how to pray the Unity way. This Saturday, February 8, from 1 to 3 p.m., Rev. Ginny Roll and Rev. Ann De'Michael, will share a workshop on affirmative prayer. Both bring their expertise as Unity Worldwide Prayer Chaplain trainers and Ministers so this is a great opportunity to learn more about the power of prayer. 

Online Book Study: Way of Mastery

The Way of Mastery is a series of 3 books of channeled messages by Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) thru Jon Marc Hammer (Jayem) during the years from 1994-1997. As defined by the Shanti Christo Foundation, “The 35 lessons in these books are a pathway to forgiveness, self-love and the acceptance of the perfection of each moment and are designed to return the mind to holiness – wholeness. Jeshua speaks to every aspect of living in the world as Christ.”

Come and join a monthly zoom group for the Way of Mastery Book 2 (Way of Transformation) every 4th Thursday of the month at 7pm EST.

Invitations are open to all who may enjoy continuing to join in discussing and applying these Christ Consciousness teachings in daily life. Reading of the chapter to be discussed is the only appreciated guideline to joining the group.

Please email Kathleen Kopec ( to be included in receiving the zoom link. Questions also welcome if you'd like more information.

Our next zoom meeting will be on February 27th at 7pm EST for WOM BK2 Lesson 14: The Wise Use of Time.

NEW GROUP - 8 Weeks of Loving Kindness Meditation

Every Thursday night at 6:30 in February & March.

Space is limited! Sign up today.

Deepen your capacity for loving-friendliness through meditation, journaling, and conversation. The weekly guided meditations are led by 8 world class teachers and scientists including Sharon Salzburg, Dr. Richard Davidson, Tara Brach, Joseph Goldstein, and others.

We’ll gather each Thursday to participate in a guided meditation, journal silently, and discuss with one-another. Strengthen your loving-kindness muscles in community. Registration is required, so please sign up today to save your seat at the table. Click on this link to register:

Please visit our new Facebook home here or search @unitywilliamsburgspiritualcenter. We will be posting the Daily Word, affirmations, meditations, inspirational music and sermon spotlights daily. We will also post information about upcoming services and special events.

Our Sunday Services will be broadcast via Facebook Live every Sunday at 10:30 AM.

Please "Like" the posts and share content from the page to improve our online visibility. If you have suggestions from content, please contact Amy Shao or Jude Eastman.

Zeffy is a fee-free donation portal specifically for non-profits. This means 100% of your love offering comes to UWSC. There will be cards with the scannable QR codes in the Sanctuary on Sunday like the one pictured. By scanning the QR code, you are taken to a donation page where you can choose a one time or recurring donation and amount. You do not need to create an account. Once you submit your donation, you will receive an immediate "Thank You" email with a downloadable tax-deductible donation receipt for your records.

So give it a try and let the Board know what you think!

If you know kids in need of service hours or projects for their scouting or school clubs, Unity Williamsburg would welcome their efforts! We can provide any needed signoffs for their reporting documentation. Please have them contact Amy Shao for more information.

Let's Stay in Touch



Prayer Chaplain

Facebook @UnityWilliamsburgSpiritualCenter

YouTube Unity Williamsburg

Instagram @UnityWilliamsburg

Donations – Pay Pal, Zeffy,

checks mailed to 624 Queens Creek Rd, Williamsburg, VA 23185.


624 Queens Creek Rd Williamsburg, VA 23185

(757) 585-3170

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