WEEKLY UPDATE January 7, 2025

A Meditation on the Power of Release

By Rev. Bronte Colbert

In the quiet of thought, I ask for guidance on what and how to let go.

I clear out, eliminate, and give away what I no longer need. I remove physical clutter— the unused items and things I’ve outgrown. Then I release habits, dependencies, unhealthy boundaries, and relationships that are not for my highest good.

I release any unforgiveness or judgments that tether me to the past. Instead, I affirm a vital, positive life in the present. My experiences, in all their variety, have led me to the beauty of today.

I let go of negative thinking or limited ideas about myself and my capabilities. I release doubt and fear. I break free from any feelings of inadequacy or lack. I shed the habit of criticizing others or myself.

As I continue to release what no longer serves me, I make room for delightful circumstances and opportunities.

Affirm: In letting go, I create space and energy for the new.


Unity Williamsburg Spiritual Center offers a

safe and sacred place for study, participation, fellowship,

support, and transformation as we awaken to

the joy of living!

We invite you to join us in 2025!

Unity Williamsburg Spiritual Center is a diverse, open and affirming community that embraces all people regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, ethnicity, age or physical or mental ability - without intent or attempt to convert. 

Learn More about Unity...

Interested in more information about Unity? Who are we and where did we come from? Click on these links to inform and empower you! www.unity.org and www.truthunity.net. Blessings!   

Calendar of Events


Tuesday, January 7

Healing and Meditation Gathering

6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, January 8

Yoga Class with Jamie Fitzwater

7:00 - 8:00 p.m.


Saturday, January 11

Meditation Class with Darrell Key

1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Sunday, January 12

Canda Lambert

10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Wednesday, January 15

Yoga with Jamie Fitzwater

7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, January 18

Meditation Class with Darrell Key

1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Sunday, January 19

Guest Speaker

10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Board Meeting

12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Tuesday, January 21

The Sound of Soul

7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, January 22

Yoga with Jamie Fitzwater

7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, January 25

Healing Sound Bath with Canda Lambert

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Meditation Class with Darrell Key

1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Sunday, January 26

Ingrid and Duncan Hamra, Guest Speakers

10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Annual Congregational Meeting 11:30 am

Saturday, February 1

Imbolc Celtic Celebration

11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Canda Lambert, Unity Williamsburg's part-time Spiritual Leader, will be our speaker this Sunday. Many of you know Canda as a singer, songwriter, musician and spiritual guide for the monthly Sound Bath, the seasonal Celtic drum circles and celebrations with Rev. Denise, and as a guest speaker. Canda speaks from the heart, a heart that is steeped in the Unity principles and the love of God. Be sure to join us this Sunday to hear her inspiring message.

Platform Assistant: Teo Feliciano

Chaplains: Rev. Maria Nouel & Susan Cardozo

Greeters: Richard & Margie Tate

Openers/Closers: Christopher Shao & Amy Shao

For those who wish to give before or after the service, go to paypal.me/UnityWilliamsburg or Zeffy.

Chaplains Corner

Having moved from fear to faith I get ready to journey into a new year. I start by tapping into the power of release, or surrendering, through a series of actions. I become still and ask to be shown ways of thinking, feeling, and responding that no longer serve me. I take a cleansing breath, relax, and know it is within my power to release thoughts of lack, disease, discord or self-doubt. I affirm: I release and surrender all to the light to be restored and transformed.

Unity Williamsburg Spiritual Center graciously accepts love offerings during Sunday Services and special events, online through paypal.me/UnityWilliamsburg, Zeffy, and by check, mailed to 624 Queens Creek Rd, Williamsburg, VA 23185

Message from the Board

What a beautiful start to 2025 we had at UWSC! Rev. Maria led us through our Water Release and White Stone ceremonies beautifully and our kitchen angels organized a delicious pot luck fellowship afterwards. If you weren't able to make it to service on Sunday and would like to hold your own ceremonies at home, we still have a few white stones and slips of dissolving paper available. We'll keep them by the table as you enter the sanctuary to pick up.

We will have our overhead projector working again this Sunday thanks to Tommy and his trusty ladder. Canda and Sara also worked after service on our sound system so there should be noticeable improvements to that as well. And thank you to all our helping hands who put away the remaining Christmas decorations and changed out our decor for Winter. It is always so beautiful to see how our community comes together to make it all happen!

We will hold the Annual Congregational Meeting after service on Sunday, January 26 where we will share an overview of 2024 and plans for 2025. There will more opportunities to volunteer and to come together as a spiritual community to share ideas, learn, grow and fellowship, so STAY TUNED!

Blessings, love & light,


Amy Shao, President

Jane Siegel, Vice President

Lynda Birckhead, Secretary

Johan Wagner, Treasurer

Jude Eastman, Member at Large

Teo Feliciano, Member at Large

(*To email a board member, click on their name above.)

Next Board Meeting will be January 19.

Please visit our new Facebook home here or search @unitywilliamsburgspiritualcenter. We will be posting the Daily Word, affirmations, meditations, inspirational music and sermon spotlights daily. We will also post information about upcoming services and special events.

Our Sunday Services will be broadcast via Facebook Live every Sunday at 10:30 AM.

Please "Like" the posts and share content from the page to improve our online visibility. If you have suggestions from content, please contact Amy Shao or Jude Eastman.

What an opportunity for our congregation! You guys have expressed interest in learning how to pray the Unity way. On Saturday, February 8, Rev. Ginny Roll and her partner Rev. Ann DeMichael, will share a workshop on affirmative prayer. Both bring their expertise as Unity Worldwide Prayer Chaplain trainers and Ministers so this is a great opportunity to learn more about the power of prayer. More details to come!

Zeffy is a fee-free donation portal specifically for non-profits. This means 100% of your love offering comes to UWSC. There will be cards with the scannable QR codes in the Sanctuary on Sunday like the one pictured. By scanning the QR code, you are taken to a donation page where you can choose a one time or recurring donation and amount. You do not need to create an account. Once you submit your donation, you will receive an immediate "Thank You" email with a downloadable tax-deductible donation receipt for your records.

So give it a try and let the Board know what you think!

If you know kids in need of service hours or projects for their scouting or school clubs, Unity Williamsburg would welcome their efforts! We can provide any needed signoffs for their reporting documentation. Please have them contact Amy Shao for more information.

Let's Stay in Touch

Website unitywilliamsburg.com

Email admin@unitywilliamsburg.com

Prayer Chaplain Requestsprayerunitywilliamsburg@gmail.com

Facebook @UnityWilliamsburgSpiritualCenter

YouTube Unity Williamsburg

Instagram @UnityWilliamsburg

Donations – Pay Pal paypal.me/unitywilliamsburg, Zeffy,

checks mailed to 624 Queens Creek Rd, Williamsburg, VA 23185.


624 Queens Creek Rd Williamsburg, VA 23185


(757) 585-3170

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