Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

The "G7" are meeting in Cornwall, England. Their talk and proclamations are based on humanism, that same rebellious desire to construct something without God that motivated those building the Tower of Babel. Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25 repeat this Truth: there is a way that seems right to a man but its way leads to death.

The more you and I add times of repentance to our prayers of intercession the more powerful our prayers. Psalm 66:18 points out that if there is iniquity in our hearts the Lord won't hear our prayers.

The Holy Spirit in each of us is stronger than the spirit of humanism. And when we come together in unity, interceding, strongholds fall.

To pray for the G7 mentality to be defeated add repentance to your prayers. Here are some key points from our sister Kathleen :

Ezekiel 33:2-6 (NASB)
2 “Son of man, speak to your people and tell them: ‘Suppose I bring the sword against a land, and the people of that land choose a man from among them, appointing him as their watchman, 3 and he sees the sword coming against that land and blows the ram’s horn to warn the people. 4 Then if anyone hears the sound of the horn, but fails to heed the warning, and the sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head. 5 Since he heard the sound of the horn but failed to heed the warning, his blood will be on his own head. If he had heeded the warning, he would have saved his life. 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and fails to blow the horn to warn the people, and the sword comes and takes away a life, then that one will be taken away in his iniquity, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.”

Beloved, what I am about to write could get me into a great deal of trouble with the political and spiritual powers operating on behalf of the darkness and its satanic evil. Never the less, the text I have quoted above, has always been foundational for me in speaking out when the Lord shouts out a warning. As you know I have been shouting the alarm about the Covid plandemic and the false vaccine … experimental gene jab … that the elite have offered to the world as the absolute solution. Their agenda has always been to depopulate and to monitor every human being, in order to control behavior, choices, and speech. In addition, it has been their goal to “vaccinate” everyone in the world … and on a continuing basis … to accomplish their goals. There is death, disability and slavery in this jab. The Lord has been announcing that warning of truth to His true prophets for months; but now the evidence that affirms His warnings, are appearing in increasing numbers and clarity. As the conspiracy comes into the light, the elite will become more vicious, determined, controlling, and punitive. Every last member of the remnant Body of Messiah must fully wake up and get up onto the walls of intercession … as well as to shout the alarm. Satan is moving very deceptively and very, very swiftly, in his attempt to pre-maturely establish his anti-Christ, global goverance against YHVH Lordship. He is attempting to thwart the coming Awakening and Revival that will bring forth the greatest harvest of souls that the world has ever seen. We are on the cusp of that reality. As a result, the fury of the Enemy against the Truth-Tellers, has arisen exponentially, even as his boldness in promoting and mandating his agenda is becoming more outrageous! From today through to Monday morning, there is a battle taking place that requires our engagement alongside of the Lord’s angelic armies. YHVH is watching were we will stand, and how we will engage in obedience to His Spirit’s leading. None of the remnant can be standing, or sitting, on the sidelines during these days. I will explain why.

As of today, June 11th, through June 13th, the G7 groups of global leaders will be meeting in Cornwall, England, to outline the rules, the format and the fate of the global nations in regard to health, finance, business, climate control, education, immigration, travel, and an abundance of rules and regulations (laws) to be mandated upon the global citizens, etc. They are the heart and the true agenda of the Global Reset of the World Economic Forum … which is the global Luciferian elite “machers” (power brokers) seeking to rule the globe.  While the citizens of the 7 nations, which they represent, do not necessarily agree with their plans and agendas, there has been insufficient information circulated about their activities and goals. There has been too little pushback against their initiatives and mandates in the natural and in the spiritual realms. If we do not seek the Lord now, and get into this fight to win, there will be many more losses. It is time to appeal to heaven, for the Lord to rip off the satanic cover of these wicked players and pawns of wickedness … to expose them and all their horrors … to lay bare the hidden activities, agendas, and money trails, and to strip them of their illegal power. The arrogance of these Luciferians is off the charts. They are counting on ignorant, fearful, and complacent humans to walk right into their traps; offering no resistance or counter measures.  Before I outline to you the participants and the agenda of these G7 meetings, I want to share with you something that the Lord revealed to me yesterday while I was praying about this gathering in Cornwall. I believe it is KEY for our intercession and for our appeal to heaven.

Here is what I heard in the Spirit: “Indeed, without knowing it, your world has been constantly hearing a vow that Lucifer shouted at the time, when I dismantled his project, which was designed to supplant My Lordship on the earth. I am speaking of the Tower of Babel in ancient days. The arrogance and the efficiency in which this tower was being constructed to supplant Me, and My authority, were great wickedness in My eyes. I could not allow it continue, as it was a project contrived in the hearts of wicked, fallen angels, and being constructed by agents and hybrids of rebellion. In a single moment, I crushed their unity of purpose, and thus their ability to proceed. With the word of My mouth, that sinister tower was crushed under the weight of My authority. Those, who had achieved illegal power, through operating upon one vision, shared by one people, and through one language of communication, could not be allowed to stand. Therefore, I established a NEW ORDER of My own. I created the distinguishing groupings of tongues, tribes and nations. I repositioned all of the people throughout the earth, into designated territories of My choosing. Those standards and boundaries are still in effect, regardless of what the words of humans and demons dictate. What was the vow of which I speak? Listen and you will hear it spoken across the face of the earth, by those in league with the Evil One … by those, operating to bring forth his wicked agenda for My human creation. The words that Lucifer shouted across the earth when his plans were thwarted at Babel here these: ‘I WILL BUILD BACK BETTER!!!’ Since that moment, his goal has been to establish a new, one world order of His design, under his lordship. You have read about his end time global governance plan in My word. I warned you about it! So now, this agenda has made great strides and has captured the hearts, minds, and lives of MANY across the face of the earth. Even now, whole nations are falling into the trap. Lucifer’s mantra, ‘I WILL BUILD BACK BETTER’, has been augmented by the voices of humankind, operating in satanic leadership, and those blindly walking in ignorant lockstep with the agenda. The mantra encompassing the globe now … following this wicked conspiracy of manufactured disease and global crisis, while also promoting a dangerous remediation of the crisis … is “WE WILL BUILD BACK BETTER!’. Do you hear it? The sound of those words should greatly agitate My Spirit alive within you. A revulsion should arise in your soul. The words, ‘We will build back better’ is the sound of Lucifer’s spittle being spewed toward My face. It is a gauntlet thrown down, expressing his confidence that, this time, he will win, because the various nations that were set apart from each other, are buying the lies of a singular global unity, and of global leadership governing in all aspects of human life. It is REBELLION of the highest level against My authority; being constructed from the decree of the most wicked created being ever in existence. What you hear being decreed, and what you see being established through the gatherings of Lucifer’s followers, is the reestablishment of the Tower of Babel. My Righteous Remnant must arise and strike it down in the spiritual realm; rejecting those words, and declaring MY ONE WORLD ORDER … MY KINGDOM … even declaring MY WON WORLD ORDER of redemption for humankind through the atonement. 

Will you arise and defend the order and the creation that I established for you? Will you reject the counterfeit against all threats and coercion that will be raised up against you? You must arise NOW, for the time is short. Too many have already fallen into the trap, so that many will be lost without My Divine intervention. Be silent no more? Appeal to Heaven!  Shout truth upon the earth!  Declare your unwillingness to comply to this evil rule, nor to submit to the mandates of this wicked global confederacy; formulated to fulfill Lucifer’s vow of decree shouted at the fall of Babel. There is no more time!  Arise in spiritual WAR, for I, and My forces are with you. Open your eyes! Open your mouths! Come alongside with what I am speaking, and what I am proposing for your world in this hour. BUILD BACK BETTER is NOT MY WORD, but arises out of the most evil heart … now being heard as a decree of arrogant rebellion, being declared in unity by wicked agents. I will defeat this agenda again, but now I look for yourdisapproval, and for your rejection of this evil … and to your approval of holiness, truth, and My divine rule. Stand up as the true inheritors of the earth … as the true representative of My human creation, which abides under My sovereignty. I will stand with you! This wicked, presumptuous, satanic tower of unified, arrogant, rebellious, global power … which seeks to deny Me My harvest of souls, and to seize My Lordship … will be pushed back into its proper place.”

Now for some information about why that word is so significant for this weekend. Right now the G7 nations (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the US, and the UK) are meeting in Cornwall under the mantra of WE WILL BUILD BACK BETTER … slogan of the World Economic Forum regarding the Covid plandemic. Australia, India, South Korea and South Africa have been invited to attend the meetings without being members.  Please note that the agencies calling the shots, priorities and rules of the G7 Financial power, are all global, luciferian elite, organizations. The Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the G7, ater in collaboration with the Heads of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank Group, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Eurogroup, and (on 28 May) Financial Stability Board (FSB). The United Nations is a big player is all the G7 is doing as well. Here is a bit of what is on the agenda … of which is to be agreed upon, as the rules and conditions to govern all the nations of the world. These statements come from the G7 documents.

 (Please keep in mind that there is no pandemic, whenever you read something about ending the pandemic. A pandemic is defined as a global infection of vast and deadly lethality, for which there is no medical treatment or prevention. None of that is true, or had been true. Covid illness now is being seen in those, who have taken the jab. Also note that ALL CENTRAL BANKS are global luciferian constructs).

** Nations are to agree to follow UK lead in making climate reporting mandatory, and agree measures to crack down on the proceeds of environmental crimes … and crimes against NATURE (what do you suppose that mean; given that the elites see human beings as parasites the burden mother earth).
**Finance Ministers also accelerated action on environmental issues, following in the UK’s footsteps by committing for the first time to properly embed climate change and biodiversity loss considerations into economic and financial decision-making. (now, financial and econoni decisions will authomatically be based upon who supports the climate change rules and mandates regarding biodiversity)
** The Global financial system will play its part in transition to net zero, as investors better understand how firms are managing climate risks and can allocate finance accordingly. (again financial benefits will go to those, who go along with the climate change spin/agenda, and those, who don’t, will get no funding.)
**There will be the priority of supporting nature and tackling environmental crime. (i.e. the creation of the planet and nature,  is more important than the human creation)
**The G7 also welcomed the World Bank’s efforts on global health and vaccines, and urged them to use their financial firepower to help poor countries obtain vaccines, including through COVAX. The G7 also called on the IMF (International Monetary Fund) to ramp up its efforts to finance vaccines, and agreed that private sector, including the pharmaceutical industry, to play their parts more too. (mandates vaccines and their distribution is the main priority. Why? It’s not about illness, but about control and depopulation … and about identifying who will not go by the globalist, one world order, rules)
**We will continue to work together to ensure a strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive global recovery that builds back better and greener from the Covid-19 pandemic, recognising the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on certain groups including women, youth and vulnerable populations.
** Monetary policy will continue to support the economic recovery from the pandemic and ensure price stability, consistent with central bank mandates
**The Covid-19 pandemic can only be overcome when it is brought under control everywhere. There is an overwhelming moral, scientific and economic case for ensuring equitable, safe, effective and affordable access to Covid-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics across the world. Accelerating the end of the pandemic would add trillions of dollars to global GDP. (all of this is pure propaganda garbage to gain total control … lies!!!)
** Innovation in digital money and payments has the potential to bring significant benefits but also raise public policy and regulatory issues. We note that any CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies), as a form of central bank money, could act as both a liquid, safe settlement asset and as an anchor for the payments system.  (a cashless, digital currency system with no national currencies, all under the direct control of the global government.)
**All migration of populations will be centralized (no national borders nor the right to say who comes in, and who goes out of given areas under global control.

There are pages and pages of mandates that this group plans to set into place for the world to follow. In order to get out the vital intercession in a timely way, I will give you no more details about the mandates. You can explore those things yourself. At least you have the idea of the priorities for our nations, being served by at the G7 meetings, at the hands of the global luciferian elite.  VACCINES ARE THE PRIORITY. CLIMATE CHANGE IS THE PLUMBLINE FOR RECEIVING SUPPORT OR JUDGMENT. CENTRALIZED DIGITAL CURRENCY, AND THE LOSS OF ALL NATION SOVEREIGNTY, ARE INNATE TO THE PLANS. THERE WILL NO LONGER BE NATIONAL CITIZENS, NOR NATIONAL HEALTH PLANS/MANDATES/STANDARDS. THERE WILL NO LONGER BE BORDERS FOR NATIONS NOR NATIONAL DESIGNATIONS; ONLY REGIONS UNDER GLOBAL CONTROL FOR THE GOOD OF ALL. The nations and citizens of the world will accept the rules, guidelines and mandates of this Global Reset, or they will disappear. Many will disappear anyway, as a result of the global mandates for vaccines … which will never be true vaccines, but rather political weapons, used against populations who fail to comply … and for monitoring activities of all persons, to reward or punish the survivors of the vaccines.

Here are the leaders of nation, who are in attendance. Please pray for them by name.
--Boris Johnson - Prime Minister of The UK, G7 Host.
--Justin Trudeau - Prime Minister, Canada
--Emmanuel Macron - President of France
--Angela Merkel - Chancellor of Germany
--Mario Draghi - Prime Minister of Italy
--Yoshihide Suga - Prime Minister of Japan
--Joe Biden – false President of America.
--Ursula von der Leyon - President of the European Commission.
--Charles Michel - European Council President
--Scott Morrison (guest) - Prime Minister of Australia
--Kim Boo-kyum (guest) - Prime Minister of South Korea
--Narendra Modi (guest) - Prime Minister of India
--Cyril Ramaphosa (guest) - President of South Africa 
STATEMENTS OF INTERCESSION AND DECREE:  (NOTE: if you are not of the mind and heart expressed in the decrees … if you are not willing to live under the manifestations, or in the fulfillment of these decrees, please only pray that points of intercession. These decrees contain great spiritual authority, for which there will be a response from the spiritual realm.)

**Father God, in the name, blood, and authority of Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ), we utterly renounce, reject, and condemn the mandates being put forth by the Global Luciferian elite, through the G7 rulings and plans. 
**We utterly decry, in our world, the vow made by Lucifer at the fall of Babel’s tower, stating that HE WILL BUILD BACK BETTER.
**Furthermore, we utterly renounce and reject the current mantra, and all the statements of global intent being declared by the G7 … WE WILL BUILD BACK BETTER … and which is being decreed by all other globalist and humanist individuals, agencies, and organizations. We have no part in this decree! We strike down the power of that declaration, through the name, blood, and authority of Yeshua Ha Mashiach! We acknowledge it as being satanic rebellion against the Most High God, YHVH … who alone has all authority, dominion, and power over all of Creation.
**We renounce and reject the lies, and the scenarios, of global climate change as solely being something arising from human activities and actions. We affirm that the world groans under the burden of sin, but that condition is not remedied by the physical effort of human beings. There is one REDEEMER … Yeshua Ha Mashiach. He is the solution. 
**The climate change that our would desperately needs is a change in the spiritual climate, as the result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We pray for that now.
**We affirm that the worship of all of humankind is to be directed solely to the One Sovereign of all things … YHVH. We utterly renounce and reject the worship of the earth, its flora, its fauna and of every created, or contrived, thing.
**We affirm that all prosperity and true blessing comes from the hand of YHVH … including health and the remediation of all disease. We do not look to the grants of men for provision, protection, solutions, or affirmation.
**We affirm that life and death is held under the sovereign authority of YHVH alone. We yield no power to the luciferian elite to direct our beliefs, our choices, our moral stance, or the length of our very lives.  We will not allow the powers of darkness to take these things out of the eternal power of YHVH’s hands. We choose to remain in His hands.
**We renounce, refuse, and reject every false and mandated VACCINE thrust upon the human creation. We will not submit to being controlled or silenced by the evil ones.  YHVH will provide all that we need to stay faithful to live, to speak, and to act in truth and righteousness.
**The power of Lucifer, which gives power to the so-called, Global elite, is false and illegal power. It was, and still is, illegal in heaven, therefore, we decree that every form of luciferian power is ILLEGAL UPON THE EARTH! Lord, please rule on this matter. Strike down this oppressing power that seeks to dethrone Your power.
**We decree and declare, that we, the children of YHVH, refuse to comply with all of the rebellious, immoral, illegal, and deceitful applications of the false power of the Globalist luciferians. These false authorities have no high ground on which to stand to dictate moral any governance that contradict the laws of YHVH for human life, liberty, prosperity, and the ordering of our lives, or of our nations. Therefore, we are not obligated to submit to these evil powers or decrees. We submit to the way, will, and word of YHVH, willingly and with a full heart.
**We acknowledge, and celebrate, the good plan of YHVH; establishing His human children in various tongues, tribes, territories, and nations. We will not become a global fusion that demands we must surrender our divine identify, calling, territory, nationality, or authority.
**We decree and declare that we already have a superior global governance, and citizenship, in the Kingdom of YHVH. We will not surrender these treasures for any reason.
**Further, we decree that we eagerly await the establishment of Messiah Yeshua’s global rule that will manifest in the physical, when He returns to the earth to reign.
**We acknowledge that there is actual truth and falsehood … light and darkness … righteousness and evil. We choose TRUTH, LIFE, AND RIGHTEOUSNESS according to the way, word, and authority of YHVH. With the help, and enabling power of YHVH, WE WIILL STAND IN/ON THIS TRUTH!
**Because we choose to live in both truth and in love, according to the standards and definitions of YHVH, we choose to love and to forgive those, who oppress and persecute us for our positions of truth, faith, and approved choices in life.
**We decree, that when the lies, the conspiracies, the thefts, and the machinations of evil are exposed, and brought down into accountability … and when the evil structures and mandates are brought down into dust by the hand of YHVH … WE, with the help of YHVH, WILL BUILD UP OUR NATIONS MORE RIGHTEOUSLY, MORE OBEDIENTLY, MORE FAITHFULLY, with His help.
**We decree that humanity WILL NOT GO BACK to where it was before this plandemic … nor will be BUILD BACK to where we were. Will arise in the New Thing that YHVH is bringing through the Awakening, and through the promised outpouring of His Holy Spirit upon the whole earth. We pray for that day, while we celebrate its coming, expectantly. 
**Pray for the Lord to empower our decrees and to back them up with His rulings from the High Court in Heaven.
**Pray for the Lord to lead us, to protect us, and to sustain us, as we stand against the powers of evil in this hour. 
**Pray for us to have the wisdom and the discernment needed to be victorious in the challenges … and to be a bright light in this great darkness.
**Pray for a deep unity among the members of the Body of Christ across the globe. Pray that we lock together our hearts, our arms, our shields, and our actions of resistance in such a way that the enemy will be defeated and humiliated … setting multitudes free.
**Pray for the intercessors in the British Isles … especially those in Cornwall, who are close in to the battle. Give the authority and cover, Lord!
**Pray for the guest nations, being invited into these G7 meeting … AUSTRALIA, SOUTH KOREA, SOUTH AFRICA and INDIA. Pray that they will stand strongly as voices of opposition to these G7 agendas for the nations.
**Pray for the Lord to release a strong and holy fire of Godly, national, identity that will stand against the agenda of dissolution of nationality being set forth by the global elite.


On June 16, at 2 PM Eastern time USA we will hold, God willing, another one hour Zoom meeting on a key sin of which we ALL have at least a residue, given that we were all born children of wrath: sowing discord among brethren.
To cleanse to get ready for Him, join me during that meeting in removing any iniquities that may still be part of an old sin pattern. Your privacy will be honored, and at the same time anyone wishing to share will be welcomed. Space may be limited; Pray to see if the Lord would have you join us. JOY FOLLOWS REPENTANCE! Please email me and I can send you the direct link.


Do you see repentance as vital for our times? To our knowledge National Day of Repentance is the only Christian ministry focusing solely on personal and national repentance in every nation and applying it in our lives.

No church, no denomination supports us, only YOU! Though we work as volunteers, costs and requests for food pour in each day far beyond our capacity to fulfill these requests. Would you please pray for us? And then give from a cheerful heart as the Lord leads? THANK YOU--whatever the amount you give, you'll receive a blessing--- 2 Corinthians 8: 2-4 and Luke 8:3--- and Fruit that will abound to your spiritual account, Philippians 4:17.

God bless you.

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance
"The Gift of Repentance" a half hour TV program can be seen on Saturday mornings 9:30 Pacific
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