Voices in Unity
February   2021

Last Month at  
Unity of Eau Claire!!! 

Our gift to Feed My People makes a difference for kids.
May the prayer of protection surround you.

We live in a beautiful city.  

Peace flows through me 
and blesses the world.
About Us

Sunday Service: 10:00am
Zoom and Facebook Live Stream Only

1808 Folsom Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
(715) 836-0010

General Email:

Prayer Request: [email protected]

Timothy Haukeness
Administrative Coordinator
Office Hours (Subject to Change)
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 3:30pm

Silent Unity Dial A Prayer:
24-Hour Prayer Vigil

Unity Village, MO
Unity.fm (online Unity radio)
Board of Trustees

Sue Carlson, 

Eileen Potocnik, 

Treasurer Open
Jacquie Staebell, Secretary

Rob Harrington, 

Teresa Luginbill,
Christine Fink, 

Brandon Mondlock,

Let's Engage in New Thought (LENT) 
By Rev. Lyle Schlundt

You know that Spring is just around the bend when we approach the season of Lent. I recall growing up in my Catholic tradition of eating a lot of red meat on " Shrove Tuesday" or Mardi Gras to some. The next day, Ash Wednesday, I would receive ashes on my forehead to remind me that "Remember, that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return." It was a time of 40 weekdays of repentance, fasting and contemplating on my sins, asking for forgiveness. It was the beginning of the journey to Easter. 

I recall as a chaplain working in the hospital, I would have to put on my clerical collar (one of the few times during the year I would wear my "priestly collar"), and offer ashes to those in the hospital that wanted them. This was an important ritual for many people. I provided the ritual of ashes for them to honor their faith tradition. 

In New Thought, we recognize that, as humans, we are relational beings and have ritual and symbol structure in our daily lives. Who reading this "needs" their morning ritual of coffee, prayer, or whatever it is that we "need" to do before we get our day started? For those of us that have pets, specifically dogs, morning begins with letting them outside, whether it is a walk or letting them out in the fenced in yard. 

Specifically to our tradition in New Thought, we acknowledge that this is indeed an "adventure", much like Rev. Sandra mentioned a few weeks ago in talking about Advent. Whether you focus your energy on the themes of Lent being "not being ambivalent" about what life is all about; to seeing life as "opulent" or of "plenty" ; or perhaps a time of going within and becoming "silent", becoming more "lentic" or being in still waters; or becoming more "lucelent", becoming more transparently clear as to who you are and manifesting that awareness in your daily life. 

I have offered many concepts having the words "lent" contained within them, but what I want to invite you to take away from this reading is that this is a process, however you have it ritualized in your life, to go within, see where your life has been muddied, unclear, forgotten, or stymied in any way, to the awareness of that Christ presence that is within you. 

In New Thought, "40" represents the journey; it takes as long as it takes on the journey. Journey to where? To the realization of your True Self. Your Christ self. In Unity, we speak of "going to that Upper Room, the holy of Holies, where our True Nature resides. And it is from this higher consciousness that we practice affirmative prayer. It is from that place that we realize and experience the Heaven. It is from this awareness that we see that "there is only One Presence and Power, God, the Omnipotent Good." 

Lenten time is an invitation to see what has gotten in our way of seeing, realizing, or manifesting this reality in our daily lives. We don't stop at the Crucifixion, for we are an "Easter" people. We are a people that share that Good News- all of creation was created out of Good, for Good. This inexplicable realization of the love of the Universe to be opulently showered upon all of It's creation. Jesus, the Great Wayshower, shared this good news to all that would hear. Showed to all that would see this reality being born into their lives. 

As we journey on into this Lenten season, these 40 weekdays, let us become aware of where we have not seen the fullness of this Truth, felt this Truth, or manifested this Truth in our lives, and experience the Easter awareness, the ascension of our consciousness to a Christ Consciousness.

Daily Spiritual Affirmations for Lent 

Lent can be a special season of releasing what no longer serves you and discovering limitless possibilities for growth and renewal.

Our new booklet, Release and Renew: A Spiritual Practice for Lent 2021, will guide you to let go of fears, worries, negative thoughts, and anything holding you back. Begin to cultivate peace, love, gratitude, and forgiveness in your life.

Release and Renew offers daily affirmations, scriptures, and essays for the 40 days of Lent. Longer readings on each of the seven Sundays will inspire you to reflect on the crucifixion story and the assurance of resurrection at 

Easter-reminding you to trust the process as divine wisdom raises you and lights your way.

Unity Worldwide Ministries: Order booklet

Click below for 

The Board with the recommendation from the Umbrella Team (team created to help work with the new Unity of Eau Claire branding) to go with a new website provider. The new provider is OneEach. They were chosen for financial reasons and because they are providers for a number of other Unity churches.
Our first meeting was this week with OneEach via Zoom. We have a schedule, a developer, and a long-term contact representative that will handle our account and questions during the setup and once we go live. This could happen as soon as early March. The new site will use the same address as we currently use when we go live.
When the Umbrella team meets next week, it was suggested that we prepare and decide on a website format from those provided. Unity church websites for each were provided to help with this choice.
We will review our current site as to what we like and don't like. This is where we have the perfect opportunity to see where we will use our new tag line...A Positive Path for Spiritual Living.
We plan to Look at 3 to 5 focus areas to make them prominent on our new site and provide those ideas to our OneEach contact.
The key to a website development is to keep in mind that the home page and each focus area that follows is trying to answer visitors' questions and to prompt a response by a website visitor.
Please give some thought to what you may think the new website should include and send your thoughts into Timothy. These can be general ideas or specific script for suggestions. A variety of new high-resolution pictures will also be needed in a few weeks as this development progresses. We can take these now also.
Any thoughts, suggestions for what to say and available pictures will be welcomed as we build this new website.
Dennis and Sandi Anderson

Sunday Talk Titles

For the month of February our services will be live at the Unity of Eau Claire, with a limited worship team We are also having Facebook Live streaming through our Facebook page. The service will also be streaming on Zoom. Check "This week at Unity" for more information, if you are not getting this information email [email protected]
02/07   10am 
 Rev. Ray Nelson  
                         "THE PEACE THAT PASSES UNDERSTANDING"                
  Worship Leader: Howie Nelsen
 Special Music: Peter Phippen and Victoria Shoemaker

  Birthday Sunday   

02/14   10am 
 Rev. Lyle Schlundt
          Worship Leader: Sandi Anderson 
          Special Music: Joe Thielen
02/21   10am      
  Lou Longmire
                          "LET GO, LET GOD"
   Worship Leader: Timothy Haukeness
  Special Music: Marnie Hersrud
   First Sunday of Lent

02/28   10am
                                    Rev. Sandra McKinney
                                   "CONNECTING THE DOTS" 
                                    Worship Leader: Mari Jackson
           Special Music: Christine Fink   

            Second Sunday of Lent                            
                                    Burning Bowl 

If you need to help set up Facebook, Zoom meeting or Facebook Live Stream, call Timothy at 715-533-3260.
Ongoing Classes & Events
All events receive a love offering unless otherwise noted. Group/class dates can change, please watch for notices. 

9:30-10:45am         Yoga
with Kathy Boone (on hold)
1:00-3:00pm           Agenda Setting for Board of Trustees (2/08/2021) (Zoom)

10:00-11:30am         Book of Love and Forgiveness  (Weekly Zoom Book Study)
5:00-7:00pm             Board of Trustees (02/16/2021) (Zoom)
7:30-8:30pm            S.A. 12-Step (on hold)

10:30am to noon    Wednesday Coffee Talk (Zoom) (See login info below)

10:00-12:00am          EXCUSES BEGONE (Book Study) (Zoom)
9:30-10:45am           Yoga with Kathy Boone (on hold)

7:00-8:30pm             Power of Now (Zoom)

9:30am-2:00pm         Unity of Eau Claire serves at Community Table (2/27/2021)

9:30-10-00am            Community Time on Zoom before the service
10:00-11:00am          Sunday Service (Zoom and Facebook Live with limited worship team)
11:00-11:30am           Community Time on Zoom after the worship service

Children's programs and childcare are cancelled at this time for the safety of the child.

Updates of worship details will be in This Week at Unity to be added to the list, email 

Rev. Greg Coles will be here 
March 19, 20 and 21, 20201 

Rev. Coles will be presenting a training workshop to enhance Leadership Skills. Friday March 19th will be training for the Board members. Saturday March 20th will be a workshop for the team leads and all interested members. On Sunday March 21th Rev. Greg will speak at our Sunday Service. All presentations will be done on ZOOM. 

We encourage all parties to patriciate! Rev. Coles is a dynamic speaker and these workshops are provided free of charge to continue building this thriving ministry. See you on ZOOM!


Played at the January 31, 2021 
Worship Service

Now that the Holidays are over......
It's a good time to sort through those holiday decorations you no longer want or need and to clean out those closets and cubbies.
Unity is looking for these items
1) An enclosed "wardrobe" type cabinet for the classroom to store children's toys. Size of the space where it will be used is 6 feet wide and 6-7 feet high.
The goal is to make sure the toys stay clean and it will help the classroom to be more generic looking for groups and weddings.
2) The book and gift store will take your used jewelry (even if not in good shape or broken) to re-purpose or sell for cash. Drop off in the office in a package marked 'Sue Carlson'. All proceeds from the book and gift shop go toward our Unity expenses.
3) It's time to start saving your unwanted treasures for our annual summer and November Holiday thrift sales. Please place your items in covered boxes. If you do not have space to store the boxes bring them to Unity and Sue will store them for you. No clothing will be sold. No furniture will be stored at this time. This was a profitable fundraiser for Unity in 2020 so let's do it again in 2021. Tell your neighbors and friends you'll take their items for our sale too.

Is Automatic Giving for you?
Unity of Eau Claire is pleased to offer you this option for Automatic Giving. Now you can have your gift deducted automatically from your checking or savings account, twice per month, on the 10th and 24th. Your ongoing support is deeply appreciated.  
Benefits of the Automatic Giving:
  • Saves time - fewer checks to write
  • Ensures regular financial support to Unity Christ Center - even if you're on vacation or out of town.
  • Easy to sign up for, easy to cancel.
All you have to do is click the link below, print the form and drop it off at the office. Forms will be available in the back of the church also. 

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Wednesday Coffee Talk
Host: Jeannine Colburn 
Time: 10:30 AM Wednesdays
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 845 9528 8507
Passcode: 553433

The Power for February is "STRENGTH"

Relax into the power of your strength

Affirmation: I have the strength to accomplish all that is mine to do.

Strength-The ability to endure, stay the course, persevere.

The disciple Andrew represents the stability that lies at the foundation of every true character.

The corresponding color is light green, and the location is the small of the back.

Eric Schansberg memorial has been started at Unity of Eau Claire to replace our music and microphone stands. Please mail your contribution to Unity of Eau Claire % Eric Fund 1808 Folsom Street Eau Claire, WI 54703. Name plates will be made on the the new equipment in Eric's honor. Thanks

Because our Guest Musicians are so integral to our service, we are asking members to become a SPONSOR of their favorite one(s) by donating a stipend. They already receive from Unity of Eau Claire $25 special music fee. Sponsors would reimburse musicians with cash or a personal check.  Questions:  email Jacquie at [email protected]
The Prayer Team is available when you have a request!

Do not be afraid to reach out for support. Call the office at 715-836-0010 or Timothy's cellular phone 715-533-3260 if you have an immediate need. Also, send us an email prayer request at [email protected]. Remember

Unity Gift & Book Store
Bookstore closed at this time.

Unique gifts can be found in our Gift & Bookstore.
Used books for purchase are located on the bookshelves in the foyer.

Come check us out.
          • Books by Unity based authors and others
          • Gifts for all occasions
          • Jewelry designed and crafted locally
          • Used books for a nominal cost
Thanks you for your purchases and your donations of used books.
All sales help to support the monetary needs of Unity of Eau Claire.

Unity Serving Locally & Globally

Unity Living Vision #4: We envision our innate desire to give to the larger community by living Unity principles through loving service.


"A grassroots organization, comprised primarily of diverse faith communities, seeks to bring people in the Chippewa Valley into relationships and empower one another to build a healthier and fairer community for us all."
Unity's liaisons to JONAH is  Larry Metzenbauer and Dean Schmitz 
For more information on how to get involved with JONAH, contact 
Larry at  [email protected]715-382-3414 
Dean at  [email protected] or 715-514-3363
Like JONAH on Facebook and check out the website for JONAH events at www.jonahjustice.org.

Community Table

We serve our community by volunteering our time and contributions to the Community Table.

The following dates are when Unity of Eau Claire will be serving at the Community Table. Please join us. Sign up sheet will be available weeks before we are serving.  
Time of volunteering is 9:30 am to 2:00pm on the following Saturdays,
February 27, 2021
May 8, 2021
August 21, 2021
November 13, 2021

Unity's liaison to Community Table is Howie Nelsen at 715-833-9729 or [email protected]. Visit thecommunitytable.org for more information.