University of Dayton and ISPD Announce Spring Semester 2021 On-line, For-Credit, Certificate Courses

With the first classes starting on Thursday, February 4, 2021, and Friday, February 5, 2021, the University of Dayton and the Institute for School and Parish Development (ISPD) announce their spring certificate courses (for credit through the university). Designed to address the challenges of COVID-19 and offer best practices for 2021, six on-line courses are being offered – two full (8 classes each) courses, and four mini-courses (5 classes each):
FULL COURSES ($145 per Student)
Please Click on the Links Below for Course Syllabus
40 Lessons Learned in 31+ Years in Catholic School Development/Advancement Comprehensive course covering all areas of Development/Advancement – learn the steps and processes to build a strong foundation for your development efforts to soar
As we move into 2021, parishes need resources now and processes to bring people back and engage them into the life of the parish – a step-by-step process of implementing development and stewardship in your parish
MINI COURSES ($95 per Student)
Please Click on the Links Below for Course Syllabus
Practical course with numerous organizational and strategic suggestions for Catholic schools as we move into 2021 – built around the 15 components of the ISPD Enrollment Management Dashboard

A major source of revenue for Catholic schools – learn how to organize, engage people, move forward, and invite participation in 2021

 Learn and/or re-enforce the steps to take to build a strong Major Donor process in your Catholic school and/or parish – essential in order to move forward in a capital campaign, planned giving, memorial giving, endowment growth, and even the Annual Giving Drive

 Juggling the many responsibilities of leading a Catholic school, it is important for the president and/or the principal and/or the pastor to understand his/her role in development/advancement – the course is designed to wade through the clutter and highlight the main areas of responsibility so these leaders can macro-manage and maximize their efforts
Designed by ISPD in coordination with The University of Dayton, these six on-line courses are tailor-made for Catholic leaders: pastors, associate pastors, deacons, presidents, principals, development/advancement directors, parish staff members, parish council members, finance council members, marketing committees, faculty and staff, board members, enrollment management directors, ministry leaders, stewardship committee members, and volunteers. The two full courses are $145.00 per student (8 classes each), and the four mini-courses are $95.00 per student (5 classes each).

These are three and four-month courses beginning Thursday, February 5, 2021, and Friday, February 6, 2021. Students will be able to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from The University of Dayton and a Certificate of Completion from the university by participating in the classes. If a participant is unable to attend any of the “live” classes in a course, he/she will be able to attend the class(es) by viewing a recording and the handout materials – on her/his own time.

Please note: If a participant is not interested in the credits for the course or the certificate, then he/she can audit the course for the information, the PowerPoints, and the handouts. The courses will be taught by Frank Donaldson, president of ISPD, and guest faculty members.


You can skip to the next step if you already have a VLCFF / ISPD profile (i.e. you’ve taken a course with us before). If you do not have a VLCFF / ISPD profile, you need to create one here:

After creating an account profile, if you are not already logged in, log into the VLCFF website ( with your username and password.

Make sure you are on the My VLCFF page. If not, click on the link in the upper right corner of the page, “You are logged in…

On the next page, click on the link near the top, “Register for an ISPD Course.” If you do not see this link it means you are not listed as an ISPD client. Please contact VLCFF support to correct that.

On the registration page, select the course you wish to take, then follow the registration and payment instructions on the subsequent pages.

Upon successful registration, you will receive two important emails: one regarding payment; the other regarding additional information you may need to submit before classes start.

If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact Laura Franklin at the University of Dayton ([email protected]) or Karen Hintz at ISPD ([email protected])